Original works of art on Pop Culture for sale

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Painting titled "Jubile cinquantieme…" by Slobodan Spasojevic (Spaki), Original Artwork, Pastel
Jubile cinquantieme virtuel expo - Painting, 8.9x8.3 in ©2023 by Slobodan Spasojevic (Spaki) - Classicism, classicism-933, Pop Culture, magnetisme, vignete, coloseum, Cleopatre, scarabey, palmerie, livre, ronde

Slobodan Spasojevic (Spaki)

"Jubile cinquantieme virtuel expo"

Pastel on Paper | 8.9x8.3 in

Painting titled "Jubilee cinquantiem…" by Slobodan Spasojevic (Spaki), Original Artwork, Pastel
Jubilee cinquantieme virtuel expo. Ii - Painting, 8.9x8.3 in ©2023 by Slobodan Spasojevic (Spaki) - Classicism, classicism-933, Pop Culture, vignete, magnetique, motives, Argonautes, les ponts de Firenca, chaudron

Slobodan Spasojevic (Spaki)

"Jubilee cinquantieme virtuel expo. Ii"

Pastel on Paper | 8.9x8.3 in

Painting titled "Jubile cinquantieme…" by Slobodan Spasojevic (Spaki), Original Artwork, Pastel
Jubile cinquantieme virt. expo. (lV.) - Painting, 8.9x8.3 in ©2023 by Slobodan Spasojevic (Spaki) - Classicism, classicism-933, Pop Culture, casque, guerrier, reproduction, V. Gogh, "Konstantinopolis", spa, Grece, Egypt

Slobodan Spasojevic (Spaki)

"Jubile cinquantieme virt. expo. (lV.)"

Pastel on Paper | 8.9x8.3 in

Painting titled "ME AND U, again. Io…" by Olga Detta Sofia Bakhmatska (Nativa), Original Artwork, Acrylic
ME AND U, again. Io e Te, di nuovo. - Painting, 19.7x13.8 in ©2023 by Olga Detta Sofia Bakhmatska (Nativa) - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Cartoon, relazione a due, soggettivo versus definitivo, onirico versus reale, inverosimile vs realismo, simboli del legame umano, relazioni complicate, animosità e come interpretarla

Olga Detta Sofia Bakhmatska (Nativa)

"ME AND U, again. Io e Te, di nuovo."

Acrylic on Cardboard | 19.7x13.8 in

Prints available
Painting titled "Jubile cinquantieme…" by Slobodan Spasojevic (Spaki), Original Artwork, Pastel
Jubile cinquantieme virtuel expo. (lll.) - Painting, 9.8x8.3 in ©2023 by Slobodan Spasojevic (Spaki) - Classicism, classicism-933, Pop Culture, tour, Istamboul-pausage, les reproductions, Gustav Klimt, hierogliphe, Serbiae winery

Slobodan Spasojevic (Spaki)

"Jubile cinquantieme virtuel expo. (lll.)"

Pastel on Paper | 9.8x8.3 in

Painting titled "Avec conge anuel "B…" by Slobodan Spasojevic (Spaki), Original Artwork, Pastel
Avec conge anuel "Bain de mousse." Vinghtseptieme v. ecpo - Painting, 8.3x11.7 in ©2022 by Slobodan Spasojevic (Spaki) - Classicism, classicism-933, Fashion, mousse, conge, anuel, piscine, les hommes

Slobodan Spasojevic (Spaki)

"Avec conge anuel "Bain de mousse." Vinghtseptieme v. ecpo"

Pastel on Paper | 8.3x11.7 in



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