Original artwork of boats for sale

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Painting titled "A Gaff Cutter bashe…" by Asan Kurtmalaiev, Original Artwork, Acrylic Mounted on Cardboard
A Gaff Cutter bashes through the waves - Painting, 5.9x7.9 in ©2024 by Asan Kurtmalaiev - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Boat, boat, sailboat, sailing boat, sails, red sails, elderly couple, seniors, navigation, breeze, wind, sailing, enthusiast, gift, waves, splash, speed, freedom, salty, maritime, nautical

Asan Kurtmalaiev

"A Gaff Cutter bashes through the waves"

Acrylic on Canvas | 5.9x7.9 in

Prints available


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