Orientalist works for sale

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Sculpture titled "Lazuli- sculpture c…" by Vanessa Renoux, Original Artwork, Metals
Lazuli- sculpture chat équilibriste - Sculpture, 58.3x8.7 in ©2024 by Vanessa Renoux - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, Cat, chat, kitty, cat, equilibriste, balançoire, mouvement, mobile, sculpture mobile, oscillation, légereté, bronze, artpaper, vanessarenoux, upcycling, papier journal, acier, bestiaire, annecy, haute savoie

Vanessa Renoux

"Lazuli- sculpture chat équilibriste"

Sculpture - Metals | 58.3x8.7 in

Sculpture titled "Sculpture chat doré…" by Vanessa Renoux, Original Artwork, Metals
Sculpture chat doré sur cône - Sculpture, 17.3x6.7 in ©2024 by Vanessa Renoux - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, Cat, chat, kitty, chaton, mouvement, équilibre, sculpture dorée, statuette, félin, artpaper, art recup, upcycling, bronze, vanessa renoux, sculpture contemporaine, annecy

Vanessa Renoux

"Sculpture chat doré sur cône"

Sculpture - Metals | 17.3x6.7 in

Sculpture titled "Latin American wome…" by Irina Bast, Original Artwork, Wood
Latin American women - original colorful set of sculptures - Sculpture, 11.8x11.8 in ©2023 by Irina Bast - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, Women Portraits, Frida Kahlo style, Spain, Mexico, spanish decor, eco friendly art, wooden sculpture, colorful art for home decor, gift for woman, woman art, pop art style artwork, naive art portrait, vibrant colors woman face portrait, fine art female portrait, fine art sculpture, vibrant contrasts, contemporary sculpture, artistic interpretation, bold aesthetic, happy style, bright colors wall art

Irina Bast

"Latin American women - original colorful set of sculptures"

Sculpture - Wood | 11.8x11.8 in

Not For Sale
Sculpture titled "Artaban, cheval fie…" by Vanessa Renoux, Original Artwork, Metals
Artaban, cheval fier- sculpture avec cordes de guitare - Sculpture, 21.3x9.5 in ©2024 by Vanessa Renoux - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, Horse, cheval etrusque, equide, chevaux, sculpture contemporaine, vanessa renoux, cordes de guitare

Vanessa Renoux

"Artaban, cheval fier- sculpture avec cordes de guitare"

Sculpture - Metals | 21.3x9.5 in

Sculpture titled "yoga 2024" by Paolo Camporese, Original Artwork, Ceramics
yoga 2024 - Sculpture, 9.8x9.1 in ©2024 by Paolo Camporese - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, World Culture, scultura, sculpture, sculptures, sculture, scultura italiana, scultura figurativa, italian sculpture, scultura contemporanea, contemporary sculpture, ceramica, scultura in ceramica, ceramica a smalto, figurative sculpture, yoga

Paolo Camporese

"yoga 2024"

Sculpture - Ceramics | 9.8x9.1 in

Sculpture titled "Pont des Amours, sc…" by Vanessa Renoux, Original Artwork, Paper
Pont des Amours, sculpture amoureux dorés sur bois flotté - Sculpture, 17.7x12.2 in ©2024 by Vanessa Renoux - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, Love, amoureux, pont des amours, bois flotté, upcycling, sculpture contemporaine, papier, bronze, doré, lampadaire, sculpture mobile, vanessa renoux, artpaper, papier journal recyclé, annecy, mariage, st valentin

Vanessa Renoux

"Pont des Amours, sculpture amoureux dorés sur bois flotté"

Sculpture - Paper | 17.7x12.2 in

Sculpture titled "Equidé Echalas, scu…" by Vanessa Renoux, Original Artwork, Paper
Equidé Echalas, sculpture élancée de cheval - Sculpture, 21.3x3.9 in ©2023 by Vanessa Renoux - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, Horse, cheval, equidé, cavallo, horse, sculpture, contemporaine, etrusque, grecque, cheval de troie, art nouveau, sculpture cheval, papier recyclé, papier journal, bronze, doré, upcycling, artpaper, vanessa renoux, annecy, longiligne

Vanessa Renoux

"Equidé Echalas, sculpture élancée de cheval"

Sculpture - Paper | 21.3x3.9 in

Sculpture titled "Sculpture petit cha…" by Vanessa Renoux, Original Artwork, Paper
Sculpture petit chat joueur, patiné dorée - Sculpture, 14.2x4.7 in ©2023 by Vanessa Renoux - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, Cat, chat, chaton, kitty, cat, sculpture contemporaine, sculpture filiforme, longiligne, animaux, sculpture animalière, vanessa renoux, upcycling, papier journal, papier recyclé, annecy

