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印花与版画 标题为“A violet man with g…” 由Lola Marinn, 原创艺术品, 蒙纳
A violet man with green haired hands alongside with a woman - 印花与版画, 11.8x16.5 in ©2022 由Lola Marinn - Abstract, abstract-570, 色情裸体, Pop art influences, Ben-Day dot technique, Oil paints on canvas, contemporary art, female art, feminist art, greek mythology, modern figurative art, wall art for living room

Lola Marinn

"A violet man with green haired hands alongside with a woman"

印花与版画在帆布上 | 11.8x16.5 in

印花与版画 标题为“A pink man with gre…” 由Lola Marinn, 原创艺术品, 蒙纳
A pink man with green penis alongside a woman - 印花与版画, 11.8x16.5 in ©2022 由Lola Marinn - Abstract, abstract-570, 色情裸体, Abstract monotype painting, Oil paints on canvas, Greek mythology, Pan and Selena, Intimate scene, Hot pink Pan, Light blue hair, Fertility green, Moon goddess, Ben-Day dot technique, Mythological romance, wall art for living room, feminist art, contemporary art

Lola Marinn

"A pink man with green penis alongside a woman"

印花与版画在帆布上 | 11.8x16.5 in

绘画 标题为“Green Fantasy” 由Olga Strogonova, 原创艺术品, 丙烯
Green Fantasy - 绘画, 39x55.1 in ©2018 由Olga Strogonova - Abstract, abstract-570, 景观, abstract, landscape, monotype, paysage, fantasy, acrylic, nature, field, abstrait, champ, intuitive

Olga Strogonova

"Green Fantasy"

丙烯在纸上 | 39x55.1 in

不出售 打印 US$34.80
印花与版画 标题为“A green man alongsi…” 由Lola Marinn, 原创艺术品, 蒙纳
A green man alongside a woman - 印花与版画, 11.8x16.5 in ©2022 由Lola Marinn - Pop Art, pop-art-615, 色情裸体, Abstract monotype painting, Oil paints on canvas, Greek mythology, Pan and Selena, Moon goddess, Ben-Day dot technique, Mythological romance, Green Pan, oil on canvas, female art, wall art for living room, feminist art, contemporary art, contemporary, modern figurative art

Lola Marinn

"A green man alongside a woman"

印花与版画在帆布上 | 11.8x16.5 in

绘画 标题为“Rothko” 由A Wibaa, 原创艺术品, 丙烯 安装在木质担架架上
Rothko - 绘画, 15.8x11.8 in ©2020 由A Wibaa - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, 几何, Rothko, famous artist, people, peace, life, abstract painting, emotional creation, bright colors, paintign for living room, colorful, ispired by nature, emerging artist, peinture contemporaine, peinture por salon, colorè, inspire par la nature, peinture por salle a manteger, a-wibaa, peinture pas cher

A Wibaa


丙烯在帆布上 | 15.8x11.8 in

绘画 标题为“Pink girl with blue…” 由Lola Marinn, 原创艺术品, 油
Pink girl with blue hands - 绘画, 11.4x16.5 in ©2021 由Lola Marinn - Abstract, abstract-570, 女性裸体, Abstract monotype painting, Oil paints on canvas, Intimate scene, Female legs, contemporary art, wall art for living room, feminist art, female art, Provocative subject matter, Masturbating woman, Light and shadow technique, Close-up on legs, Gestural painting, Pink and blue

Lola Marinn

"Pink girl with blue hands"

油在帆布上 | 11.4x16.5 in

印花与版画 标题为“Абстракция 4” 由Naumova Daria, 原创艺术品, 蒙纳
Абстракция 4 - 印花与版画, 15x10.2 in ©2020 由Naumova Daria - Abstract, abstract-570, 抽象主义

Naumova Daria

"Абстракция 4"

印花与版画在纸上 | 15x10.2 in

绘画 标题为“Monotype-2” 由H-Nguyen, 原创艺术品, 丙烯
Monotype-2 - 绘画, 39.4x31.5 in ©2019 由H-Nguyen - Abstract, abstract-570, monotype, green, energy, movement, inspired by nature, music in painting



丙烯在帆布上 | 39.4x31.5 in

打印 US$27.19
绘画 标题为“Violet girl with pi…” 由Lola Marinn, 原创艺术品, 油
Violet girl with pink hands - 绘画, 11.4x16.5 in ©2021 由Lola Marinn - Abstract, abstract-570, 女性裸体, Gestural painting, Monotype print, Intimate female form, Contemporary and classic blend, Masturbating woman, Gestural lines, Light and shadow technique, Abstract monotype painting, Oil paints on canvas, female art, wall art for living room, modern figurative art, feminist art, Emotional intensity

