Contemporary Designers (Value certified)

64 Designers and artists working on Design, meet the best contemporary artists from around the world. Selection: Design[...]

64 Designers and artists working on Design, meet the best contemporary artists from around the world. Selection: Design | Value certified

Discover and buy art from amazing contemporary artists on Artmajeur

Immersing oneself in the quest to uncover incredible contemporary artists and acquiring their masterpieces is nothing short of a captivating ballet of intellect, aesthetics, and soulful exploration. It is a voyage into the heart of human creativity that ignites the spirit, whispering secrets of the ever-evolving narrative of our times, embodied in brush strokes, digital pixels, or even the ephemeral theater of performance art.

Your initiation into this vibrant sphere can find roots in the boundless digital vineyard where artists, like rare vines, flourish. Online Art Galleries such as Artmajeur have shattered the age-old confines of the art world, broadcasting the unfiltered voices of emerging and established artists to every corner of the globe. As if entering a secret garden, these virtual spaces offer a smorgasbord of artistic expressions in their most authentic form. Artist websites, like intimate journals, unravel their artistic psyche, laying bare their processes, influences, and the profound narratives driving their creations.

The tangible energy of art fairs and museum exhibitions also provide a thrilling stage to uncover the luminaries of contemporary art. Imagine yourself amidst the flurry of Art Basel or the Venice Biennale, spellbound by a breathtaking array of artistry that spans nations and shatters boundaries. The air buzzes with stimulating conversations, each encounter with artists or their emissaries akin to uncovering a layer of a profound mystery, a step closer to deciphering the soul of their work.

The act of buying contemporary art is akin to falling in love. It demands passion and a keen understanding, a bond between you and the artist. Diving deep into the artist’s story and the crux of their work is crucial, safeguarding authenticity and truly appreciating the essence of your chosen piece. Experts like art consultants or gallery curators can be the sage guides in this journey, illuminating the path to your perfect art acquisition.

Investing in contemporary art isn’t merely an addition to a collection. It’s akin to holding a fragment of the artist’s vision, their burning ideas, and potent expressions. It’s a testament to your patronage, a spark that fuels the creative inferno and pushes the boundaries of the contemporary art scene. Whether you’re a seasoned connoisseur or a novice stepping into this vibrant world, the thrill of owning a contemporary artwork is a lasting affair that perpetually intrigues, inspires, and opens doors to endless discourse.

Sculpture,  55.1x5.9 in
SIGNES Sculpture, 55.1x5.9 in
©2024 Jeanbaptiste Van Den Heede

What is a contemporary artist?

A contemporary artist is an individual actively creating art within the context of modern times, typically considered to be the post-World War II era to the present day. Their work reflects, critiques, or responds to the culture, society, politics, and other elements of the current age. The ’contemporary’ in contemporary art is essentially a loose term, broadly encompassing all the art being made around the world today.

Unlike artists from specific art movements such as Impressionism, Surrealism, or Abstract Expressionism, contemporary artists aren’t confined to a specific style, medium, or subject matter. Their art practices might include traditional approaches such as painting, sculpture, or drawing, but also extend to newer forms like video art, performance art, conceptual art, digital art, and even virtual reality or AI-assisted creations. 

These artists often challenge existing norms and conventions of art-making and seek to question, disrupt, or redefine our understandings of society, identity, technology, the environment, and more. Their work frequently overlaps with social activism and political commentary, serving as a mirror to contemporary issues such as climate change, inequality, or technological advancement.

Contemporary artists can be self-taught, academically trained, or may come from different backgrounds altogether, each bringing their unique perspective to their work. They typically exhibit their work in a variety of settings, including galleries, museums, art fairs, and public spaces, and even online platforms, which have become increasingly significant in the digital age.

As the art world continues to evolve and diversify, the term ’contemporary artist’ will likely continue to broaden in its scope. It will remain a dynamic, fluid category, reflecting the ever-changing realities of our world, and the artists’ varied and innovative responses to it.

