Original works of art of trains for sale

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Sculpture titled "Vintage Locomotive…" by Albert Dura, Original Artwork, Metals
Vintage Locomotive - The Old Vehicles series - Sculpture, 7.9x18.1 in ©2021 by Albert Dura - Figurative, figurative-594, Train, train, locomotive, choo choo, vehicle, transport, steel sculpture, desk sculpture, old locomotive, motor, vintage, engine, Albert Dura

Albert Dura

"Vintage Locomotive - The Old Vehicles series"

Sculpture - Metals | 7.9x18.1 in

Sculpture titled "NYC Kaki Train" by Cope2, Original Artwork, Plastic
NYC Kaki Train - Sculpture, 3.5x14.2 in ©2020 by Cope2 - Street Art, street-art-624, Train, tilsittgallery, cope2, art, sculpture


"NYC Kaki Train"

Sculpture - Plastic | 3.5x14.2 in

Sculpture titled "NYC Red Train" by Cope2, Original Artwork, Plastic
NYC Red Train - Sculpture, 3.5x14.2 in ©2020 by Cope2 - Street Art, street-art-624, Train, tilsittgallery, cope2, art, sculpture


"NYC Red Train"

Sculpture - Plastic | 3.5x14.2 in

Sculpture titled "NYC Brown Train" by Cope2, Original Artwork, Metals
NYC Brown Train - Sculpture, 3.5x14.2 in ©2020 by Cope2 - Street Art, street-art-624, Train, tilsittgallery, cope2, art, sculpture


"NYC Brown Train"

Sculpture - Metals | 3.5x14.2 in



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