Original textile Kunstwerke zu verkaufen

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Textilkunst mit dem Titel "Twist and Shout" von Julee Latimer, Original-Kunstwerk, Acryl
Twist and Shout - Textilkunst, 27,6x19,7 in ©2024 von Julee Latimer - Abstract, abstract-570, Bunt, alternative and edgy, unusual and unique, vibrant pink, vivid orange, gorgeous texture, contemporary weaving, contemporary abstract, sculptural painting, striking pattern, modern abstraction, statement piece, lively and energetic, bold and dynamic, something different, talking point, dimensional painting, contemporary textile, Australian artist, colorful fine art, optimistic happy art

Julee Latimer

"Twist and Shout"

Textilkunst auf Andere Fläche | 27,6x19,7 in

1.429,08 $


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