Luminescence (2024) Schilderij door Andrea Schiavetta


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Verkoper Andrea Schiavetta

Fine art papier, 8x11 in
“Luminescence” is an Abstract painting created on a 50 x 70 cm canvas using a mixture of oil colors on a mixed base of acrylic and plaster. This enchanting work of art invites viewers into a magical forest, where the wonders of nature are revealed in a mesmerizing dance of colors. Imagine yourself in this ethereal realm, surrounded[...]
“Luminescence” is an Abstract painting created on a 50 x 70 cm canvas using a mixture of oil colors on a mixed base of acrylic and plaster.
This enchanting work of art invites viewers into a magical forest, where the wonders of nature are revealed in a mesmerizing dance of colors.

Imagine yourself in this ethereal realm, surrounded by the tranquility of a mystical forest. The focal point is a waterfall, whose waters flow gracefully, creating a serene melody that resonates throughout the landscape. The essence of slowly flowing water, adding a touch of fluidity to the scene.
The interplay of yellow and green hues that evoke magical glow. Almost like that of fireflies, whose delicate lights flicker like small headlights in the darkness of the forest. The choice of yellow and green not only brightens the atmosphere but also infuses the entire composition with a sense of otherworldly charm.

Verwante thema's

Abstract Forest LandscapeBlue Light Abstract PaintingAbstract Modern PaintingAbstract Oil PaintingAbstract Artwork

Automatisch vertaald
Andrea Schiavetta was born in Italy on March 7, 1989. Abstract painter. Original modern canvas, in its shapes and forms it seeks to express strong and personal spiritual emotions.My adventure began in 2015[...]

Andrea Schiavetta was born in Italy on March 7, 1989. Abstract painter. Original modern canvas, in its shapes and forms it seeks to express strong and personal spiritual emotions.My adventure began in 2015 when, after leaving work, I decided to leave for Australia and then for South East Asia. Adventures, experiences, new encounters and breathtaking places scratched my mind, showing me new realities, new ways of thinking and a totally new point of view from which to see things. Through drawing, painting and my personal artistic idea I try to recreate and convey the spirituality of every landscape seen by my eyes.The goal and what is really important to me is to understand, create and establish connections and relationships between people and art, in order to create a story. The idea As a starting point, the artistic gesture represents the concept!

Bekijk meer van Andrea Schiavetta

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