I love the glamour of the eyes, oil painting (2021) Malerei von Nikolai Chebotaru

Öl auf Leinwand, 19,7x27,6 in
1.082,96 $
Preis: Kostenloser Versand
Verkäufer Art Dom
Kundenrezensionen (16)
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Dieses Kunstwerk erscheint in 1 Sammlungen
Immerse yourself in the radiant beauty of nature with the captivating oil painting on canvas by the talented Chebotaru Nikolai, lovingly named "I love the glamour of the eyes"! Picture a golden autumn landscape brought to life before your eyes - poplars adorned in vibrant yellow foliage, birch trees swaying in the breeze, and bushes painted[...]
Immerse yourself in the radiant beauty of nature with the captivating oil painting on canvas by the talented Chebotaru Nikolai, lovingly named "I love the glamour of the eyes"! Picture a golden autumn landscape brought to life before your eyes - poplars adorned in vibrant yellow foliage, birch trees swaying in the breeze, and bushes painted in the breathtaking colors of the season. The lush grass, a patchwork of green and gold, whispers tales of the changing seasons as someone strolls along the path, lost in the beauty of their surroundings. Step into this enchanting world of golden hues and autumn splendor, where each brushstroke captures the essence of nature's ever-changing beauty. The warmth of the sun, the rustle of the leaves, and the crispness of the air all come alive in this picturesque scene, inviting you to lose yourself in the magic of "I love the glamour of the eyes". Transport yourself to this idyllic setting and let the colors of autumn wash over you, filling your soul with joy and wonder. Make this exquisite painting a cherished addition to your collection and bask in the glow of nature's magnificence every day. Don't miss the chance to bring the allure of Chebotaru Nikolai's masterpiece into your space and let the beauty of autumn radiate in your home. Order now and let I love the glamour of the eyes" be a captivating centerpiece that fills your heart with warmth and inspiration!

Created by - Chebotaru Nicolai
Base material - Canvas
Decoration - No
Period of creation - 2021
Dimensions - 50x70 cm
Style - Expressionism, Realism
Subject - landscape
Creation technique - Oil

CHEBOTARU Nikolai Alekseyevich - an outstanding Ukrainian artist. He was born in 1948, in the village of Glubokoye, Odessa region. The Chebotaru family is known throughout Ukraine, Mykola Alekseevich is a famous artist from southern Ukraine, and his son - Chebotaru Andrei, often travels, found his own recognisable style and is better known in Kiev and abroad Ukraine.

Fate led Chebotaru Nikolai to artistic creation when he was 24 years old. So, in 1972, in love with painting, the young artist entered the Republican Art School named after I.E. Repin in Kishinev, which he graduated in 1976. After 3 years the artist moved to Crimea and got a job as an artist in the art and production workshops in Sevastopol.

High skill, which Chebotaru Nikolai improved every year, soon allowed him to take part in all-union, republican and city art exhibitions. In 1982, Chebotaru Nikolai Alekseevich was accepted as a member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine.

Many art historians have come to a consensus, the manner of painting Chebotaru NA refers to Impressionism. This style is at the first stage of formation of modernism. In the paintings of Cebotaru Nicolae just traces the transition from classical painting to a new trend - light strokes, the transfer of feelings and mood of the artist himself, positive colour scheme.

5% of the purchase amount will be transferred to the fund for humanitarian aid to Ukrainians. Thank you for your support

Verwandte Themen

Country LandscapeAutumn PaintingYellow TreesYellow PaintingColourful Picture

Automatisch übersetzt
Чеботару Николай Алексеевич родился в 1948 году в Одесской области в селе Глубокое . В 1976 году в Молдавии закончил Кишиневское художественное училище имени[...]

Чеботару Николай Алексеевич родился в 1948 году в Одесской области в селе Глубокое . В 1976 году в Молдавии закончил Кишиневское художественное училище имени Репина по специальности оформитель . Творческую деятельность ведет с момента поступления в училище . Выставочную деятельность ведет с 1981 года . В 1992 году поступил в Национальный Союз Художников Украины . Участвует во всевозможных выставках и пленерах в Украине и за рубежом . Работы находятся в частных коллекциях Украины, Венгрии , Черногории , Греции , Турции ,Германии ,Англии ,Китая ,России.

.Адрес: Украина, Киев .
.Телефон: .+38(095)5822462 , +38(063)2566246
.Skype: lexich 8113

Mehr von Nikolai Chebotaru

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