Vanessa Renoux

"Sculpture petit chat joueur, patiné dorée"

Sculpture - Paper | 14.2x4.7 in

Sculpture titled "Cheval doré avec co…" by Vanessa Renoux, Original Artwork, Paper
Cheval doré avec cordes de guitare - Sculpture, 13.8x8.3 in ©2023 by Vanessa Renoux - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, Horse, cheval, horse, etrusque, grec, papier journa, upcycling, artpaper, art contemporain, sculpture, papier bronze, vanessarenoux, equidé, cordes de guitare

Vanessa Renoux

"Cheval doré avec cordes de guitare"

Sculpture - Paper | 13.8x8.3 in

Sculpture titled "Bébé Pachy, sculptu…" by Vanessa Renoux, Original Artwork, Paper
Bébé Pachy, sculpture éléphant bleu papier bronze - Sculpture, 8.3x7.1 in ©2024 by Vanessa Renoux - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, Animal, elephant, pachyderme, elephanteau, bebe, sculpture animaliere, sculpture papier, vanessa renoux, artpaper, sculpture contemporaine, annecy, rond, bronze, bleu, papier recyclé

Vanessa Renoux

"Bébé Pachy, sculpture éléphant bleu papier bronze"

Sculpture - Paper | 8.3x7.1 in

Sculpture titled "Minaret, sculpture…" by Vanessa Renoux, Original Artwork, Paper
Minaret, sculpture femme élancée patine doré - Sculpture, 31.5x3.5 in ©2022 by Vanessa Renoux - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, femme élancée, longiligne, épuré, sculpture doré, papier recycle, papier journal, recyclage, standing woman, filiforme

Vanessa Renoux

"Minaret, sculpture femme élancée patine doré"

Sculpture - Paper | 31.5x3.5 in

Sculpture titled "Golden Time" by Antoni Dragan, Original Artwork, Resin
Golden Time - Sculpture, 13.8x6.3 in ©2021 by Antoni Dragan - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, Spirituality, sculpture, sculptures, ancient, aigyptian, inspired, gold, Golden, marble, stone, Sphinx, resign

Antoni Dragan

"Golden Time"

Sculpture - Resin | 13.8x6.3 in

Sculpture titled "Sculpture Cheval Ve…" by Vanessa Renoux, Original Artwork, Metals
Sculpture Cheval Vert de gris, ajouré - Sculpture, 12.6x8.7 in ©2024 by Vanessa Renoux - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, Horse, cheval, équidé, sculpture cheval, cheval étrusque, cheval de troie, bestiaire, épuré, bronze, vert de gris, artpaper, papier journal, vanessa renoux

Vanessa Renoux

"Sculpture Cheval Vert de gris, ajouré"

Sculpture - Metals | 12.6x8.7 in

Sculpture titled "Sculpture Chat à l'…" by Vanessa Renoux, Original Artwork, Metals
Sculpture Chat à l'affut, patine bleu lac - Sculpture, 11x14.2 in ©2024 by Vanessa Renoux - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, Cat, chat, chatton, kitty, cat, sculpture contemporaine, bois flotté, bronze, turquoise, doré, artpaper, vanessa renoux, lac d'Annecy, haute savoie

Vanessa Renoux

"Sculpture Chat à l'affut, patine bleu lac"

Sculpture - Metals | 11x14.2 in

Sculpture titled "Sculpture grand cha…" by Vanessa Renoux, Original Artwork, Metals
Sculpture grand chamois à la patine verte - Sculpture, 31.1x3.9 in ©2024 by Vanessa Renoux - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, Animal, chamois, montagne, animal, sculpture animalière, scupture contemporaine, vanessa renoux, annecy, chéran, torrent, artpaper, sculpture bronze

Vanessa Renoux

"Sculpture grand chamois à la patine verte"

Sculpture - Metals | 31.1x3.9 in

Sculpture titled "The Revelation of t…" by Zhao Yongchang, Original Artwork, Bronze
The Revelation of the Loong - Sculpture, 17.7x7.9 in ©2024 by Zhao Yongchang - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, World Culture, sculpture, loong

Zhao Yongchang

"The Revelation of the Loong"

Sculpture - Bronze | 17.7x7.9 in

Sculpture titled "Confidences, sculpt…" by Vanessa Renoux, Original Artwork, Metals
Confidences, sculpture couple bronze doré sur bois flotté - Sculpture, 12.6x14.6 in ©2024 by Vanessa Renoux - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, Love, couple, amoureux, sculpture contemporaine, métal, bronze, doré, personnages, conversation, assis, bois flotté, papier journal, artpaper, upcycling, vanessa renoux, cercle, statue, annecy

Vanessa Renoux

"Confidences, sculpture couple bronze doré sur bois flotté"