Painting,  11.8x11.8 in
Tableau lumineux à Led, Tigre Painting, 11.8x11.8 in
©2023 Lune Et Animo

How to invest in contemporary art today?

Artmajeur has revolutionized the way we experience and invest in contemporary art, emerging as a thriving hub that connects artists and art lovers worldwide. Whether you’re a seasoned art investor or dipping your toes into the exhilarating waters of the art world for the first time, investing in contemporary artists on Artmajeur can be a rewarding and exciting journey. 

Our platform features a diverse plethora of artists and art styles, providing an expansive vista to explore, discover, and appreciate artworks that resonate with your aesthetic and intellectual sensibilities. The digital nature of our online gallery tears down geographical barriers, offering you a global palette of contemporary artists at your fingertips. Artmajeur encourages an enriching art experience that transcends borders, an immersive odyssey into the fascinating and continually evolving realm of contemporary art.

Investing in contemporary artists on Artmajeur is not just about financial gain; it’s about contributing to the vitality of the global art ecosystem, nurturing creativity, and fostering cultural dialogue. By investing, you become a patron of the arts, directly supporting artists and their creative pursuits. It’s a gratifying process, knowing that your investment makes a significant impact on artists’ lives, helping them continue to create and share their unique vision with the world.

Before making an investment, it’s vital to research the artists and their work meticulously. Read about their backgrounds, influences, and artistic philosophy, understand the themes they explore, and evaluate their creative growth over time. You can also reach out to artists directly through Artmajeur, engage in meaningful dialogues about their work, and establish relationships. This knowledge will provide you with deeper insights into the artwork and help inform your investment decisions.

Finally, remember that investing in art should also be about personal pleasure and enrichment. Choose artworks that move you, provoke thought, inspire, or simply bring joy. The true value of art lies in its ability to communicate, evoke emotions, and enrich our lives. When you invest in a contemporary artist on Artmajeur, you are not just purchasing a piece of art; you are owning a fragment of the artist’s soul, vision, and commentary on our contemporary world!

