Wow, jazz is so wonderfully diverse! (2023) Malerei von Natalia Kamerton

Acryl auf Leinwand, 27,6x19,7 in
2.949,03 $
Preis: Kostenloser Versand
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14-tägiges Rückgaberecht
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33,38 $
52,76 $
106,60 $
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Verkäufer Natalia Kamerton

Vom Künstler signiertes Kunstwerk
Echtheitszertifikat enthalten
Bereit zum Aufhängen
Dieses Kunstwerk erscheint in 8 Sammlungen
  • Original-Kunstwerk (One Of A Kind) Malerei, Acryl auf Leinwand
  • Masse Höhe 27,6in, Breite 19,7in
  • Zustand des Kunstwerks Das Kunstwerk ist in einwandfreiem Zustand
  • Rahmen Dieses Kunstwerk ist nicht gerahmt
  • Kategorien Gemälde unter 5.000 $ Pop Art Saxophon
Paster description "Step into the rhythm of the streets with our captivating jazz poster. In a mesmerizing black and white palette, we've captured the essence of werban jazz with a street musician surrounded by a symphony of interconnected circles, each representing a unique note, a different beat. This artwork pulsates with the love and[...]
Paster description "Step into the rhythm of the streets with our captivating jazz poster. In a mesmerizing black and white palette, we've captured the essence of werban jazz with a street musician surrounded by a symphony of interconnected circles, each representing a unique note, a different beat. This artwork pulsates with the love and passion for jazz, making it a must-have for any music enthusiast's collection."

Cette peinture a été créée pour le concours «We want jazz !», 2023, Pologne

Verwandte Themen

Peinture IntérieureInterior PaintingSaxophonistSaxophonisteSaxophoniste De Rue

Automatisch übersetzt
Natalie Kamerton is a person with a recognisable style. She paints her impressions of life... They are different, but surprisingly this ocean of emotions is frozen on the canvas. The artist knows how to[...]

Natalie Kamerton is a person with a recognisable style.
She paints her impressions of life... They are different, but surprisingly this ocean of emotions is frozen on the canvas. The artist knows how to embed her paintings in different spaces. They seem to grow into interiors.

Possesses a classical education.
Has worked and continues to work on various projects in the field of interior design. And throughout this huge creative path in her life there are graphics and painting.
The first series of works - watercolours in the early period of creativity. They were not pastoral pictures, but fantastic and surrealistic motifs. It was at that moment that Natalie tried acrylics, and she loved them. She describes these magical tubes with a magical substance as the energy of the colours that never fades. It was then that the author's individual style began to emerge.

Natalie's paintings have energy. They are champagne sprays that turn your head, they are dream paintings that carry positive charges of freedom.
These paintings fit perfectly into any interior, but it is desirable that the room should not be small, because the big is seen at a distance ...

Unusual, fresh, positive canvases, Natalie's paintings attract the eye from afar and draw the eye into a whirlwind of reflections on the symbolic and the concrete, the eternal and the immediate, the private and the common, the darkness and the light.

A world-light, made up of a multitude of desires, emotions and pushing boundaries. Light, conquers darkness. It transforms darkness and gives it form.

The paintings are united by the transmission of intent through the perfect shape of a circle. Some of them are quite small and seemingly insignificant, some are large and it seems that just such large strokes would be enough, but no - large strokes alone will not allow the painting to show itself. Grouped together, these circles of different sizes weave a common picture - a picture of life, embodying the dream and pushing the darkness peeping through the contours.

The circle symbolizes action. The desire not to be in the darkness gives rise to a dream. The dream turns into desire, and sooner or later, opportunity arises in the path of desire. Opportunity is woven from small actions and it is what we do daily..... Like a canvas whose intent is only seen in its entirety, where every circle, no matter how small, matters - the "big strokes" alone will not get the dream. It's what we do day in and day out that brings us to where we are, creating the big picture of life. When everything comes together, attracted to each other, that's when the whole comes into being. The darkness recedes, reminding us that in order not to be left in the dark, we must not stand idly by and that everything is in our hands.

Mehr von Natalia Kamerton

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