Original artwork of fish for sale

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Sculpture titled "Poissons d'Avril 🐠" by Lise Dedieu, Original Artwork, Metals
Poissons d'Avril 🐠 - Sculpture, 17.3x6.3 in ©2014 by Lise Dedieu - Naive Art, naive-art-948, Other, Metal, Vegetable, Fish, poisson, lumière, meditation, art sacré, relaxation, or, argent, gold, silver, fish, light, tao, zen, fengshui, sculpture montpellier, sculpture toulouse, aérien, blue, bleu, vert

Lise Dedieu

"Poissons d'Avril 🐠"

Sculpture - Metals | 17.3x6.3 in

Sculpture titled "Modèle unique - Scu…" by Matthieu Faucher (LUnivArtDeMatthieu - LUADM), Original Artwork, Spray paint
Modèle unique - Sculpture en métal recyclé - Poisson - Fish - Sculpture, 23.6x21.7 in ©2022 by Matthieu Faucher (LUnivArtDeMatthieu - LUADM) - Outsider Art, outsider-art-1044, Fish, poisson, rouille, jaune, rouge, mer, ocean, fond marin, jus, brocante, déco industrielle, décoration hotel, decoration restaurant

Matthieu Faucher (LUnivArtDeMatthieu - LUADM)

"Modèle unique - Sculpture en métal recyclé - Poisson - Fish"

Sculpture - Spray paint | 23.6x21.7 in

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