Esoteric original works of art for sale

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Painting titled "Garmony" by Iryna Tatur, Original Artwork, Ink
Garmony - Painting, 24.4x37 in ©2017 by Iryna Tatur - Figurative, figurative-594, Esotericism, love, graceful, woman, bird, portrait, joy, happy, happiness, cute, wonder, miracle, mystery, magic, fantasy, positive, sensual, sensuality, sensuous, lovely, tenderness

Iryna Tatur


Ink on Paper | 24.4x37 in

Prints available
Painting titled "Dreams / Elephant" by Katerina Zhuchenko (RedHeadKat), Original Artwork, Acrylic
Dreams / Elephant - Painting, 15.8x15.8 in ©2021 by Katerina Zhuchenko (RedHeadKat) - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Esotericism, Elephant, surrealism, dreams, totem animal, mixed media, transition, trance, bridge

Katerina Zhuchenko (RedHeadKat)

"Dreams / Elephant"

Acrylic on Canvas | 15.8x15.8 in

Prints available
Painting titled "Tlingit. Shaman - o…" by Maria Shedrina, Original Artwork, Silverpoint
Tlingit. Shaman - original genre artwork - Painting, 8.3x11.4 in ©2022 by Maria Shedrina - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Esotericism, shaman, north, alaska, sun, dog, winter, ocean, nature, Ind, America, native, myth, wolf, boat, emerald, grey, blue, texture, snow

Maria Shedrina

"Tlingit. Shaman - original genre artwork"

Silverpoint on Paper | 8.3x11.4 in

Prints from $132.75


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