Aryea Flohr Foto do perfil

Aryea Flohr

New York, New York, Estados Unidos
Artista (Pintura)
Nascido em data desconhecida
Uma pintura deve contar uma história e não precisa ser precisa ou bonita.

Aryea Flohr was born and raised in and around New York City. His father was a bit of a poet and Sunday painter and so he grew up with art as an integral part of family life.

Aryea studied art at the New York City University, from where he graduated with a Bachelors of Fine Arts Degree.

Working in his studio from photographs, Aryea employs traditional methods of photorealism using strong diagonals, reflected surfaces, and transparent components to elucidate vibrant scenes. Vibrant, detail oriented and filled with movement, the paintings of Aryea Flohr capture a place and time of day, perfectly.

Atmospheric skies, broad horizons, barns, and quiet farmhouses make up Aryea Flohr’s landscapes. His paintings evoke feelings of nostalgia as they celebrate the family farm and an older, more sustainable way of living.

Descubra obras de arte contemporâneas de Aryea Flohr, procure obras de arte recentes e compre on-line. Categorias: artistas contemporâneos americanos. Domínios artísticos: Pintura. Tipo de conta: Artista , usuário desde 2022 (País de origem Estados Unidos). Compre as últimas obras de Aryea Flohr no Artmajeur: Aryea Flohr: Descubra impressionantes obras do artista contemporâneo. Navegue obras de arte, comprar obras originais ou impressões de luxo.

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