Bunny (2022) Skulptur von Olga Anashkina

Skulptur - Keramik, 14,2x7,9 in
1.600 $
Preis: Kostenloser Versand
Versand aus: Vereinigte Staaten (Schachtel oder Kartonverpackung) Versand unter 2 Tage
14-tägiges Rückgaberecht
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63,69 $
83,08 $
136,92 $
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Verkäufer Artseeker Gallery

Vom Künstler signiertes Kunstwerk
Echtheitszertifikat enthalten
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Dieses Kunstwerk ist gerahmt
Für den Außenbereich geeignet
Auf Holzplatte montiert
Dieses Kunstwerk erscheint in 2 Sammlungen
  • Original-Kunstwerk (One Of A Kind) Skulptur, Keramik / Acryl / Polymer Ton / Textilfaser / Faden auf Holz
  • Masse 15x8,5 in
    Abmessungen des Werks allein, ohne Rahmung: Höhe 14,2in, Breite 7,9in / 2.00 lb
  • Zustand des Kunstwerks Das Kunstwerk ist in einwandfreiem Zustand
  • Rahmen Dieses Kunstwerk ist gerahmt
  • Für den Außenbereich geeignet? Ja, Dieses Kunstwerk kann im Freien ausgestellt werden
  • Kategorien Skulpturen unter 5.000 $ Konzeptkunst Politik
Parrhesia is a Greek word that means speaking the truth to power. It's a rejection of lies or deception. In a sense, it's strange that we admire this. Shouldn't it be the norm? Shouldn't it be the fundamental duty of a person? Yet, for some reason, we continue to accept the actions of politicians and not protest against lawlessness.
Parrhesia is a Greek word that means speaking the truth to power. It's a rejection of lies or deception. In a sense, it's strange that we admire this. Shouldn't it be the norm? Shouldn't it be the fundamental duty of a person? Yet, for some reason, we continue to accept the actions of politicians and not protest against lawlessness.
Artwork Bunny is about the substitution of concepts that we 'swallow.' It's evident to everyone that heavy porcelain balls cannot hang in the air, and a plush animal with oozing blood is horrifying. However, like foolish insects with bulging eyes, we observe and continue to crawl along our path, fear turning into apathy.

Size: 14.2*7.9*1.6 in
Materials: porcelain, polymers, wool, acrylic, wood artboard

* The painting is done on wood artboard using top quality materials.
* It is ready to hang on the wall. Frame is included.
* Carefully packed: The painting is sent in cardboard boxes wrapped with great care in bubble paper.

Verwandte Themen

Surrealistic ArtBlack And Red PaintingContemporary ArtworkParrhesia PaintingSymbolic Art

Automatisch übersetzt
Künstler von Artseeker Gallery vertreten
Olga Anashkina was born in 1987, in Russia. She graduated from the State University of Management in Moscow with a degree in Advertising. However at the age of 23 Olga changes both her residence and career[...]

Olga Anashkina was born in 1987, in Russia. She graduated from the State University of Management in Moscow with a degree in Advertising.

However at the age of 23 Olga changes both her residence and career path for good.  Since she has moved to another country, it is challenging to get settled at first into the unknown environment. So, in the attempt to curb anxiety she turns her eye to pottery. The artist tests the waters with small decorations and gradually masters paintings and sculptures.

The creative debut is attributed to human rights and freedom infringements. It is the foundation of the “Escape” series of works. The main characters here are not running physically, they break free out of the passive order imposed from above. This series were  shown at the main cultural venues in Belarus and Russia, such as the National Center for Contemporary Art and the New Tretyakov Gallery.

Olga has been highly appreciated in St. Petersburg, at the contemporary art week with a first place result, as well as at the Autumn Salon in Minsk, where she has won in the "Project and Installation" nomination.

As creating strong plot-thematic works is the main focus, the artist often resorts to the image of a child to enhance viewer’s emotions. By placing the character either in a tea mug, as in the “Poor Greta” sculpture, or in a cage, just as Joseph Cornell used to set his characters in boxes, the theme of freedom and personal boundaries is revealed.

Now Olga Anashkina lives and works in Minsk. Her works are acquired in private collections in Europe and Russia. She regularly holds exhibitions. The next one is planned in Moscow.

The works of Olga Anashkina narrate about us, our choices, and the society we exist in. It makes us think about the internal crossroads we all face at times.

Mehr von Olga Anashkina

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