Collages for sale by professional artists

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Collages titled "Sundowner" by Julee Latimer, Original Artwork, Acrylic
Sundowner - Collages, 23.6x59.1 in ©2022 by Julee Latimer - Abstract, abstract-570, sunset painting, contemporary large fine art, rich red, warm pink, vibrant yellow, vivid hot palette, joyful and uplifting, modern abstraction, stylish and sophisticated, individual and intricate, unusual and unique, bold and dynamic, dramatic and different, warm and inviting, happy and cheerful, modern drip painting, contemporary collage, bright and colorful, multi-colored artwork, abstract summer

Julee Latimer


Collages on Canvas | 23.6x59.1 in

Collages titled "Hanuman the Handyman" by Toby Leon, Original Artwork, Digital Collage
Hanuman the Handyman - Collages, 32x24 in ©2019 by Toby Leon - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Fantasy, Hanuman, Carnival, Humans, Rainbow

Toby Leon

"Hanuman the Handyman"

Collages on Paper | 32x24 in



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