The fern flower is bloomed (2020) Картина - Yulia Belasla


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Продавец Yulia Belasla

Бумага изобразительного искусства, 11x8 in
  • Подлинное произведение искусства (One Of A Kind) Картина, Акрил на Холст
  • Размеры Высота 7,9in, Ширина 5,9in
  • Состояние картины Картина в идеальном состоянии
  • Рама Эта работа не оформлена
  • Категории Картины до 500 $ Изобразительное искусство Цветок
There is a Slavic legend that the fern flower blooms on the night of the summer solstice. On this day Slavs celebrate a holiday called Ivan Kupala. The fern flower is a symbol of love and family well being. If a guy or girl can't find their love they have to look for a fern flower on that special night of the Ivan Kupala. The fern[...]
There is a Slavic legend that the fern flower blooms on the night of the summer solstice. On this day Slavs celebrate a holiday called Ivan Kupala.

The fern flower is a symbol of love and family well being. If a guy or girl can't find their love they have to look for a fern flower on that special night of the Ivan Kupala. The fern flower is a family charm. It brings and preserves the Fire of Love and protects the family from troubles. For me, this is a very beautiful legend.

Связанные темы

BlueBotanistYellowRed FlowerGreen Leaves

About Yulia Belasla  Yulia Belasla was born in 1987 in Barnaul. Altai Krai. Russia. When she was still a child,her parents moved to the city of Kemerovo, in Western Siberia, where she grew up.Since 2017,[...]

About Yulia Belasla 

Yulia Belasla was born in 1987 in Barnaul. Altai Krai. Russia. When she was still a child,her parents moved to the city of Kemerovo, in Western Siberia, where she grew up.Since 2017, she has been living in Moscow. Russia.
Since childhood, she attended private painting and drawing lessons. She graduated from an Art school with honors. And graduated from Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts with a degree in graphic design.
Between 2013 and 2017, she ran a frame shop where she worked as a decorator in Kemerovo, and passionately taught painting to adults and children. Today, her time is completely devoted to the creation of Artworks, as well as giving Art workshops.

Artist’s Statement

In my practice, I work with painting, exploring themes of love, human relationships, Slavic traditions and physicality of the information world. I work in traditional techniques, using oil, acrylic, watercolor, and golden foil. The inner volume of the paintings is achieved only by the contrast of cold and warm color palettes. Otherwise, I avoid feeling the depth of space, turning the composition to ornamental correspondence or icon painting practice. The symbolic structure  of objects and characters and the addition of decorative elements to the space is a reference to ancient cultural codes and sign systems. The two main genres of my works are subject painting and portraits.
I combine mythology, legends and assemble them into an anthropomorphic image. It is read through signs sewn into the perceptions of each person. In my opinion, emotions are the brightest color of the universe, a universal language understood by everyone. I have always been interested in how people are emotionally connected to each other. The interaction of these connections forms my approach to developing themes within paintings.

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