Skulpturen zum Verkauf unter 5.000 $

Relevanteste | Neuere

Skulptur mit dem Titel "Crazy Minotaur" von Erno Toth, Original-Kunstwerk, Bronze
Crazy Minotaur - Skulptur, 15,8x7,9 in ©2021 von Erno Toth - Figurative, figurative-594, Mythologie, mythology, mythic, myth, minotaur, fidler, humor, crazy, humorous, grotesque, comic, creature, story, fantasy, humorous story, erno toth, vamosiart, greek, crete, violinist, mythical creature

Erno Toth

"Crazy Minotaur"

Skulptur - Bronze | 15,8x7,9 in

3.243,02 $
Skulptur mit dem Titel "from used steampunk…" von Branimir Misic, Original-Kunstwerk, Metalle
from used steampunk brut art - Skulptur, 16,9x23,6 in ©2015 von Branimir Misic - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Auto, new used, art of old, art of used, brut art, on road, on tour, in passage, beauty of old, looks

Branimir Misic

"from used steampunk brut art"

Skulptur - Metalle | 16,9x23,6 in

3.675,7 $
Skulptur mit dem Titel "Goat with bird" von Erno Toth, Original-Kunstwerk, Bronze
Goat with bird - Skulptur, 16,5x15,8 in ©2021 von Erno Toth - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Tier, animal, animal sculpture, goat, she-goat, goat sculpture, bronze goat, bird, bird sculpture, crazy, humor, humorous, grotesque, comic, erno toth, vamosiart, story, fantasy

Erno Toth

"Goat with bird"

Skulptur - Bronze | 16,5x15,8 in

2.910,06 $
Skulptur mit dem Titel "Clown with dog" von Erno Toth, Original-Kunstwerk, Bronze
Clown with dog - Skulptur, 15,8x11,8 in ©2021 von Erno Toth - Figurative, figurative-594, fantastisch, clown, dog, circus, circus clown, story, humor, humorous, crazy, surreal, surrealism, erno toh, vamosiart, bronze, granit, hungarian, comedy, comedic, comic, comical

Erno Toth

"Clown with dog"

Skulptur - Bronze | 15,8x11,8 in

4.130,91 $
Skulptur mit dem Titel "Bicycle clown 1." von Erno Toth, Original-Kunstwerk, Bronze
Bicycle clown 1. - Skulptur, 19,7x15,8 in ©2017 von Erno Toth - Figurative, figurative-594, Bronze, Fahrrad, vamosiart, clown, bicycle, humor, comedic, ironic, fantasy, story, irony, comedy, grotesque, bike, biker, cyclist, crazy, circus, humorous, humorous story, erno toh

Erno Toth

"Bicycle clown 1."

Skulptur - Bronze | 19,7x15,8 in

2.799,07 $
Skulptur mit dem Titel "Dancing with Casano…" von Erno Toth, Original-Kunstwerk, Bronze
Dancing with Casanova - Skulptur, 23,6x21,7 in ©2021 von Erno Toth - Figurative, figurative-594, Liebe, surreal, casanova, love, lovers, lovemaking, historical, story, figurative, surrealism, man and woman, relationship, erno toh, vamosiart, humor, humorous, crazy, love story, novel character, suitor, gallant

Erno Toth

"Dancing with Casanova"

Skulptur - Bronze | 23,6x21,7 in

3.243,02 $
Skulptur mit dem Titel "Paw Paw" von Pablo Alfredo De La Peña, Original-Kunstwerk, Holz
Paw Paw - Skulptur, 10x8 in ©2022 von Pablo Alfredo De La Peña - Abstract, abstract-570, geometric, gold, metallic, fruit

Pablo Alfredo De La Peña

"Paw Paw"

