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Художник (Текстильное искусство)
Родился в 1994
Art is my life!

My name is Alina Denisenko, I am from Ukraine, Kharkov city. I have been creative since I was 6 years old. Graduated from Kharkiv University. G. Skovoroda, received a red diploma, presented mandalas made of threads for the defense of her diploma. I gained a lot of experience by painting portraits of people to order, both in oil and pastel, and with graphic pencils. I don’t want to limit myself, so I always strive to try new techniques, I experiment a lot. I have experience in painting and creating panels with various materials, I have also created and continue to create exclusive art objects for large companies. I don't like to work at a computer, so handmade is my everything! Ready for any challenge in creativity, everything is only limited by imagination. Now I am focused on what I enjoy - these are thread mandalas. I see great potential in these works and I want to take them to a new level and show them to a wide audience, because in my understanding, mandalas are not only about spiritual and spiritual things, but they can also perfectly serve as a unique addition to the interior.

Откройте для себя современные произведения искусства от Ad, посмотрите последние работы и купите онлайн. Категории: украинские современные художники. Художественные домены: Текстильное искусство. Тип учётной записи: Художник , зарегистрирован 2023 (Страна происхождения Украина). Купить последние работы Ad на Artmajeur: Откройте для себя потрясающие произведения современного художника Ad: . Просматривайте его художественные произведения, покупайте оригинальные работы или высококачественные репродукции.

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Рейтинг артиста, Биография, Мастерская художника:

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