Art for sale

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Painting titled "Ink and Blood" by Olga Balaeva, Original Artwork, Acrylic Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
Ink and Blood - Painting, 23.6x23.6 in ©2022 by Olga Balaeva - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Graffiti, Abstract painting, Emotional expression, Colorful abstracts, Emotional impressions, Life's complexities, Expressionist painting, Artistic interpretation, Struggle and hope, Bold color palette, Symbolic art, Social commentary, Contemporary abstract art, Art with social message, newspaper theme, Abstract art with text, Modern expressionist art, Vibrant abstracts, Art that tells a story, Art that evokes emotions, Original contemporary art

Olga Balaeva

"Ink and Blood"

Acrylic on Canvas | 23.6x23.6 in

Prints available
Painting titled "Voices of Humanity:…" by Alina Shamanka, Original Artwork, Acrylic Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
Voices of Humanity: A Modular Canvas Trilogy - Egregors - Painting, 39.4x47.2 in ©2022 by Alina Shamanka - Abstract, abstract-570, Graffiti, Triptych art, Egregors painting, Abstract art, Contemporary art, Green, black, white, Gold accents artwork, Spiritual art, Symbolic art, Divine and underworld art, Confrontation in art, Harmony and reconciliation art, Calm and energetic art, Multidimensional art, Peaceful meaning in art, Worlds in art, Human existence art, Art with phrases, space artwork

Alina Shamanka

"Voices of Humanity: A Modular Canvas Trilogy - Egregors"

Acrylic on Canvas | 39.4x47.2 in



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