Painting,  15.8x15.8 in
Clockwork Orange Painting, 15.8x15.8 in
©2024 D.S.A.Rt
Jeanbaptiste Van Den Heede
Design titled "consola de entrada…" by Jeanbaptiste Van Den Heede, Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "Banc SURF" by Jeanbaptiste Van Den Heede, Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "consola TORI" by Jeanbaptiste Van Den Heede, Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "table brutaliste en…" by Jeanbaptiste Van Den Heede, Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "banquette VOL" by Jeanbaptiste Van Den Heede, Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "LUNA box" by Jeanbaptiste Van Den Heede, Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "IBIZA lamp" by Jeanbaptiste Van Den Heede, Original Artwork, Luminaire Design titled "Taburete RUMBO" by Jeanbaptiste Van Den Heede, Original Artwork, Furniture
Lune Et Animo
Design titled "'Dog' Lampe articul…" by Lune Et Animo, Original Artwork, Luminaire Design titled "Lampe à poser Thudl…" by Lune Et Animo, Original Artwork Design titled "Lampe design en boi…" by Lune Et Animo, Original Artwork, Lighting Design titled "Black Dodrogo, spot…" by Lune Et Animo, Original Artwork, Lighting Design titled "Red Dodrogo , spot…" by Lune Et Animo, Original Artwork, Lighting Design titled "Lampe suspension en…" by Lune Et Animo, Original Artwork, Lighting Design titled "Lampe design en boi…" by Lune Et Animo, Original Artwork, Lighting Design titled "Spot design en bois…" by Lune Et Animo, Original Artwork, Lighting
Jean-Jacques Joujon (JimaJine)
Design titled "Lampe Rubik's Cubes" by Jean-Jacques Joujon (JimaJine), Original Artwork, Luminaire Design titled "Tableau Vitrail 3D…" by Jean-Jacques Joujon (JimaJine), Original Artwork, Accessories Design titled ""Courbes" Arc en Ci…" by Jean-Jacques Joujon (JimaJine), Original Artwork, Luminaire Design titled "TOTEM Multicolores" by Jean-Jacques Joujon (JimaJine), Original Artwork, Accessories Design titled "TOTEM Arches" by Jean-Jacques Joujon (JimaJine), Original Artwork, Accessories Design titled "Gris Baroque" by Jean-Jacques Joujon (JimaJine), Original Artwork, Accessories Design titled "TOTEM Flamme" by Jean-Jacques Joujon (JimaJine), Original Artwork, Accessories Design titled "TOTEM Bulles" by Jean-Jacques Joujon (JimaJine), Original Artwork, Accessories
Recyclage Design - Réanimateur D'Objets
Design titled "Art 201 Table Basse…" by Recyclage Design - Réanimateur D'Objets , Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "Grande table à mang…" by Recyclage Design - Réanimateur D'Objets , Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "Enfilade 5 portes m…" by Recyclage Design - Réanimateur D'Objets , Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "table basse billot…" by Recyclage Design - Réanimateur D'Objets , Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "table plateau verre…" by Recyclage Design - Réanimateur D'Objets , Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "Grande console" by Recyclage Design - Réanimateur D'Objets , Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "Table pied tulipe 2…" by Recyclage Design - Réanimateur D'Objets , Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "table basse bille d…" by Recyclage Design - Réanimateur D'Objets , Original Artwork, Furniture
Brigitte Dravet
Design titled "The lady lamp" by Brigitte Dravet, Original Artwork, Luminaire Design titled "So Glamour" by Brigitte Dravet, Original Artwork, Acrylic Design titled "Liz'art" by Brigitte Dravet, Original Artwork, Collages Design titled "New York New York" by Brigitte Dravet, Original Artwork, Acrylic Design titled "Viva la Vida!" by Brigitte Dravet, Original Artwork, Acrylic Design titled "La main de bouddha.…" by Brigitte Dravet, Original Artwork, Acrylic Design titled "Keithe" by Brigitte Dravet, Original Artwork, Plastic Mounted on artwork_cat. Design titled "Jambes de star.jpg" by Brigitte Dravet, Original Artwork, Acrylic