Lola Marinn

"Violet girl with pink hands"

油在帆布上 | 11.4x16.5 in

绘画 标题为“"Горный облик"” 由Naumova Daria, 原创艺术品, 油
"Горный облик" - 绘画, 22.8x16.5 in ©2018 由Naumova Daria - Abstract, abstract-570, artwork_cat.Color, облик, авторскаятехника, цвет, эстамп, valishe, горы

Naumova Daria

""Горный облик""

油在纸上 | 22.8x16.5 in

打印 US$27.19
绘画 标题为“River Landanscape” 由A Wibaa, 原创艺术品, 油 安装在木质担架架上
River Landanscape - 绘画, 27.6x19.7 in ©2023 由A Wibaa - Abstract, abstract-570, 景观, river, famous artist, peace, sun, water, bright colors, emotional creation, painting for living room, colorful, ispired by nature, colorè, ispire par la nature, peinture par sale a manger

A Wibaa

"River Landanscape"

油在帆布上 | 27.6x19.7 in

绘画 标题为“INTEGRITY” 由Robert Andler Lipski, 原创艺术品, 拼贴 安装在木板上
INTEGRITY - 绘画, 35.8x48 in ©2020 由Robert Andler Lipski - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Robert Andler-Lipski, Lipski, mixed media, painting, collage, modern art, contemporary art, expressionism, abstract, neo-expressionism, figurative art, women, body, erotic art, nude, integrity

Robert Andler Lipski


拼贴在木上 | 35.8x48 in

绘画 标题为“Violet-green girl w…” 由Lola Marinn, 原创艺术品, 油
Violet-green girl with pink hands - 绘画, 11.4x16.5 in ©2021 由Lola Marinn - Abstract, abstract-570, 女性裸体, Limited color palette, Emotional intensity, Female form art, Monotype technique, Intimate scene, Oil paints on canvas, Abstract monotype painting, Contemporary and classic blend, Evocative monotype, Masturbating woman, Light and shadow technique, violet green pink, feminist art, contemporary art, female art, wall art for living room

Lola Marinn

"Violet-green girl with pink hands"

油在帆布上 | 11.4x16.5 in

绘画 标题为“Girl with pink hands” 由Lola Marinn, 原创艺术品, 油
Girl with pink hands - 绘画, 10.6x16.5 in ©2021 由Lola Marinn - Abstract, abstract-570, 女性裸体, Abstract monotype painting, Oil paints on canvas, Provocative subject matter, Intimate female form, Emotional intensity, Pink and warm yellow, nudes, female body, female art, Abstract expressionism, masturbation, pleasure, bedroom, contemporary art, modern art, home decor

Lola Marinn

"Girl with pink hands"

油在帆布上 | 10.6x16.5 in

绘画 标题为“Pink girl with gree…” 由Lola Marinn, 原创艺术品, 油
Pink girl with green hands - 绘画, 11.4x16.5 in ©2021 由Lola Marinn - Abstract, abstract-570, 女性裸体, Feminine art, Woman figure painting, Erotic artwork, Erotic female form, Evocative monotype, Contemporary and classic blend, Masturbating woman, Gestural lines, Light and shadow technique, Oil paints on canvas, Abstract monotype painting, Pink and green, Intimate scene, Textured surface

Lola Marinn

"Pink girl with green hands"

油在帆布上 | 11.4x16.5 in

绘画 标题为“Triptych "Profiles"…” 由Nikned, 原创艺术品, 水粉
Triptych "Profiles" 2009-07, 63x30 cm. - 绘画, 11.8x24.8 in ©2009 由Nikned - Abstract, abstract-570, Mixed Media, monotype, gouache, Abstract


"Triptych "Profiles" 2009-07, 63x30 cm."

水粉在纸上 | 11.8x24.8 in

印花与版画 标题为“A violet redhaired…” 由Lola Marinn, 原创艺术品, 蒙纳
A violet redhaired man alondside a woman - 印花与版画, 11.8x16.5 in ©2022 由Lola Marinn - Abstract, abstract-570, 色情裸体, Abstract monotype painting, Oil paints on canvas, Disheveled hairstyle, Broad shoulders, Female legs, Pop art influences, Ben-Day dot technique, Intimate scene, Pan and Selena, Greek mythology, Moon goddess, Mythological romance, female art, feminist art, contemporary art, wall art for living room

Lola Marinn

"A violet redhaired man alondside a woman"

