Berlin Art week 2021 关注

2021年9月15日 2021年9月19日

Berlin Art week 2021所有信息以及访问地图、入场费、预订、日期和开放时间.



Berlin Art Week in autum alongside Gallery Weekend in spring are the major highlights of the Berlin art year. Launched in 2012 as an collaboration of various partners, Berlin Art Week is all about contemporary art and brings together the most important players in Berlin's art scene: from art institutions,[...]

Berlin Art Week in autum alongside Gallery Weekend in spring are the major highlights of the Berlin art year. Launched in 2012 as an collaboration of various partners, Berlin Art Week is all about contemporary art and brings together the most important players in Berlin's art scene: from art institutions, an art fair and private galleries to private collections, project spaces, and artists. Every year in autumn, the entire art scene opens up to art enthusiasts from around the globe with a programme of openings, award ceremonies, interventions in public space, art tours, and discussions. Berlin Art Week reflects what the city is all about: a source where art is created, a laboratory where topics in art are being discussed, a place for new impulses and many discoveries.

Berlin Art Week 2020 was one of the first major cultural events in Berlin since the outbreak of the Corona Pandemic in Germany, which took place 'live' again—citywide, decentralized, outside and also digitally. Even in times of strict hygiene and distance rules, the whole spectrum of exhibitions, openings, fairs, interventions and tours was open to art-interested visitors from 9—13 SEP. This year, numerous programme points were also offered online by the partner institutions: The ›Playlist‹ contains live streams, performances, podcasts and radio programs, while the ›Journal‹ features interviews, news and many more articles about the Berlin Art Week 2020 program.

Next Berlin Art Week will take place 15—19 SEP 2021.

Berlin Art Week is a project by Kulturprojekte Berlin. It is made possible by the support of the Senate Department for Culture and Europe as well as the Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises, and realized with the support of GASAG AG.





Berlin Art week 2021的邀请

您正在寻找Berlin Art week 2021的邀请吗?由于我们与世界各地的艺术博览会和沙龙的合作关系,Artmajeur 定期收到为收藏家和热情的艺术爱好者提供的数量有限的特别邀请。由于 Artmajeur 的邀请有限,请不要错过独家参与世界各地主要艺术博览会和艺术展的机会。立即在 Artmajeur 上申请Berlin Art week 2021的免费邀请!注意:艺术博览会提供的邀请函数量通常非常有限,并且会很快分发。但是,请随时联系我们,我们将尽力获得邀请,或告知您参加展会的条款。[...]

您正在寻找Berlin Art week 2021的邀请吗?由于我们与世界各地的艺术博览会和沙龙的合作关系,Artmajeur 定期收到为收藏家和热情的艺术爱好者提供的数量有限的特别邀请。由于 Artmajeur 的邀请有限,请不要错过独家参与世界各地主要艺术博览会和艺术展的机会。立即在 Artmajeur 上申请Berlin Art week 2021的免费邀请!注意:艺术博览会提供的邀请函数量通常非常有限,并且会很快分发。但是,请随时联系我们,我们将尽力获得邀请,或告知您参加展会的条款。

我如何申请免费邀请参加Berlin Art week 2021 ?
如果您是一位艺术收藏家或爱好者,有兴趣探索 Artmajeur Galerie 在世界各地的众多合作艺术博览会和展览之一,请提交您的免费邀请请求。请务必指定您想参加哪个活动。您可以通过我们网站上的联系表或直接通过电子邮件与我们联系。

收到您的请求后,我们将检查当前库存以获取Berlin Art week 2021的可用邀请。如果我们有您选择的贸易展览或展览会的邀请函,我们将直接向您发送一张。如果我们发现自己没有立即收到邀请,我们将联系活动组织者以获取更多邀请。


如果我们因售完而无法向您发出邀请,我们将提供有关如何参加活动的指导,包括购买Berlin Art week 2021门票的信息。我们还将提供我们社区可能获得的任何优惠访问或折扣的详细信息。

为了提高您的机会,我们建议您尽快提交请求,因为邀请是根据可用性分发的。此外,在社交媒体上关注 Artmajeur Galerie 并订阅我们的时事通讯,您将随时了解可用的邀请函和其他独家优惠。

邀请请求 更多信息