Skulptur - Holz | 10x8 in

Skulptur mit dem Titel "1630 - Bulb Mania" von Wichert Van Engelen / Frozensteel.Nl, Original-Kunstwerk, Bronze
1630 - Bulb Mania - Skulptur, 7,9x3,9 in ©2021 von Wichert Van Engelen / Frozensteel.Nl - Expressionism, expressionism-591, artwork_cat.Still Life, bulb, flower, capitalism, mania, stilllive, value, colors

Wichert Van Engelen / Frozensteel.Nl

"1630 - Bulb Mania"

Skulptur - Bronze | 7,9x3,9 in

1.462,8 $
Skulptur mit dem Titel "bear pop.jpg" von Patricia Ducept (Art'Mony), Original-Kunstwerk, Harz
bear pop.jpg - Skulptur, 13,8x5,9 in ©2019 von Patricia Ducept (Art'Mony) - Pop Art, pop-art-615

Patricia Ducept (Art'Mony)

"bear pop.jpg"

Skulptur - Harz | 13,8x5,9 in

Skulptur mit dem Titel "Postman" von Erno Toth, Original-Kunstwerk, Bronze
Postman - Skulptur, 18,5x15,8 in ©2021 von Erno Toth - Figurative, figurative-594, Fahrrad, postman, humor, humorous, man, bicycle, bike, dynamic, walk, erno toth, vamosiart, cyclist, biker, post, messenger, fantasy, story, grotesque, ironic, comic, comical

Erno Toth


Skulptur - Bronze | 18,5x15,8 in

3.021,04 $
Skulptur mit dem Titel "Crazy cyclists 2." von Erno Toth, Original-Kunstwerk, Bronze
Crazy cyclists 2. - Skulptur, 17,7x23,6 in ©2020 von Erno Toth - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Humor, cyclist, cyclists, bike, biker, crazy, humor, humorous sculpture, cyclist sculpture, bronze cyclist, bronze biker sculpture, erno toth, vamosiart, hungarian, bronze and stone, sport, sport sculpture, ironic, fantasy

Erno Toth

"Crazy cyclists 2."

Skulptur - Bronze | 17,7x23,6 in

3.354 $
Skulptur mit dem Titel "FEL!XPTDR" von Achab, Original-Kunstwerk, 3D Modellierung
FEL!XPTDR - Skulptur, 9,2x5,6 in ©2023 von Achab - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Zeichentrickfilm, Felix, cat, chat, happy, LMAO, rire, joyeux, cute, mignon, crazy, fou, cartoon, déssin animé, nostalgie, 1980, 80s, cool, souvenir, noir, black



Skulptur - 3D Modellierung | 9,2x5,6 in

Auf Anfrage
Skulptur mit dem Titel "Felix The Cat" von Achab, Original-Kunstwerk, Pigmente
Felix The Cat - Skulptur, 10,2x8,1 in ©2023 von Achab - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Zeichentrickfilm, Felix, cat, chat, cartoon, happy, joyeux, crazy, fou, drôle, noir, black, smile, sourire, mignon, cute, monochrome, souvenir, nostalgie, 1990, 90s


"Felix The Cat"

Skulptur - Pigmente | 10,2x8,1 in

Auf Anfrage
Skulptur mit dem Titel "Messenger" von Erno Toth, Original-Kunstwerk, Bronze
Messenger - Skulptur, 15x15,8 in ©2021 von Erno Toth - Figurative, figurative-594, Humor, run, runner, messenger, humorous, wheels, story, crazy, bronze, erno toth, vamosiart, cyclist, biker, story sculpture, humor, fantasy, comic, comical, irony, ironic, grotesque

Erno Toth


Skulptur - Bronze | 15x15,8 in

2.799,07 $
Skulptur mit dem Titel "Two more wheels" von Erno Toth, Original-Kunstwerk, Bronze
Two more wheels - Skulptur, 13,8x16,5 in ©2021 von Erno Toth - Figurative, figurative-594, Humor, wheels, cyclist, bicycle, bicyclist, humorous, surreal, surrealistic, modern, erno toth, vamosiart, fantasy, humor, bike, biker, story, humorous story, irony, ironic, crazy, comic

