La Danza della Luna-Calendario lunisolare 2023-2024 (2022) Digitale Kunst von Esserenza

Digitale Kunst, 16,5x11,7 in
165,85 $
Preis: Kostenloser Versand
Verkäufer Esserenza
Versand aus: Italien (Briefumschlag) Versand unter 3 Tage
14-tägiges Rückgaberecht
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100% sichere Transaktion
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Bereit zum Aufhängen
La danza della luna è un calendario lunisolare che scandisce il tempo seguendo i moti della luna nel cielo descriivendone le energie che determina sul nostro pianeta e su di noi. Trovetete: - dal 22 dicembre 2022 al 1 gennaio 2024, 13 lunazioni (cicli di 30 giorni circa) descritte da 13 stampe acquarello - ogni lunazione è scandita[...]
La danza della luna è un calendario lunisolare che scandisce il tempo seguendo i moti della luna nel cielo descriivendone le energie che determina sul nostro pianeta e su di noi.
- dal 22 dicembre 2022 al 1 gennaio 2024, 13 lunazioni (cicli di 30 giorni circa) descritte da 13 stampe acquarello
- ogni lunazione è scandita da 9 fasi lunari descritte da altrettanti testi poetici che esprimono le differenti energie
- spazi per annotazioni ed espressioni,
- testi e approfondimenti sui moti lunari.

Progetto grafico e arte a cura di Elena Carafa

Testi e poesie a cura di Micaela Balice

Verwandte Themen

LunazioniFasi LunariCalendarioLunarioCultura Contadina

Automatisch übersetzt
Elena is a woman who is not easy to approach, she herself is reflected in Durga an oriental divinity whose name in Sanskrit means "the one who can hardly be approached, but the moment her inner universe[...]

Elena is a woman who is not easy to approach, she herself is reflected in

Durga an oriental divinity whose name in Sanskrit means "the one who can hardly be approached, but the moment her inner universe opens wide to you, then you will find yourself in a reality made of colors and sounds ...

She is a modern goddess who, through Shakti, the pure female creative energy, manages to draw out from people and things the gift that she holds within herself.

An insignificant object becomes a work of art; he shapes it, colors it, redesigns it as if through that object a new story was born to tell, a new function that restores dignity and meaning.

In fact, Elena was born as a designer having trained at the Politecnico di Milano and this has provided her with technical skills and tools that allow her to transform the internal environment according to both aesthetic and functional needs following the spirit that distinguishes her and which can be briefly defined in two words: innovation and experimentation.

Let's go further ..., Elena's world breathes something else, it's a child's world that wants to keep the childish gaze that wants to discover everything in what

surrounds; who listens, who reads that shows that curiosity that does not want to stop at appearances but to find the right harmony.

She therefore gets involved in a project in 2004 and becomes one of the founders of a cultural association Progettoqualegioco in which the playful dimension is combined with experimentation and the dissemination of new ideas so that the person can grow in the continuous search for their own personal evolution.

Elena is a restless spirit, she is constantly discovering herself, she wants answers to questions that evolve and change continuously, and at a certain point of her journey, she finds inspiration in Ayurvedic medicine: she wants to learn to find the right balance between physical health and health mental a desire for well-being that is not only care of the body but above all care of the soul. 

She trained both as a yoga therapist and instructor and also as an expert in vegan and natural nutrition, coming to collaborate in the drafting and revision of various texts by Master Swami Joythimayananda on Ayurvedic nutrition, and creating a book in collaboration with Barbara Bianchi entitled AYURVEGAN published by Macroeditions.

Before concluding, I instantly want to write a poem.

You can't tell Elena without a vibration of the heart and I imagine that she herself is talking about herself, a fantasy that comes from what I breathed in an ardent soul that has not yet learned to take flight.

Mehr von Esserenza

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