Design titled "Une tranche de Pors…" by D.S.A.Rt, Original Artwork, Accessories Design titled "SUSPENSION 2" by D.S.A.Rt, Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "Boire ou Conduire" by D.S.A.Rt, Original Artwork, Table art Design titled "Lévitation" by D.S.A.Rt, Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "Meuble télé" by D.S.A.Rt, Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "Chandelier en fer f…" by D.S.A.Rt, Original Artwork, Metals Design titled "Immortel apéro" by D.S.A.Rt, Original Artwork, Resin Design titled "Dark Vador" by D.S.A.Rt, Original Artwork, Accessories
Design titled "Forza Italia" by Lalie, Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "Heads on red" by Lalie, Original Artwork, Luminaire Design titled "Light" by Lalie, Original Artwork, Luminaire Design titled "Dimensional people…" by Lalie, Original Artwork Design titled "Service à café "Dim…" by Lalie, Original Artwork, Kitchen & Dining Design titled "Abat- jour Dreamers" by Lalie, Original Artwork Design titled "Suspensoir 6 lampes…" by Lalie, Original Artwork, Lighting Design titled "installation" by Lalie, Original Artwork
Saloua Mercier
Design titled "Duo renard" by Saloua Mercier, Original Artwork, Acrylic Design titled "Love family" by Saloua Mercier, Original Artwork, Luminaire Design titled "Miroir mon miroire" by Saloua Mercier, Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "Le foulard" by Saloua Mercier, Original Artwork, Acrylic Design titled "Dog light" by Saloua Mercier, Original Artwork, Acrylic Design titled "Shopping in Paris" by Saloua Mercier, Original Artwork, Luminaire Design titled "Princesse LEIA" by Saloua Mercier, Original Artwork, Luminaire
Jean-Marc Gardeux
Design titled "La bougie" by Jean-Marc Gardeux, Original Artwork, Luminaire Design titled "La bougie "Masselin"" by Jean-Marc Gardeux, Original Artwork, Luminaire Design titled "Orange bleue" by Jean-Marc Gardeux, Original Artwork, Luminaire Design titled "Lampe ressort II" by Jean-Marc Gardeux, Original Artwork, Luminaire Design titled "Lampe ressort I" by Jean-Marc Gardeux, Original Artwork, Luminaire Design titled "Opaline I" by Jean-Marc Gardeux, Original Artwork, Glass Design titled "Tower" by Jean-Marc Gardeux, Original Artwork, Luminaire Design titled "Light house" by Jean-Marc Gardeux, Original Artwork, Luminaire
Natalia Pechenkina
Design titled "Tea couple Ekaterina" by Natalia Pechenkina, Original Artwork, Clay Design titled "Decorative egg with…" by Natalia Pechenkina, Original Artwork, Ceramics Design titled "Cup HEART" by Natalia Pechenkina, Original Artwork, Ceramics Design titled "Vase "ROSE GARDEN"" by Natalia Pechenkina, Original Artwork, Ceramics Design titled "Clock with porcelai…" by Natalia Pechenkina, Original Artwork, Accessories Design titled "Clock with blue aga…" by Natalia Pechenkina, Original Artwork, Accessories Design titled "Watch MONOGRAM" by Natalia Pechenkina, Original Artwork, Accessories Design titled "Clock-FAIRY GARDEN" by Natalia Pechenkina, Original Artwork, Accessories
Laurent Boron
Design titled "Grêle sur ta sensue…" by Laurent Boron, Original Artwork, Jewelry Design titled "L'Encre du Coeur" by Laurent Boron, Original Artwork, Jewelry Design titled "Porte-Bonheur" by Laurent Boron, Original Artwork, Jewelry Design titled "Rose d' Améthyste" by Laurent Boron, Original Artwork, Accessories Design titled "CRISTAUX DE GIVRE" by Laurent Boron, Original Artwork, Jewelry Design titled "L'écrin de Café" by Laurent Boron, Original Artwork, Jewelry Design titled "L'éscarboucle de Fé…" by Laurent Boron, Original Artwork, Jewelry Design titled "Ouvre - toi !" by Laurent Boron, Original Artwork, Jewelry
