Wall hanging THE SPACE FOR YOUR IMAGINATION No1 (2019) Textilkunst von Katarzyna Dietrych

Textilkunst auf Wand, 48,8x62,2 in
3.894,7 $
Preis: Kostenloser Versand
Versand aus: Polen (Schachtel oder Kartonverpackung) Versand unter 2 Tage
14-tägiges Rückgaberecht
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32,30 $
129,22 $
269,20 $
Maximale Auflösung: 750 x 624 px
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Verkäufer Katarzyna Dietrych

Vom Künstler signiertes Kunstwerk
Echtheitszertifikat enthalten
Wall hanging as eco-friendly acoustic panels by the textile artist Kata. Each panel is authentic and unique. He is signed by me as a freelance artist. It gives the interior a luxurious and effective style. 20-PART WORK "THE SPACE FOR YOUR IMAGINATION" VERSION NO1 OWN TECHNIQUE 100% recycled natural[...]
Wall hanging as eco-friendly acoustic panels by the textile artist Kata.
Each panel is authentic and unique. He is signed by me as a freelance artist.
It gives the interior a luxurious and effective style.
100% recycled natural and synthetic yarns
| 2019 |
Size for this example combination:
62" x 49" | 158 x 124 cm
for one part: 8,5" x 8,5" | 22 x 22 cm
space between elements: 4,5"| 12 cm
See a video on YouTube.
Acoustic panels don't have to be boring. Bright colors and original look! Sound absorbing, eco-friendly, easy to use.

Verwandte Themen

Wall HangingAcoustic PanelsBright Colors

Automatisch übersetzt
B I O Born in 1965, lives in the Southern part of Poland at the foot of the Carpathian Mountains in a raw climate.  Katarzyna got seriously interested in art for the first time[...]


Born in 1965, lives in the Southern part of Poland at the foot of the Carpathian Mountains in a raw climate. 

Katarzyna got seriously interested in art for the first time at the age of 15. She particularly has interested in Fiber Art since that time. 

At first, she studied her passion for five years at High School of Fine Art in Bielsko-Biała in Poland. Diploma in 1985 as a Textile ArtDesigners. 

After five years of studying the Painting and the Fiber Art at Wł. Strzemiński Academy of Art Łódź. She graduated Mastersof Fine Arts (MFA) in 1990 at direction of Professor Antoni Starczewski.

She continued her artistic Postgraduate Education at Academy of Fine Art Poznań in 2005.Since then, she has been creating fiber art and painting.

Personally she is a minimalist and exponent of Slow Life.

A R T I S T S T A T E M E N T  - About the art

She loves to create abstract art (Painting & Fiber Art), because it is often the purest form to express the inexpressible for her. 

She synthesizes anything that is insignificant, to the bare essentials to the point when art is most meaningful.Her pieces are known for its independence in style. She meditatively create with peace of mind, balance and single-minded focus. She hopes that her Abstract Works are the essence of simplicity, near Minimalism. Her textile are always mindful and contemplative, meaning that they manifest themselves quietly over time and they are usually received in a different ways by beholders, collectors andcritics. 

A R T I S T S T A T E M E N T  - About the art
About materials:Katarzyna was brought up according to the rules of self-limitation of her own needs. Over time, she is increasingly more aware that we are not able to correctly recognize our own real needs.

She thinks that todayproduction of new unnecessary things has no justification. This also applies to the Art.So, she thinks today Textile Artist should focus on the recycled fibers or only natural yarn. Only then, production of new things (including new works of art)is not pointless. In her Fiber Art, she uses only recycled or up-cycled fibers and fabrics. 

She is sure that, it does not reduce the value ofher work in any way. Katarzyna hopes that, her sustainable Textile Art will influence others and reduce the need of buying andsurrounding herself with unnecessary things.

A R T R E S U M E – S E L E C T E D E X H I B I T I O N S

She does not like exhibitions , she prefers private meetings with the recipients in her studio but,she has participated in over than 100 collective and individual exhibitions in the: Europe, The North America and The Asia winningawards and distinctions.

Mehr von Katarzyna Dietrych

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873,18 $
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654,61 $
Textilkunst auf Holz | 22,4x22,4 in
654,61 $
Textilkunst auf Wand | 102,4x47,2 in
1.312,51 $


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