Erno Toth

"Two more wheels"

Skulptur - Bronze | 13,8x16,5 in

2.799,07 $
Skulptur mit dem Titel "Big animal (Bureauc…" von Erno Toth, Original-Kunstwerk, Bronze
Big animal (Bureaucrat 3.) - Skulptur, 11,8x11,8 in ©2024 von Erno Toth - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Hund, story, humor, humorous, dog, animal, crazy, symbol, bronze, erno toh, vamosiart, man, man with dog, dog sculpture, big dog, bureaucrat, humorous story, grotesque, comic, comical, comedy

Erno Toth

"Big animal (Bureaucrat 3.)"

Skulptur - Bronze | 11,8x11,8 in

3.243,02 $
Skulptur mit dem Titel "Stan & Pan" von Kristof Toth, Original-Kunstwerk, Bronze
Stan & Pan - Skulptur, 13,4x10,2 in ©2021 von Kristof Toth - Figurative, figurative-594, Kino, Lurel & Hardy, comedian, comedy, film, humor, humorous, dog, dogs, animals, surreal, bronze sculpture, Stan & Pan sculpture, kristof toth, hungarian, vamosiart, comics, cinematography, movie star, cubism

Kristof Toth

"Stan & Pan"

Skulptur - Bronze | 13,4x10,2 in

2.244,14 $
Skulptur mit dem Titel "legoclusion N°27" von Vincent Sabatier (VerSus), Original-Kunstwerk, Giesserei
legoclusion N°27 - Skulptur, 9,8x6,3 in ©2018 von Vincent Sabatier (VerSus) - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Andere, popart, neopop, versus, vincentsabatier, lego, legoclusion, kissthepop, sabatier, artiste

Vincent Sabatier (VerSus)

"legoclusion N°27"

Skulptur - Giesserei | 9,8x6,3 in

Skulptur mit dem Titel "Noah's Ark 2." von Erno Toth, Original-Kunstwerk, Bronze
Noah's Ark 2. - Skulptur, 12,6x25,2 in ©2021 von Erno Toth - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Tier, fantasy, animals, story, biblical, humor, humorous, Noah's Ark, ark, lion, hippo, camel, elephant, bird, erno toh, vamosiart, biblical story, noah, ship, bible

Erno Toth

"Noah's Ark 2."

Skulptur - Bronze | 12,6x25,2 in

3.464,99 $
Skulptur mit dem Titel "Bicycle clown 2." von Erno Toth, Original-Kunstwerk, Bronze
Bicycle clown 2. - Skulptur, 11,8x15,8 in ©2017 von Erno Toth - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Bronze, Fahrrad, bicycle, clown, erno toth, humor, comic, grotesque, comedy, comedic, irony, ironic, humorous, acrobat, acrobatic, comical, circus, story, fantasy, humorous story, vamosiart

Erno Toth

"Bicycle clown 2."

Skulptur - Bronze | 11,8x15,8 in

2.466,11 $
Skulptur mit dem Titel "CRAZYWORLD" von Marie-Pierre Philippe-Lohézic (MPPL-ART), Original-Kunstwerk, Bronze
CRAZYWORLD - Skulptur, 12x12 in ©2008 von Marie-Pierre Philippe-Lohézic (MPPL-ART) - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Abstrakte Kunst, abstraction, cubism, minimalism, contemporary, expressionism, symbolism

Marie-Pierre Philippe-Lohézic (MPPL-ART)


Skulptur - Bronze | 12x12 in

2.054 $
Skulptur mit dem Titel "CRAZY FOU DE VOUS" von Gerard Lami, Original-Kunstwerk, Metalle
CRAZY FOU DE VOUS - Skulptur, 20,5x12,6 in ©2019 von Gerard Lami - Figurative, figurative-594, sculpture métal

Gerard Lami


Skulptur - Metalle | 20,5x12,6 in

Skulptur mit dem Titel "Messenger 2." von Erno Toth, Original-Kunstwerk, Bronze
Messenger 2. - Skulptur, 13,4x15,8 in ©2021 von Erno Toth - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Fahrrad, fantasy, humor, humorous, grotesque, crazy, messenger, cyclist, bicyclist, wheels, bike, biker, story, comic, run, runner, erno toth, vamosiart

Erno Toth

"Messenger 2."