印花与版画在帆布上 | 11.8x16.5 in

绘画 标题为“I know that I don't…” 由A Wibaa, 原创艺术品, 丙烯 安装在木质担架架上
I know that I don't know 80cm - 绘画, 31.5x23.6 in ©2024 由A Wibaa - Abstract, abstract-570, 抽象主义, artiste internationale, peinture pour salle à manger, panorama de campagne, impacter, audacieux, inspiré par la nature, coloré, peinture pas cher, toile pour salon, peinture carrée expressive, grande toile, couleurs vives, passion, grand résumé, peinture acrylique, peinture contemporaine, colourful

A Wibaa

"I know that I don't know 80cm"

丙烯在帆布上 | 31.5x23.6 in

绘画 标题为“lake landscape” 由A Wibaa, 原创艺术品, 油 安装在木质担架架上
lake landscape - 绘画, 31.5x31.5 in ©2023 由A Wibaa - Abstract, abstract-570, peinture par sale a manger, ispire par la nature, colorè, ispired by nature, colorful, painting for living room, emotional cration, lake, sun, water, peace

A Wibaa

"lake landscape"

油在帆布上 | 31.5x31.5 in

绘画 标题为“Monotype-jaune” 由H-Nguyen, 原创艺术品, 丙烯
Monotype-jaune - 绘画, 25.6x19.7 in ©2020 由H-Nguyen - Abstract, abstract-570, abstract, expressionism, color, vivid, yellow, jaune



丙烯在纸上 | 25.6x19.7 in

打印 US$27.19
绘画 标题为“Mykonos Landscape” 由A Wibaa, 原创艺术品, 油 安装在木质担架架上
Mykonos Landscape - 绘画, 19.7x27.6 in ©2023 由A Wibaa - Land Art, land-art-957, 海景, mykonos, sea, peintre par sale a manger, ispire pa la nature, colorè, colorful, sun, sol, peace

A Wibaa

"Mykonos Landscape"

油在帆布上 | 19.7x27.6 in

绘画 标题为“In your Mirror” 由A Wibaa, 原创艺术品, 油 安装在其他刚性面板上
In your Mirror - 绘画, 31.5x23.6 in ©2023 由A Wibaa - Spiritual Art, spiritual-art-1040, 爱情, miroir, femme, féminicide

A Wibaa

"In your Mirror"

油在玻璃上 | 31.5x23.6 in

绘画 标题为“Kronos Kairos Aion…” 由A Wibaa, 原创艺术品, 丙烯 安装在木质担架架上
Kronos Kairos Aion 50 x 50 cm - 绘画, 19.7x19.7 in ©2023 由A Wibaa - Abstract, abstract-570, 几何, colorè, inspirè par la nature, audacieux, impacter, peinture pour salle à manger, artiste internationale, toile pour salon, peinture expressive, crèatione èmotionnelle, couleurs vive, artistes cèlèbres, peinture contemporaine, emerging artist

A Wibaa

"Kronos Kairos Aion 50 x 50 cm"

丙烯在帆布上 | 19.7x19.7 in

不出售 打印 US$27.19
绘画 标题为“Lilac” 由Zhanna Kondratenko, 原创艺术品, 水粉 安装在其他刚性面板上
Lilac - 绘画, 7.9x5.7 in ©2010 由Zhanna Kondratenko - Abstract, abstract-570, artwork_cat.Color, abstract, painting, art, association, pink, violet, white, expression, deep, move, color, lilac, pink fire, contemporary abstraction, emotional creation, ready to hang art, framed painting

Zhanna Kondratenko


水粉在纸上 | 7.9x5.7 in

印花与版画 标题为“A turquoise-colored…” 由Lola Marinn, 原创艺术品, 蒙纳
A turquoise-colored man alongside a woman - 印花与版画, 11.8x16.5 in ©2022 由Lola Marinn - Pop Art, pop-art-615, 色情裸体, Abstract monotype painting, Oil paints on canvas, Intimate scene, Greek mythology, Pan and Selene, Turquoise Pan, Bright orange hair, Eccentric pink nails, Moon goddess, Ben-Day dot technique, Textured surface, Mythological romance, contemporary art, feminist art, modern figurative art, wall art for living room

Lola Marinn

"A turquoise-colored man alongside a woman"

印花与版画在帆布上 | 11.8x16.5 in

绘画 标题为“Yellow girl with bl…” 由Lola Marinn, 原创艺术品, 油
Yellow girl with blue hands - 绘画, 10.6x16.5 in ©2021 由Lola Marinn - Abstract, abstract-570, 色情裸体

Lola Marinn

"Yellow girl with blue hands"

