Blue Sapphire (2022) Malerei von Tinge

Aquarell auf Papier, 19,9x16 in
11.965 $
Preis: Kostenloser Versand
Verkäufer Tinge
Versand aus: Vereinigte Staaten (Briefumschlag) Versand unter 2 Tage
14-tägiges Rückgaberecht
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Rückgabe akzeptiert 14 Tage Artmajeur setzt sich zu 100% für die Zufriedenheit der Sammler ein. Sie haben 14 Tage Zeit, um ein Originalwerk zurückzugeben. Das Werk muss in einwandfreiem Zustand in der Originalverpackung an den Künstler zurückgesandt werden. Alle berechtigten Artikel können zurückgegeben werden (sofern nicht anders angegeben).
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49,69 $
69,08 $
122,92 $
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Verkäufer Tinge

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This painting is mixed well. Everything is moving around nicely up close at 1-2 feet away because of its immense, scratchy brush detail and the artistic energy it had going for it. There is a shift of iridescent blue color in swimsuit. I’m going to start high with this one, sometimes you’re not sure why but a painting just sticks out as being[...]
This painting is mixed well. Everything is moving around nicely up close at 1-2 feet away because of its immense, scratchy brush detail and the artistic energy it had going for it. There is a shift of iridescent blue color in swimsuit.
I’m going to start high with this one, sometimes you’re not sure why but a painting just sticks out as being successful and more worthy a piece of a collection. Made towards the end of a long complex set of portraits involving female portraits/ sexy women portraits in watercolor, this piece has that worth that I spoke of. I admit that her hair breaks apart visually from time to time, but there is an anchor. Once you recognize the shapes of her fingers running through the top, the illusion of the hair begins working again. Which in return I think, helps retain the illusion of the image in its entirety.
If you check additional images you will see that when observing her swimsuit bottoms from other angles there is a shift of iridescent color.
Soft colors overall for the figure suspended within a loose interpretive surrealism background.

Verwandte Themen

BaselWatercolor Sexy WomanStripper StripclubEnergyBeautiful Women

Automatisch übersetzt
(Hi guys please note my prices are suffering inflation right now, ;( sorry but I can’t adjust them yet, if you’ve come to buy art, better come prepared $!) Hello world out there. I’ve been working professionally[...]

(Hi guys please note my prices are suffering inflation right now, ;( sorry but I can’t adjust them yet, if you’ve come to buy art, better come prepared $!)

Hello world out there. I’ve been working professionally for over 10 years, but have been involved in the Arts since preschool! Always always, always making art- mostly drawings since I was a very young man. I am primarily and secretly self taught however studying various drawing techniques all throughout my life and I have a rather varied education background all in the Arts. I have studied classical drawing techniques at an esteemed drawing academy located in Plaza Mayor, Madrid. I have studied design and graphic arts here in Chicago (where I’m located) taking also figure drawing and painting courses. Then, I focused my studies on the ever elusive and complex program of sequential art out in Savannah, Georgia where I went with the maximum amount of scholarships a student could obtain. As for my artwork, I have childhood work that has been displayed in prestigious public government offices here around the state of Illinois. I was involved in a student involved gallery showing at the then Gahlberg gallery where my work was displayed for awhile in the same gallery that just held Frida Kahlo here in Chicago 2021, if you know the one. I have also been involved in non student galleries here in Chicago and Savannah. Suprisingly I have devoted a large portion of my art career to working on graphic novels and comic stories! As an independent and busy creator going at it full time for years... and soon with extra money hopefully I will be able to start to independently publish my eclectic, very special comic stories... I will have a website that will have more details about those projects soon! But yeah, I’ve been working solo on several titles that I hope to release to the interested public shortly, and this rare background in the field of comic illustrations has shaped a great part of the artist that I am. Also to note, I have experimented with several self-learned painting techniques; one of them for example was  a set of artwork that involved spraycans on large roll paper. That work was invented and very unique and helps demonstrate the naturally explorative nature of my artistic ways. I’m pioneering several invented techniques currently and I aim to invent some new creative things that are truly new artistic processes hopefully in the future. 

  Currently I’ve been immersed in learning watercolor, painting every day for 2 and 1/2 years earned me a command over the medium. Transitioning from the highly technical, tight black and white ink drawings I had mastered into the colorful, carefree world of watercolor provoked an exceptionally distinguished and unique portfolio of watercolor paintings that I look forward to showing you as we progress. I have added watercolor painting into my arsenal of painting workflows, as well as immersed the style into my other work as an enhancement to my artistry. 

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