Skulptur - Bronze | 13,4x15,8 in

3.021,04 $
Skulptur mit dem Titel "Bicycle acrobat" von Erno Toth, Original-Kunstwerk, Bronze
Bicycle acrobat - Skulptur, 19,7x11,8 in ©2020 von Erno Toth - Figurative, figurative-594, Fahrrad, erno toth, vamosiart, biker, cyclist, bicyclist, sport, funny, energy, humor, acrobat, acrobatic, humorous, clown, humorous story, circus, ironic, comic, grotesque, comical, crazy

Erno Toth

"Bicycle acrobat"

Skulptur - Bronze | 19,7x11,8 in

3.243,02 $
Skulptur mit dem Titel "Dance with Casanova" von Erno Toth, Original-Kunstwerk, Bronze
Dance with Casanova - Skulptur, 18,9x11,8 in ©2022 von Erno Toth - Figurative, figurative-594, Tanzen, casanova, novel character, love, lovemaking, lovers, dance, dancer, dancing, dancers, female dancer, couple, crazy, humor, grotesque, erno toth, vamosiart, world culture, suitor, gallant, love story

Erno Toth

"Dance with Casanova"

Skulptur - Bronze | 18,9x11,8 in

3.243,02 $
Skulptur mit dem Titel "Goat king" von Erno Toth, Original-Kunstwerk, Bronze
Goat king - Skulptur, 23,6x9,8 in ©2013 von Erno Toth - Figurative, figurative-594, Tier, animal sculpture, goat, bronze goat, goat sculpture, humor, humorous, humorous sculpture, bronze goat sculpture, symbol, trolley, cart, erno toth, vamosiart, crazy, crazy sculpture, fantasy

Erno Toth

"Goat king"

Skulptur - Bronze | 23,6x9,8 in

4.241,89 $
Skulptur mit dem Titel "The Garden of Earth…" von Van Lanigh, Original-Kunstwerk, Polymer Ton
The Garden of Earthly Delights: Amusement park - Skulptur, 10,6x5,5 in ©2022 von Van Lanigh - Abstract, abstract-570, Landschaft, garden, jardin, contemporary, landscape, world, modern, amusement, park, plants, abstract, pointillism, rainbow, forest, original, 3d, sculpture

Van Lanigh

"The Garden of Earthly Delights: Amusement park"

Skulptur - Polymer Ton | 10,6x5,5 in

1.524,95 $
Skulptur mit dem Titel "Traveling circus" von Erno Toth, Original-Kunstwerk, Bronze
Traveling circus - Skulptur, 19,7x11,8 in ©2021 von Erno Toth - Figurative, figurative-594, Sport, circus, travel, lion, leo, acrobat, female acrobat, circus acrobat, clown, circus clown, show, circus show, tamer, training, animal training, erno toth, vamosiart, story, humorous, grotesque, humor

Erno Toth

"Traveling circus"

Skulptur - Bronze | 19,7x11,8 in

5.129,78 $
Skulptur mit dem Titel "Noah's Ark 1." von Erno Toth, Original-Kunstwerk, Bronze
Noah's Ark 1. - Skulptur, 20,5x20,5 in ©2017 von Erno Toth - Figurative, figurative-594, Bronze, Boot, boat, humor, humorous, story, humorous story, fantasy, nest, Bird's Nest, goat, breeder, farmer, animal, animals, bible, biblical, biblical story, noah, Noah's Ark

Erno Toth

"Noah's Ark 1."

Skulptur - Bronze | 20,5x20,5 in

3.243,02 $


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