Some Stories Last Forever (2024) Malarstwo autorstwa Alina Axane

Akryl na Płótno, 39,4x39,4 in
9 385,26 USD
Cena: Darmowa dostawa
Sprzedane przez Alina Axane
Opinie klientów (2)
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Zadowolony lub zwrotowi w terminie 14 dni
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Darmowe zwroty: Zadowolony lub zwrotowi w terminie 14 dni.
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Licencjonowanie cyfrowe

Ten obraz jest dostępny do pobrania z licencją

43,79 USD
153,25 USD
437,85 USD
Rozdzielczość maksymalna: 2956 x 3095 px
Pobierz natychmiast po zakupie
Artyści otrzymują wynagrodzenie za każdą sprzedaż

Sprzedane przez Alina Axane

Pojedyncza praca
Grafika sygnowana przez artystę
Zawiera certyfikat autentyczności
Ta grafika pojawia się w 1 kolekcjach
  • Oryginalna praca (One Of A Kind) Malarstwo, Akryl na Płótno
  • Wymiary Wysokość 39,4in, Szerokość 39,4in
  • Stan grafiki Grafika jest w idealnym stanie!
  • Oprawianie w ramy Ta grafika nie jest oprawiona
  • Kategorie Obrazy poniżej 20 000 USD Abstrakcyjna Kwiat
"Some Stories Last Forever" is an evocative 100x100cm abstract acrylic painting that captivates with its subtle yet profound narrative. Against a backdrop divided between a warm, golden hue and a cool, muted grey, the painting unfolds a tale of timelessness and quiet resilience. In the golden half of the canvas, barely perceptible[...]
"Some Stories Last Forever" is an evocative 100x100cm abstract acrylic painting that captivates with its subtle yet profound narrative. Against a backdrop divided between a warm, golden hue and a cool, muted grey, the painting unfolds a tale of timelessness and quiet resilience.

In the golden half of the canvas, barely perceptible traces of bulrush emerge, their delicate forms hinting at the passage of time and the enduring presence of nature. These faint imprints suggest a connection to the past, a reminder of stories woven into the fabric of existence.

Contrasting with the golden expanse, the other half of the canvas is adorned with textured impressions resembling plant imprints. These intricate patterns evoke a sense of history, each mark a testament to the passage of seasons and the imprint of life's journey.

Through its harmonious blend of colors and textures, "Some Stories Last Forever" invites viewers to contemplate the timeless nature of storytelling and the enduring beauty found in the subtlest of details. It speaks to the interconnectedness of all things and the stories that echo through the ages.

As you gaze upon this captivating artwork, you're invited to immerse yourself in its rich tapestry of meaning and reflect on the stories that endure, quietly shaping the world around us. It's a testament to the enduring power of art to evoke emotion, stir the imagination, and transcend the boundaries of time.

The painting comes signed (both front and back of the canvas) and dated, completely ready to be hung.

Finished with coats of varnish to enhance colors and protect from dust and UV rays.

Powiązane tematy


Przetłumaczone automatycznie
Intuition has guided every brush stroke for over 6 years now. For me, painting - as a creative process but also as a result - is a continuous and extremely therapeutic moment. It’s like going home,[...]

Intuition has guided every brush stroke for over 6 years now. For me, painting - as a creative process but also as a result - is a continuous and extremely therapeutic moment.

It’s like going home, deep within one’s soul, or just like reaching the furthest, better worlds out there. It’s the most meaningful connection with myself; painting is freedom and joy.

Working for a long time in all sorts of technical fields, I’ve started wanting more color and flexibility, more lights, shapes and meaning in my life and I look for them in everything that surrounds me. I brought to life paintings of skies, seas, flowers, angels, and universes - these are the most frequent themes in my collections, no matter the technique: oil, acrylic, watercolors or mixed. 

Zobacz więcej od Alina Axane

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