My guardian angel (2022) Zeichnungen von Michael Reshetniak

Bleistift auf Papier, 11,7x16,6 in
751 $
Preis: Kostenloser Versand
Kundenrezensionen (2)
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26,86 $
46,19 $
99,90 $
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Verkäufer Michael Reshetniak

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32,00 $
129,00 $
269,00 $
Maximale Auflösung: 3860 x 2666 px
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Verkäufer Michael Reshetniak

Vom Künstler signiertes Kunstwerk
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Dieses Kunstwerk erscheint in 5 Sammlungen
I never thought I would draw something like this... A terrible war in Ukraine! This drawing reflects the current situation in Ukraine. The Rascists have invaded our country, our homes, villages, towns, many people have been left without food, water, communications, medicine and other vital things. The occupiers have nothing sacred. They[...]
I never thought I would draw something like this... A terrible war in Ukraine!

This drawing reflects the current situation in Ukraine. The Rascists have invaded our country, our homes, villages, towns, many people have been left without food, water, communications, medicine and other vital things. The occupiers have nothing sacred. They do terrible things, such as violence against women and children. Children! Moreover, their wives even support them. Orcs loot and kill civilians and cover up their crimes. And the worst thing is that many families lose their loved ones, children are orphaned, parents bury their children, civilians are killed. As you understand, houses, cities can be rebuilt, the economy and production can be restored, jobs can be obtained, but children will not be returned. Who will bring our children, loved ones and relatives back to us?

I very much hope that this monstrous war will end soon. My family and I are trying with all our strength to help people affected by the fighting, those people who for some reason cannot leave the shelled cities, who have lost their homes and are in great need of some help. So all the money from the sale of this painting will be spent on humanitarian aid for these people.

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Automatisch übersetzt
I was born on January 5, 2001 in a large family in Kharkov, Ukraine. As far as I remember from the early childhood I liked to draw, especially the nature, landscapes. By the way, the love of drawing was instilled[...]

I was born on January 5, 2001 in a large family in Kharkov, Ukraine. As far as I remember from the early childhood I liked to draw, especially the nature, landscapes. By the way, the love of drawing was instilled in me by my aunt, an artist. Looking at her work I was inspired and tried to draw as she did.As a child, along with my brothers, I visited the art club, which was located near our home. I went there for about two years. The first time I really liked to go there and learn something new: a new style, type, theme, subject of drawing, etc. But over time I got tired of the daily routine of creative work. There was a time I was even forced to go there. My father said that my talent needs to be developed ... However, I got very bored with this routine. If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine: it's deadly. And what happened was that I hated painting. I don't blame my parents by any means, it's the way our world works that children often don't understand or don't quite understand their parents and vice versa. So it was in my case.Time passed, I managed to leave the art club after all. I stopped drawing altogether. However, after some time a situation happened to me that helped me move forward on the path of creativity.To begin with, my family was actively involved in the creative life of the school. My older brother was assigned to draw a contest drawing. It so happened that he didn't like to draw very much and asked me to draw. For some reason I agreed. I don't remember what I drew there, but it captured me and I liked it in an unexpected way. Since then I always drew my brother drawings for school. When I went to high school the art teacher refused to believe that I can draw. To prove otherwise I painted a picture. The teacher was delighted. From that moment on I took over most of the school creative work.Gradually I was getting involved in it. I drew competitive drawings, painted pictures, created thematic compositions, made school wall newspapers, posters, participated in art exhibitions, competitions and often won prizes. My family actively helped me in all my endeavors.As time passed, but in the soul remained a bit unpleasant residue of the "mandatory drawing" in the children's art club. When I grew up, not really wanted to go somewhere to study. There were a couple of failed attempts, after which I did not want to.To be honest, I haven't graduated from any art school, college or academy. However, drawing is a manifestation of my inner man to the world. As one wise man said: "For me, art is in no way a lonely creator's pastime. For me, it is a way to touch as many people as possible by creating the most capacious picture of shared suffering and joy." But I very rarely get to paint. The problem is that I need to find a very huge inspiration for me to start painting some kind of picture. So I'm always actively searching for my inspiration.

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