How relationships between artist accounts and gallery accounts work on Artmajeur

Who can administer an artist account?

On Artmajeur artist accounts can be managed by different entities:

  • by the artist himself
  • by a multi-artist account (gallery, association etc...)
  • by Artmajeur

Can an artist appear on multiple gallery accounts?

Yes, an artist account can appear on several multi-artist accounts, for example if several galleries sell works by this artist, or if the artist is a member of several associations.

If an artist appears in one or more galleries, what sales commission applies?

Works put up for sale can only be administered by 1 account, it is the seller's account, which will collect payment for the sale, and appear as seller on the invoice. The sales commission that applies depends on the member level of the seller, so it may be different if the works of the same artist are sold by several sellers.

How are sales commissions distributed between Artmajeur, the gallery, and the artist?

Artmajeur's sales commission only applies to the "seller" of the work, whether an artist or a gallery. If a work is sold by a gallery, the sales commission will only apply to the gallery. If the gallery has a contract with the artist, it is up to them to remunerate the artist according to their contract. Artmajeur does not intervene in the commercial relationship between galleries and their artists.

How can an artist apply to appear in a gallery or association?

The artist can be invited by the gallery and receive an invitation by email, or they can apply on the gallery page (if they have activated the corresponding option).

Galleries that receive requests can accept, or refuse according to their own policy, independent of Artmajeur.

When an artist is part of a group, association or gallery, they can also choose to give them the administration of their account. In this case it is the gallery which will take care of all the content, images, texts, and will collect the sales.

When an artist applies to be presented by a gallery, how does the negotiation go?

The discussion is free between the artist and the gallery, Artmajeur does not intervene in this relationship.

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