Sculpture - Metals | 12.6x14.6 in

Sculpture titled "Grand chat longilig…" by Vanessa Renoux, Original Artwork, Metals
Grand chat longiligne, sur tige, équilibriste, patine dorée - Sculpture, 61.4x9.8 in ©2024 by Vanessa Renoux - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, Cat, chat, chaton, kitty, cat, equilibre, mouvement, doré, patine, bronze, filiforme, sculpture contemporaine, art paper, vanessa renoux, annecy, oscillation, cinetique, sculpture mobile

Vanessa Renoux

"Grand chat longiligne, sur tige, équilibriste, patine dorée"

Sculpture - Metals | 61.4x9.8 in

Sculpture titled "Grand chat équilibr…" by Vanessa Renoux, Original Artwork, Paper
Grand chat équilibriste doré, sculpture mobile - Sculpture, 57.1x9.8 in ©2023 by Vanessa Renoux - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, Cat, chat, chaton, cat, kitty, balancier, balancoire, mobile, sculpture chat, sculpture contemporaine, artpaper, upcycling, papier journal, vanessa renoux, elance, filiforme, fine

Vanessa Renoux

"Grand chat équilibriste doré, sculpture mobile"

Sculpture - Paper | 57.1x9.8 in

Sculpture titled "Sculpture de chat E…" by Ecogami, Original Artwork, Paper
Sculpture de chat Egyptien en papier - Sculpture, 16.5x7.9 in ©2020 by Ecogami - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, chat, papercraft, sculpture, papier, égypte, afrique, pharaon


"Sculpture de chat Egyptien en papier"

Sculpture - Paper | 16.5x7.9 in

Not For Sale
Sculpture titled "Путин с орлом на бе…" by Aleksej Mihajlov, Original Artwork, Bronze
Путин с орлом на белом медведе - Sculpture, 17.5x20.3 in ©2023 by Aleksej Mihajlov - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, Abstract, Путин

Aleksej Mihajlov

"Путин с орлом на белом медведе"

Sculpture - Bronze | 17.5x20.3 in

Sculpture titled "Home Serenity - cou…" by Vanessa Renoux, Original Artwork, Paper
Home Serenity - couple doré sur balançoire - Sculpture, 19.7x15.8 in ©2023 by Vanessa Renoux - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, Love, couple, amoureux, papier bronze, upcycling, bois flotté, maison, home, balancoire, mobile, mouvement, jeux, lovers, doré, gold, papier journal, recyclage, vanessa renoux

Vanessa Renoux

"Home Serenity - couple doré sur balançoire"

Sculpture - Paper | 19.7x15.8 in

Sculpture titled "Sculpture mobile, p…" by Vanessa Renoux, Original Artwork, Paper
Sculpture mobile, personnage doré dans cercle - Sculpture, 9.5x11.4 in ©2019 by Vanessa Renoux - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, Sport, femme, cercle, balançoire, or, doré, mobile, homme, #artistsupportpledge

Vanessa Renoux

"Sculpture mobile, personnage doré dans cercle"

Sculpture - Paper | 9.5x11.4 in

Collages titled "Mat et brillant" by Koki, Original Artwork, Collages
Mat et brillant - Collages, 7.9x7.9 in ©2023 by Koki - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, sculpture, vase, coquillages, décoration, noir, rond


"Mat et brillant"

Collages on Glass | 7.9x7.9 in

Not For Sale
Sculpture titled "绮梦(Myth Maker)" by Zhao Yongchang, Original Artwork, Bronze
绮梦(Myth Maker) - Sculpture, 37.8x26 in ©2024 by Zhao Yongchang - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, World Culture, sculpture, bronze

Zhao Yongchang

"绮梦(Myth Maker)"

Sculpture - Bronze | 37.8x26 in

Sculpture titled "Astres" by Eric Rodriguez Sculpture, Original Artwork, Wood
Astres - Sculpture, 21.7x39.4 in ©2023 by Eric Rodriguez Sculpture - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, Asia, dragon, arbre, sculpture, mythologie, nature, constellations

Eric Rodriguez Sculpture


Sculpture - Wood | 21.7x39.4 in

Not For Sale
Sculpture titled "Petite sculpture de…" by Vanessa Renoux, Original Artwork, Metals
Petite sculpture de chamois, patine biface dorée et bronze - Sculpture, 21.3x3.9 in ©2024 by Vanessa Renoux - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, Animal, chamois, corne, bestiaire, sculpture animalière, sculpture contemporaine, cabris, vanessa renoux, artpaper, papier recyclé, upcycling, annecy, haute savoie, montagne

Vanessa Renoux

"Petite sculpture de chamois, patine biface dorée et bronze"