Kb The Sandman
Design titled "Birth Stone episode…" by Kb The Sandman, Original Artwork, Table art Design titled "China Zun" by Kb The Sandman, Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "LV window display" by Kb The Sandman, Original Artwork, Clothing Design titled "Royal Jordan Wadi R…" by Kb The Sandman, Original Artwork, Table art Design titled "Nanushka" by Kb The Sandman, Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "Merlet's Wall of Sa…" by Kb The Sandman, Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "Illuminati" by Kb The Sandman, Original Artwork, Luminaire Design titled "Pacific Rim" by Kb The Sandman, Original Artwork, Furniture
Dayou Lu
Design titled "Lifting Handle Teap…" by Dayou Lu, Original Artwork, Table art Design titled "Lifting Handle Teap…" by Dayou Lu, Original Artwork, Table art Design titled "Lifting Handle Teap…" by Dayou Lu, Original Artwork, Table art Design titled "Lifting Handle Teap…" by Dayou Lu, Original Artwork, Table art Design titled "Lifting Handle Teap…" by Dayou Lu, Original Artwork, Table art Design titled "Lifting Handle Teap…" by Dayou Lu, Original Artwork, Table art Design titled "Lifting Handle Teap…" by Dayou Lu, Original Artwork, Table art Design titled "Lifting Handle Teap…" by Dayou Lu, Original Artwork, Table art
Jonathan Pradillon
Design titled "Lampe Réverbère Méc…" by Jonathan Pradillon, Original Artwork, Luminaire Design titled "Lampe Mécanique" by Jonathan Pradillon, Original Artwork, Metals Design titled "Lampe en bois de vi…" by Jonathan Pradillon, Original Artwork, Luminaire Design titled "Lampe totem" by Jonathan Pradillon, Original Artwork, Wood Design titled "Entrelacer" by Jonathan Pradillon, Original Artwork, Wood Design titled "Lampion de fer" by Jonathan Pradillon, Original Artwork, Metals Design titled "Lanterne médiévale…" by Jonathan Pradillon, Original Artwork, Metals Design titled "Lanterne médiévale…" by Jonathan Pradillon, Original Artwork, Metals Mounted on Metal
Gil'Ber Pautler
Design titled "'' bugAtti 0.11 ''" by Gil'Ber Pautler, Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "Garde de Corps Créa…" by Gil'Ber Pautler, Original Artwork, Furniture
Design titled "Buste Chêne Lampe #1" by Corbello, Original Artwork, Wood Design titled "Buste Teck Lampe #2" by Corbello, Original Artwork, Wood
Rose Desmaisons
Design titled "Guéridon ammonite" by Rose Desmaisons, Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "Exceptionelle table…" by Rose Desmaisons, Original Artwork, Ceramics Design titled "Magnifique table ba…" by Rose Desmaisons, Original Artwork, Furniture
Design titled "art deco" by Zambelli, Original Artwork, Luminaire
Fleurlise Artiste Peintre Et Sculpteur
Design titled "The big five" by Fleurlise Artiste Peintre Et Sculpteur, Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "Recette du rouget" by Fleurlise Artiste Peintre Et Sculpteur, Original Artwork, Table art Design titled "Poisson ange tropic…" by Fleurlise Artiste Peintre Et Sculpteur, Original Artwork, Table art Design titled "Tropical" by Fleurlise Artiste Peintre Et Sculpteur, Original Artwork, Table art Design titled "Poisson" by Fleurlise Artiste Peintre Et Sculpteur, Original Artwork, Table art Design titled "Langouste" by Fleurlise Artiste Peintre Et Sculpteur, Original Artwork, Table art Design titled "poisson lune" by Fleurlise Artiste Peintre Et Sculpteur, Original Artwork, Table art Design titled "Poisson perroquet" by Fleurlise Artiste Peintre Et Sculpteur, Original Artwork, Table art
Alain Granger (A.G.R)
