Emotive Rythms; Dancing Tears n.006 (2023) Zeichnungen von Sonia Vinograd

Tinte auf Papier, 6,3x6,3 in
241 $
Preis: Kostenloser Versand
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Rückgabe akzeptiert 14 Tage Artmajeur setzt sich zu 100% für die Zufriedenheit der Sammler ein. Sie haben 14 Tage Zeit, um ein Originalwerk zurückzugeben. Das Werk muss in einwandfreiem Zustand in der Originalverpackung an den Künstler zurückgesandt werden. Alle berechtigten Artikel können zurückgegeben werden (sofern nicht anders angegeben).
Vom Künstler signiertes Kunstwerk
Echtheitszertifikat enthalten
Emotive Rhythms; Dancing Tears: "The use of mascara holds a special significance for me as it symbolizes the tears, sweat and sacrifice that accompany the movements that inspire the brush strokes. It represents the wide range of nuances and emotions that performing artists expose themselves to every day throughout their[...]
Emotive Rhythms; Dancing Tears:
"The use of mascara holds a special significance for me as it symbolizes the tears,
sweat and sacrifice that accompany the movements that inspire the brush strokes. It
represents the wide range of nuances and emotions that performing artists expose
themselves to every day throughout their careers.
This project, in fact, was born out of a necessity to release emotions and energy on a
frustrating day during rehearsals. At that time, the only inked instrument I had
available was the mascara from my stage makeup kit. However, I developed a deep
affinity for how I could express myself through its meaning, technique, and visual
impact, and it naturally became my new mode of expression."
Sonia Vinograd.
Automatisch übersetzt
Künstler von ArtRewards vertreten
I am a professional ballet dancer and fine artist of Spanish and Argentinian descent, currently residing in Oslo. My academic background in art has been extensive, having studied various facets of the field,[...]

I am a professional ballet dancer and fine artist of Spanish and Argentinian descent, currently residing in Oslo. My academic background in art has been extensive, having studied various facets of the field, including technology of the theatre, scenography, and design during my early years and dance conservatory. However, my painting journey only began in 2017, and I am largely self-taught.


As a member of the Den Norske Opera & Ballett, I have honed my craft as a ballet dancer, while also pursuing my passion for fine art. My artistic style is heavily influenced by my cultural heritage, which is evident in the vivid colors and bold strokes that characterize my paintings.

Throughout my career, I have been committed to excellence and have consistently strived to improve my skills as an artist. I am confident in my ability to create captivating and thought-provoking works of art that resonate with audiences of all backgrounds.

Sonia's Statment 

In my artistic practice, I have discovered a remarkable connection between the realms of dance and fine art. As an individual who is both a dancer and a fine artist, I possess a profound desire to capture and perpetuate the constantly evolving complexities of human emotions onto a blank canvas. My work is profoundly influenced and inspired by the enchanting beauty of nature, as well as the intricate tapestry of human emotions. The captivating magic inherent in nature serves as an unending source of inspiration in my artistic journey. From the gentle rustling of leaves in a breeze to the magnificent hues of a sunset sky, I am driven to distill these ethereal elements into compositions that resonate with viewers on an emotional level.

In my creative pursuits, dancing serves as a gateway to introspection and self-discovery. Through a profound immersion in the rich layers of human emotions, I aspire to stimulate contemplation, reflection, and ultimately, a renewing sense of wonder. I firmly believe that art possesses an inherent power to transcend the confines of our everyday realities and connect us on a fundamental level. In today's era, where external chaos can often overwhelm us, I maintain that the potency of art rests in its capacity to establish a deep connection with our emotions and environment. By capturing these raw experiences onto a blank canvas or through movements on stage, I endeavor to trigger transformative journeys for both myself and all those who engage with my work.

Mehr von Sonia Vinograd

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