Sculpture - Metals | 21.3x3.9 in

Sculpture titled "Sculpture grand che…" by Vanessa Renoux, Original Artwork, Metals
Sculpture grand cheval ajouré, patine dorée - Sculpture, 47.6x9.1 in ©2024 by Vanessa Renoux - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, Horse, cheval, étrusque, oriental, équidé, doré, patine, bronze, vanessa renoux, sculpture contemporaine, annecy, sculpture animalière

Vanessa Renoux

"Sculpture grand cheval ajouré, patine dorée"

Sculpture - Metals | 47.6x9.1 in

Sculpture titled "brutalist funcional…" by Jeanbaptiste Van Den Heede, Original Artwork, Wood
brutalist funcional sculpture - Sculpture, 16.9x23.6 in ©2023 by Jeanbaptiste Van Den Heede - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940

Jeanbaptiste Van Den Heede

"brutalist funcional sculpture"

Sculpture - Wood | 16.9x23.6 in

Sculpture titled "Chat équilibriste d…" by Vanessa Renoux, Original Artwork, Paper
Chat équilibriste doré, sculpture mobile - Sculpture, 63x10.2 in ©2024 by Vanessa Renoux - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, Cat, chat, cat, kitty, balancier, mouvement, sculpture contemporaine, papier recyclé, bronze, doré, élancé, filifforme, effilé, famelique, vanessa renoux, upcycling, artpaper, haute savoie, annecy, art3f

Vanessa Renoux

"Chat équilibriste doré, sculpture mobile"

Sculpture - Paper | 63x10.2 in

Sculpture titled "Sculpture danseuse…" by Vanessa Renoux, Original Artwork, Metals
Sculpture danseuse à la patine rouge - Sculpture, 24.4x7.1 in ©2024 by Vanessa Renoux - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, Dance, flamenco, danseuse, dance, bronze, patine rouge, sculputre contemporaine, sculpture rouge, femme, longiligne, élancé, filiforme, vanessarenoux, vanessa renoux, annecy, artpaper

Vanessa Renoux

"Sculpture danseuse à la patine rouge"

Sculpture - Metals | 24.4x7.1 in

Sculpture titled "Sculpture cheval st…" by Vanessa Renoux, Original Artwork, Paper
Sculpture cheval style étrusque, crinière 3D - Sculpture, 17.7x8.3 in ©2024 by Vanessa Renoux - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, Horse, cheval, horse, equidé, etrusque, grec, epuré, artpaper, sculpture contemporaine, papier recyclé, bronze, bleu, stylo3D, vanessa renoux, annecy

Vanessa Renoux

"Sculpture cheval style étrusque, crinière 3D"

Sculpture - Paper | 17.7x8.3 in

Sculpture titled "Sculpture cheval, s…" by Vanessa Renoux, Original Artwork, Paper
Sculpture cheval, style étrusque, patine dorée - Sculpture, 12.2x7.9 in ©2023 by Vanessa Renoux - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, cheval, equidé, chevaux, sculpture doré, etrusque, grec, antique, papier recyclé, up-cycling, stylo 3D, bio-plastique, vanessa renoux, sculpture contemporaine, annecy

Vanessa Renoux

"Sculpture cheval, style étrusque, patine dorée"

Sculpture - Paper | 12.2x7.9 in

Sculpture titled "Sculpture "Sumo" gr…" by Patrice Bongrand, Original Artwork, Ceramics
Sculpture "Sumo" grès cuit au four a bois anagama - Sculpture, 13x9.8 in ©2018 by Patrice Bongrand - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, Martial Art

Patrice Bongrand

"Sculpture "Sumo" grès cuit au four a bois anagama"

Sculpture - Ceramics | 13x9.8 in

Painting titled "Stained glass woman…" by Irina Bast, Original Artwork, Ink Mounted on Wood Panel
Stained glass woman portrait wall sculpture - Painting, 9.3x9.3 in ©2019 by Irina Bast - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, Portrait, vitrail art mural, sculpture en vitrail, Alphonse Mucha, peinture art nouveau, peindre avec la lumière, sculpture avec lumière, sculpture murale, sculptures en verre, peinture de portrait de femme, peinture vive, sculpture en or, peinture d'or, stained glass wall art, stained glass sculpture, art nouveau painting, painting with light, woman portrait painting, sculpture with light, wall sculpture, vivid painting

Irina Bast

"Stained glass woman portrait wall sculpture"

Ink on Glass | 9.3x9.3 in

Sculpture titled "KIN" by Léone Digraci, Original Artwork, Ceramics
KIN - Sculpture, 10.2x4.7 in ©2023 by Léone Digraci - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, Asia, GEISHA

Léone Digraci


Sculpture - Ceramics | 10.2x4.7 in

On Request


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