Design titled "CLOPY le CYCLOPE (…" by Alain Granger (A.G.R), Original Artwork, Luminaire Design titled "Rock DIOR !" by Alain Granger (A.G.R), Original Artwork, Luminaire Design titled "FOSSILE MECANIQUE" by Alain Granger (A.G.R), Original Artwork, Luminaire Design titled "INTI ( DIEU INCA ..…" by Alain Granger (A.G.R), Original Artwork, Luminaire Design titled "VIRACOCHA ( Créateu…" by Alain Granger (A.G.R), Original Artwork, Luminaire
Brother X
Design titled "Louis Vuitton Faux…" by Brother X, Original Artwork, Leather
Nicky Chauvet (Art-Nicky)
Design titled "Coffre Pirate perso…" by Nicky Chauvet (Art-Nicky), Original Artwork Design titled "MON COFFRE MAGIQUE*…" by Nicky Chauvet (Art-Nicky), Original Artwork Design titled "Les Hiboux de la fo…" by Nicky Chauvet (Art-Nicky), Original Artwork Design titled "Pour COMMANDER cliq…" by Nicky Chauvet (Art-Nicky), Original Artwork Design titled "Alice au Pays des M…" by Nicky Chauvet (Art-Nicky), Original Artwork, Acrylic Design titled "Peter Pan et le Cap…" by Nicky Chauvet (Art-Nicky), Original Artwork Design titled "Les Princesses Disn…" by Nicky Chauvet (Art-Nicky), Original Artwork Design titled "dscn7525.jpg" by Nicky Chauvet (Art-Nicky), Original Artwork
Design titled "Little Corset" by Kleinmanzano, Original Artwork, Jewelry
Michel Guerry (M ATOM)
Design titled "Table à manger bois…" by Michel Guerry (M ATOM), Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "Sobrelum" by Michel Guerry (M ATOM), Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "Table à manger rési…" by Michel Guerry (M ATOM), Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "Bouchon résine - cr…" by Michel Guerry (M ATOM), Original Artwork, Table art Design titled "Lampe "fusion"" by Michel Guerry (M ATOM), Original Artwork, Luminaire Design titled "Monolithe 2" by Michel Guerry (M ATOM), Original Artwork, Luminaire Design titled "Lampe monolithe" by Michel Guerry (M ATOM), Original Artwork, Luminaire Design titled "Muon" by Michel Guerry (M ATOM), Original Artwork, Furniture
Sonja Brzak
Design titled "ENIGMA plate" by Sonja Brzak, Original Artwork, Table art Design titled "ENIGMA brand/Fantas…" by Sonja Brzak, Original Artwork, Table art Design titled "FANTASY coffee cup/…" by Sonja Brzak, Original Artwork, Table art Design titled "ENIGMA/Rainbow cole…" by Sonja Brzak, Original Artwork, Table art Design titled "ENIGMA brand/Desire…" by Sonja Brzak, Original Artwork, Table art Design titled "ENIGMA cups&saucers…" by Sonja Brzak, Original Artwork, Table art Design titled "ENIGMA cups&saucers…" by Sonja Brzak, Original Artwork, Table art Design titled "ENIGMA cups&saucers…" by Sonja Brzak, Original Artwork, Table art
Design titled "LAMPE LELOLUCE" by Leloluce, Original Artwork, Luminaire
Isis Bi M
Design titled "Jeu Kama Memory" by Isis Bi M, Original Artwork, Accessories Design titled "Jeu Memory Vulves" by Isis Bi M, Original Artwork, Accessories
Design titled "Jeu Memory Coeurs 2" by Isis Bi M, Original Artwork, Accessories Design titled "Jeu Memory Coeurs 1" by Isis Bi M, Original Artwork, Accessories Design titled "Jeu Oracle Memory n…" by Isis Bi M, Original Artwork, Accessories Design titled "Jeu Oracle Memory C…" by Isis Bi M, Original Artwork, Accessories
Emily Starck
Caroline Cavalier
Design titled "A poêle" by Caroline Cavalier, Original Artwork, Acrylic Design titled "Tonneau" by Caroline Cavalier, Original Artwork, Acrylic Design titled "Dame Jeanne" by Caroline Cavalier, Original Artwork Design titled "Dame Jeanne # L'ori…" by Caroline Cavalier, Original Artwork
Jennifer Zalewski
Design titled "Le tonneau" by Jennifer Zalewski, Original Artwork, Furniture
Marie Pascale Martins
