Sky is the limit 02 (2024) Skulptur von Poonam Choudhary

Skulptur - Keramik, 8,5x7 in
1.100 $
Preis: Kostenloser Versand
Kundenrezensionen (63)
Versand aus: Vereinigte Staaten (Schachtel oder Kartonverpackung) Versand unter 1 Woche
14-tägiges Rückgaberecht
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Rückgabe akzeptiert 14 Tage Artmajeur setzt sich zu 100% für die Zufriedenheit der Sammler ein. Sie haben 14 Tage Zeit, um ein Originalwerk zurückzugeben. Das Werk muss in einwandfreiem Zustand in der Originalverpackung an den Künstler zurückgesandt werden. Alle berechtigten Artikel können zurückgegeben werden (sofern nicht anders angegeben).
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32,00 $
129,00 $
269,00 $
Maximale Auflösung: 3391 x 3750 px
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Künstler erhalten ihre Tantiemen für jeden Verkauf

Verkäufer Poonam Choudhary

Vom Künstler signiertes Kunstwerk
Echtheitszertifikat enthalten
Für den Außenbereich geeignet
SKY IS THE LIMIT 02 Size - 8.5x6x7 inches Discover the art of imperfection with our hand-crafted ceramic pot! Introducing the new design series “Sky is the Limit,” featuring 5 unique pieces. Dive into the allure of nature's contrasts with our exquisite ceramic pot, meticulously hand painted to embody the harmony[...]
Size - 8.5x6x7 inches

Discover the art of imperfection with our hand-crafted ceramic pot! Introducing the new design series “Sky is the Limit,” featuring 5 unique pieces.

Dive into the allure of nature's contrasts with our exquisite ceramic pot, meticulously hand painted to embody the harmony of imperfection and elegance.

Texture That Tells a Story: Explore the intricate textures and nuanced finishes that adorn our pot's surface, a mesmerizing blend of glossy sheen and matte allure. The 3D effect moldings and striations mimic the resilience of the natural world, inviting you to run your fingers over its surface and uncover its secrets.

A Palette of Earthly Delights: Lose yourself in the rich hues and earthy tones that adorn our pot, a symphony of colors inspired by the raw textures of the earth. From soft blues to muted greens and earthy browns, each shade tells a story of nature's endless beauty.

Embrace the Unexpected: Turn the pot over and discover its playful underside, a crumpled canvas that adds a touch of whimsy and spontaneity to its design. It's a reminder that perfection lies in the imperfections, inviting you to embrace the unexpected and celebrate the art of creation.

A Symbol of Serenity: Protected by varnish and accompanied by a certificate of authenticity, our ceramic pot is more than just a decorative piece—it's a symbol of serenity and simple elegance. Let its organic presence grace your space and invite you to connect with the beauty of imperfection.

Elevate Your Space: Whether displayed as a standalone accent or used to showcase vibrant botanicals, our ceramic pot is sure to elevate any room it graces. Let it be a conversation starter, a focal point of beauty, and a reflection of your appreciation for the artistry of nature.

Indulge in the beauty of imperfection. Experience the harmony of nature's contrasts. Discover the artistry of our hand-crafted ceramic pot today!

Verwandte Themen

SculpturePotCeramic Pot3D

Automatisch übersetzt
Poonam Choudhary A Passionate Artist Painting Her World from Upstate NY.  She displays a strong interest for the arts and painting at a very young age. Few people can say that they’re lucky enough to live their[...]

Poonam Choudhary A Passionate Artist Painting Her World from Upstate NY.  She displays a strong interest for the arts and painting at a very young age. Few people can say that they’re lucky enough to live their passion every single day. As a full-time contemporary abstract artist, She is one of those people – expressing her character through color and creativity from her art studio in Upstate New York. She has even had the honor of working for household names like Samsung – perhaps you’ve even seen her art light up your living room while your TV is in Art Mode! 

Her recent works have a combination of abstraction and Still life, showing the subtle relationship between her and nature. Use of texture and layers build the drama and mystery. She hopes that viewers can see a hidden power through the narratives. She is exploring the intersection between Abstract layers and still life through Overlapping and blending colors that creates its own story through markings and scratches, that's subtle but full of details. Her work allows her to connect emotionally and spiritually to the viewer through its depth and intensity. She share the moments of enlightenment with the viewer to help them feel less alone by seeing their emotions expressed through it. 


Abstract art is a way for her to showcase her soul on the outside, translating her intangible feelings and emotions into real, physical pieces of art that you can touch and experience with the senses. And as an artist, She takes her responsibility to share messages of inspiration very, very seriously. Her hope is that, through art, She can awaken emotions in the people who view her work – be it ecstasy, elegance, retrospect, or pensiveness. Art is a universal language everyone can understand, even if they don’t share the same native tongue. Dig deep, and you can see at a glance whether a painting expresses love, anger, conflict, sorrow,’s all there between the lines and layers of color and texture. 


Art changes lives, and sometimes, can even save lives, by inspiring people to slow down, breathe, and truly absorb the raw beauty of life. 

In the last 10 years she has presented her work in various galleries. Her work can be found in both private and corporate collections around the world.

Der Künstler wurde in einem Artikel im Artmajeur Magazine hervorgehoben:

Mehr von Poonam Choudhary

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