spring balloon voyagers Arte digital por Kio

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Esta obra aparece en las colecciones 7
  • Obra de arte original Arte digital, Trabajo Digital 2D en Papel
  • Dimensiones Altura 11,7in, Anchura 16,5in
  • Categorías Ilustración
En Japón estamos en el preciso momento de observar los primeros florecimientos de sakura, con lo que me hace sentir muy cerca de la primavera tan deseada durante el invierno de color gris y frio. Esta obra es para tener mucha esperanza hacía el futuro, el cual simbolizada por la navegación en los globos en un ambiente primaveral que cubre todas las[...]
En Japón estamos en el preciso momento de observar los primeros florecimientos de sakura, con lo que me hace sentir muy cerca de la primavera tan deseada durante el invierno de color gris y frio. Esta obra es para tener mucha esperanza hacía el futuro, el cual simbolizada por la navegación en los globos en un ambiente primaveral que cubre todas las cosas malas y de dolor por sus colores verdes vivos con mucha energía.

Los musicos navegan en el aire de la primavera dejando que empujen los vientos a sus globos hacía el mundo para dispersar sus musicas bonitas.

Au Japon, nous sommes au bon moment pour observer les premiers sakura fleurs, ce qui me fait me sentir très proche du printemps tant désiré pendant l'hiver et la couleur grise et froide. Ce travail est d'avoir beaucoup d'espoir pour l'avenir, qui symbolisait en naviguant sur des ballons dans un environnement de printemps qui couvre toutes les mauvaises choses et la douleur pour leurs couleurs vert vif avec beaucoup d'énergie.Les musiciens naviguent dans l'air du printemps en laissant le vent pousser leurs ballons a fait le monde pour disperser ses belles musiques.(by google tlanslator)


In Japan we are at the right time to observe the first sakura blooms, which makes me feel very close to the much-desired spring during the winter and cold gray color. This work is to have much hope for the future, which symbolized by browsing balloons in a spring environment that covers all the bad things and sorrow for their vivid green colors with lots of energy.

The musicians sail in the spring air letting the wind push their balloons made the world to disperse its beautiful musics.
I often use images from my experience in Spain / Mexico, the Kingdom of Tonga, and Cuba, especially flamenco and the south pacific ocean, as my motif. During my stay abroad, I became interested in watercolor[...]

I often use images from my experience in Spain / Mexico, the Kingdom of Tonga, and Cuba, especially flamenco and the south pacific ocean, as my motif. During my stay abroad, I became interested in watercolor painting and photography. After returning to Japan, I started to master acrylic and digital painting in earnest.

From 2011 to 2014, I was enrolled in a painting class at Bumpodo (Kanda Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku) and studied under Professor Kou Kawai. (Acrylic painting)

October 2012-March 2013: Enrolled in Win School at first to learn digital painting, then self-study in this field.
 Since 2013, I had been registered on artmajeur, a worldwide site for paintings, and some of my works have been posted.

Associate Member of i.m.a Since February of 2019

Exhibited at Bumpodo Art School Exhibition twice every year since 2011 / acrylic painting
2011-2019 Exposition of Framboise and Art Salon of Kitasato Gallery / Acrylic and digital painting
 2019 february: Exposition of i.m.a  in Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum

2019 May: Exposition of Kanagawa Pref./ Yokohama City Gallery

2019 May: Exposition of Kamakura/ Kamakura Art Museum(Kamakura Geizyutsu Kan)

=Scheduled exposition=

Mid-December 2019 First solo exhibition “Winter of Digi” / Venue: Minato Mirai Gallery
(Yokohama Minato Mirai)

February 2020: ima exhibition / Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum (Ueno)
ima ( international modern art exposition)


              Steadler Prize (February 2019) /ima Exposition / Dramatic Art Category:
               Prize of the First Year of Reiwa Special Award (May 2019) / Kanagawa Prefectural Exposition/ Dramatic Art

Amateur singer songwriter in music
As "gorrion", handle name of the site, called "music track", posted my music.
 I play Spanish, English and Japanese songs

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