Design titled "Vase terre noire te…" by Marie Pascale Martins, Original Artwork, Ceramics Design titled "Vase zen" by Marie Pascale Martins, Original Artwork, Ceramics Design titled "Vase mishima" by Marie Pascale Martins, Original Artwork, Ceramics
Iracéma Lambotte (ira)
Design titled "Imitation pierre de…" by Iracéma Lambotte (ira), Original Artwork Design titled "Décor parchemin" by Iracéma Lambotte (ira), Original Artwork Design titled "Imitation - loupe d…" by Iracéma Lambotte (ira), Original Artwork
Valerie Duvivier
Design titled "Dame de pique" by Valerie Duvivier, Original Artwork Design titled "On ne peut pas reme…" by Valerie Duvivier, Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "Zebra Baroque" by Valerie Duvivier, Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "bandes-a-part.jpg" by Valerie Duvivier, Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "Cadrillages" by Valerie Duvivier, Original Artwork, Home Décor
Design titled "labyrinthe-dore.jpg" by Valerie Duvivier, Original Artwork
Art Hugo
Design titled "CRAZY Vespa Popart…" by Art Hugo, Original Artwork, Accessories Design titled "CASQUE CONTRE LA MO…" by Art Hugo, Original Artwork, Acrylic Design titled "Casque Prototyp Art…" by Art Hugo, Original Artwork, Acrylic Design titled "Casque Mercedes Sto…" by Art Hugo, Original Artwork, Acrylic
Bruno Gayraud (Bruno GARERO)
Design titled "ENSEIGNE "COTE PLAC…" by Bruno Gayraud (Bruno GARERO), Original Artwork Design titled "TABLE BASSE "SABINE"" by Bruno Gayraud (Bruno GARERO), Original Artwork Design titled "PORTE MENU LES BART…" by Bruno Gayraud (Bruno GARERO), Original Artwork Design titled "TCHI" by Bruno Gayraud (Bruno GARERO), Original Artwork Design titled "TOTEM CACTUS" by Bruno Gayraud (Bruno GARERO), Original Artwork Design titled "PORTE-MENU "OCTOPUS"" by Bruno Gayraud (Bruno GARERO), Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "ARBRE A CHAT" by Bruno Gayraud (Bruno GARERO), Original Artwork Design titled "MIROIR bois flotté" by Bruno Gayraud (Bruno GARERO), Original Artwork, Furniture
Matt Christine
United States
Design titled "Pine shower bench" by Matt Christine, Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "Wood Centerpiece" by Matt Christine, Original Artwork, Table art Design titled "Photo" by Matt Christine, Original Artwork, Accessories Design titled "Photograph" by Matt Christine, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
Design titled "Customer" by Ykstreetart, Original Artwork, Wood
Design titled "A l'huile" by Jonger, Original Artwork, Aluminium Design titled "DOUCE LUMIERE" by Jonger, Original Artwork, Stainless Steel
Sylvie Loudieres
Design titled "Coupe dentelle parme" by Sylvie Loudieres, Original Artwork, Accessories Design titled "Vase Kintsugi  effe…" by Sylvie Loudieres, Original Artwork, Table art Design titled "Coupe cocon  Référe…" by Sylvie Loudieres, Original Artwork, Table art
Sylvie Bayard (Sylvestre)
Design titled "Transat(, série Bio…" by Sylvie Bayard (Sylvestre), Original Artwork, Accessories
Carlo Maiolini
Design titled ""HAREM"" by Carlo Maiolini, Original Artwork Design titled ""CHASSE GARDÉE"" by Carlo Maiolini, Original Artwork Design titled ""LES MINGS"" by Carlo Maiolini, Original Artwork Design titled ""HOMMAGE A MATISSE"" by Carlo Maiolini, Original Artwork Design titled ""HOMMAGE A MONDRIAN"" by Carlo Maiolini, Original Artwork Design titled ""A NOS AMOURS"" by Carlo Maiolini, Original Artwork Design titled ""ELFES"" by Carlo Maiolini, Original Artwork Design titled ""ORPHÉE"" by Carlo Maiolini, Original Artwork
Ludovic Cussigh
