Colorful Harmony (2024) Картина - Anna Mwaimba Mphande (Anna.k.m)

Гуашь на Бумага, 23,2x16,5 in
652 $
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Гарантия безопасности сделки на 100%, Приемлемые способы оплаты: Кредитная карта, PayPal, Банковский перевод.
Безопасная прямая покупка Сделка гарантируется Artmajeur: продавец получит деньги только после того, как покупатель получит произведение искусства.
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Бесплатный возврат: Гарантируем возврат денежных средств в течение 14 дней.
Возврат принимается 14 дней Artmajeur на 100% стремится удовлетворить коллекционеров: у вас есть 14 дней, чтобы вернуть оригинальную работу. Работа должна быть возвращена художнику в идеальном состоянии, в оригинальной упаковке. Все подходящие предметы могут быть возвращены (если не указано иное).
Бумага изобразительного искусства, 8x11 in
уникальный экземпляр
Работа за подписью художника
Сертификат подлинности включен
  • Подлинное произведение искусства (One Of A Kind) Картина, Гуашь на Бумага
  • Размеры Высота 23,2in, Ширина 16,5in
  • Состояние картины Работа в очень хорошем состоянии
  • Рама Эта работа не оформлена
  • Категории Картины до 1 000 $ Абстрактное Красочный
This series expresses how different colours come together and create a system of blocks and lines working in harmony to create a beautiful image. As our world today, nothing ais built sight handedly. It takes a community coming together. По поводу данного произведения:[...]
This series expresses how different colours come together and create a system of blocks and lines working in harmony to create a beautiful image. As our world today, nothing ais built sight handedly. It takes a community coming together.

Связанные темы

Abstract ArtAbstract PaintingBlock PaintingOriginal ArtOriginal Painting

Переведено автоматически
Anna Mphande is a multifaceted artist whose work bridges the worlds of textured artwork and figurative art. With a deep appreciation for the tactile and the visual, Anna's creations are a testament to[...]

Anna Mphande is a multifaceted artist whose work bridges the worlds of textured artwork and figurative art. With a deep appreciation for the tactile and the visual, Anna's creations are a testament to her passion for exploring the complexities of human emotions and the beauty of natural landscapes. Her distinctive style is characterized by the use of varied materials, including cement, plaster compounds, fabrics, oil, and acrylic paints, which she skillfully combines to bring her artistic visions to life.

In her figurative art, Anna's human figures are always rendered in shades of gray. This deliberate choice serves a profound purpose: to promote the idea of uniformity and equality among all people, transcending the differences of race and color. Her gray figures stand as a symbol of unity, emphasizing the commonalities that bind the human race together.

Anna's textured works are impressionistic interpretations of different landscapes and human experiences, capturing the essence of various emotions and stages of life. Her use of texture adds depth and dimension to her pieces, inviting viewers to engage with her work on a sensory level. Whether depicting the tranquility of a rural scene or the complexity of human feelings, Anna's art resonates with a profound sense of empathy and understanding.

Lately, Anna has developed a keen interest in abstract art, drawn by the freedom it offers to create intuitively and explore how colors affect our emotions. This new direction allows her to experiment with bold and vibrant hues, as well as more subtle tones, to evoke different feelings and moods. Her abstract pieces, like her other works, reflect a deep connection to her inner world and the natural environment she cherishes.

Beyond her artistic pursuits, Anna Mphande is also a dedicated farmer with a love for agriculture and nature. She has studied organic farming and marketing management, blending her practical knowledge of agriculture with her artistic sensibilities. Her dual passions for farming and art are deeply intertwined, as the natural world often serves as inspiration for her creative endeavors.

Anna's journey as an artist began as a means of coping with stress and anxiety. Painting has proven to be a therapeutic outlet for her, allowing her to channel her emotions and find solace in the creative process. Through her art, she has discovered a powerful tool for self-expression and healing, and her work continues to inspire and uplift others.

Today, Anna Mphande's art stands as a testament to the power of creativity in overcoming personal challenges and connecting with the world. Her textured landscapes, emotive figurative pieces, and intuitive abstract works invite viewers to explore the depths of human experience and the beauty of our shared existence.

Смотреть ещё Anna Mwaimba Mphande (Anna.k.m)

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Гуашь на Бумага | 23,2x16,5 in
652 $
Акрил на Бумага | 16,5x11,7 in
566 $
Гуашь на Бумага | 23,2x16,5 in
634 $
Акрил на Бумага | 16,5x11,7 in
566 $


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