油在帆布上 | 10.6x16.5 in

印花与版画 标题为“A green man with a…” 由Lola Marinn, 原创艺术品, 蒙纳
A green man with a red beard alongside a woman - 印花与版画, 11.8x16.5 in ©2022 由Lola Marinn - Abstract, abstract-570, 色情裸体, Green man, Oil paints on canvas, Intimate scene, Ben-Day dot technique, Pop art influences, Greek mythology, a man with a beard, Abstract monotype painting, erotic art

Lola Marinn

"A green man with a red beard alongside a woman"

印花与版画在帆布上 | 11.8x16.5 in

绘画 标题为“Green legs with blu…” 由Lola Marinn, 原创艺术品, 油
Green legs with blue hands - 绘画, 11.4x16.5 in ©2021 由Lola Marinn - Abstract, abstract-570, 女性裸体, Abstract monotype painting, Oil paints on canvas, Provocative subject matter, ntimate female form, Masturbating woman, Contemporary and classic blend, Evocative monotype, Light and shadow technique, Small canvas art, Feminine art, Female artist

Lola Marinn

"Green legs with blue hands"

油在帆布上 | 11.4x16.5 in

绘画 标题为“Fantasy” 由Diane Leon, 原创艺术品, 丙烯
Fantasy - 绘画, 7x5 in ©2019 由Diane Leon - Abstract, abstract-570, artwork_cat.Color, Vibrant, abstract, painting in acrylic, original

Diane Leon


丙烯在纸上 | 7x5 in

绘画 标题为“"Семья"” 由Naumova Daria, 原创艺术品, 油
"Семья" - 绘画, 16.5x21.3 in ©2021 由Naumova Daria - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, 爱情

Naumova Daria


油在纸上 | 16.5x21.3 in

绘画 标题为“Yellow girl with pi…” 由Lola Marinn, 原创艺术品, 油
Yellow girl with pink hands - 绘画, 11.4x14.6 in ©2021 由Lola Marinn - Abstract, abstract-570, 色情裸体, Masturbating woman, Emotional depth, Evocative monotype, Intimate female form, Erotic artwork, Erotic female form, contemporary art, pink and yellow, bedroom, provacative art

Lola Marinn

"Yellow girl with pink hands"

油在帆布上 | 11.4x14.6 in

绘画 标题为“Mountain Landscape” 由A Wibaa, 原创艺术品, 油 安装在木质担架架上
Mountain Landscape - 绘画, 19.7x27.6 in ©2023 由A Wibaa - Abstract, abstract-570, 山地景观, famous artist, people, mountain, peace, life, abstract painting, emotional creation, brigth colors, painting for living room, colorful, ispired by nature, emerging artist, peinture contemporaine, peinture por salon, peintur pas cher, colorè, ispire par la nature, peinture por sale a manger, golf

A Wibaa

"Mountain Landscape"

油在帆布上 | 19.7x27.6 in

印花与版画 标题为“3х3” 由Naumova Daria, 原创艺术品, 蒙纳
3х3 - 印花与版画, 10.2x15 in ©2021 由Naumova Daria - Abstract, abstract-570, 抽象主义

Naumova Daria


印花与版画在纸上 | 10.2x15 in

印花与版画 标题为“Безграничность” 由Naumova Daria, 原创艺术品, 油
Безграничность - 印花与版画, 24x24 in ©2020 由Naumova Daria - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, 抽象主义, воображение, графика, исскусство, символизм, абстракция, монотипия, авторская техника, Valishe

Naumova Daria


印花与版画在纸上 | 24x24 in

打印 US$27.19
绘画 标题为“Flying Angel” 由Mariia Raskin, 原创艺术品, 丙烯 安装在木质担架架上
Flying Angel - 绘画, 35.4x23.6 in ©2022 由Mariia Raskin - Abstract, abstract-570, 海景, nature abstract painting, abstract art, abstract artwork, blue and purple abstract art, abstract seascape, marine abstract art, abstract sea art, ocean abstract art, violet artwork, violet abstract painting, abstract surf art, ocean waves artwork, abstract waves artwork, joy abstract art, sea ​​foam art

Mariia Raskin

"Flying Angel"

丙烯在帆布上 | 35.4x23.6 in

绘画 标题为“Mulberry” 由Zhanna Kondratenko, 原创艺术品, 水粉 安装在其他刚性面板上
Mulberry - 绘画, 8.1x5.5 in ©2010 由Zhanna Kondratenko - Abstract, abstract-570, abstract, emotion, fantasy, contemporary, expression, mulberry, deep, red and brown, contemporary abstract, emotional creation, fire, framed artwork, ready to hang

Zhanna Kondratenko


水粉在纸上 | 8.1x5.5 in