Design titled "Anneaux fer réalisé…" by Ludovic Cussigh, Original Artwork, Jewelry Design titled "Bague et pendentif…" by Ludovic Cussigh, Original Artwork, Jewelry Design titled "Anneau FER ouvert" by Ludovic Cussigh, Original Artwork, Jewelry Design titled "Bague Argent et Amé…" by Ludovic Cussigh, Original Artwork, Jewelry Design titled "Bague avec cabochon…" by Ludovic Cussigh, Original Artwork, Digital Photography Design titled "Bague argent et bro…" by Ludovic Cussigh, Original Artwork, Jewelry Design titled "Anneau Fer Clou" by Ludovic Cussigh, Original Artwork, Jewelry Design titled "Bracelet Fer" by Ludovic Cussigh, Original Artwork, Bracelets
Sylvie Hamou
Design titled "Tea for 2" by Sylvie Hamou, Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "Meaningful meditati…" by Sylvie Hamou, Original Artwork, Table art Design titled "Positive thinking" by Sylvie Hamou, Original Artwork, Table art Design titled "BE... positive stic…" by Sylvie Hamou, Original Artwork, Wood Design titled "Brainstorm" by Sylvie Hamou, Original Artwork Design titled "Mikado géant II" by Sylvie Hamou, Original Artwork, Wood Design titled "wood sculpture" by Sylvie Hamou, Original Artwork Design titled "Table "Tea for 2"" by Sylvie Hamou, Original Artwork, Furniture
Agostinho Dacunha
Design titled "Fenêtre table basse" by Agostinho Dacunha, Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "Petit meuble" by Agostinho Dacunha, Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "Table basse" by Agostinho Dacunha, Original Artwork, Furniture
Emmanuelle Menny Fleuridas
Design titled "MyArtyBox by EMF -…" by Emmanuelle Menny Fleuridas, Original Artwork, Accessories Design titled "MyArtyBox by EMF -…" by Emmanuelle Menny Fleuridas, Original Artwork, Accessories Design titled "MyArtyBox by EMF -…" by Emmanuelle Menny Fleuridas, Original Artwork, Jewelry Design titled "MyArtyBox by EMF -…" by Emmanuelle Menny Fleuridas, Original Artwork
Paulyvalent (Paul Elie)
Design titled "pic-3004.jpg" by Paulyvalent (Paul Elie), Original Artwork Design titled "bass-sexiste" by Paulyvalent (Paul Elie), Original Artwork Design titled "pic-2931.jpg" by Paulyvalent (Paul Elie), Original Artwork Design titled "pic-2958.jpg" by Paulyvalent (Paul Elie), Original Artwork Design titled "basse 6 cordes" by Paulyvalent (Paul Elie), Original Artwork Design titled "pic-2935.jpg" by Paulyvalent (Paul Elie), Original Artwork Design titled "pic-2937.jpg" by Paulyvalent (Paul Elie), Original Artwork Design titled "Basse électrique 6…" by Paulyvalent (Paul Elie), Original Artwork
Xavier Nowakowski
Design titled "Wayfarer Custom Mar…" by Xavier Nowakowski, Original Artwork, Objects
Design titled "Le bal des masques…" by Bega, Original Artwork, Table art Design titled "La montée à cheval ©" by Bega, Original Artwork, Table art Design titled "L'oisillon ©" by Bega, Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "Le bal masqué ©" by Bega, Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "Les ancêtres ©" by Bega, Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "Le cri de la forêt ©" by Bega, Original Artwork, Furniture Design titled "La rencontre ©" by Bega, Original Artwork, Table art Design titled "Le chien et son maî…" by Bega, Original Artwork, Furniture
Dominique Jolivet
Design titled "Lampe 1" by Dominique Jolivet, Original Artwork, Luminaire
Alexandra Knabengof
Design titled "Флейта" by Alexandra Knabengof, Original Artwork Design titled "Лампа настольная -…" by Alexandra Knabengof, Original Artwork Design titled "лампа настольная -…" by Alexandra Knabengof, Original Artwork Design titled "Лампа цепь" by Alexandra Knabengof, Original Artwork Design titled "Спираль. Настольная…" by Alexandra Knabengof, Original Artwork, Luminaire Design titled "ТХК - лампа настоль…" by Alexandra Knabengof, Original Artwork Design titled "Ветряк" by Alexandra Knabengof, Original Artwork


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