Obras de arte à venda por galerias de arte oficiais

Mais relevante | Mais recente

Escultura intitulada "Mine" por Karen Axikyan, Obras de arte originais, Metais
Mine - Escultura, 15,8x5,1 in ©2023 por Karen Axikyan - Figurative, figurative-594, Vida cotidiana, beautiful sculpture, contemporary sculpture, creative sculpture, elegant design, figurative sculpture, figurine sculpture, handmade sculpture, modern sculpture, original sculpture, sculpture for home decor, sculpture for office, unique sculpture, wire art sculpture, figurine, iron sculpture, contemporary art, contemplative art, human figure, thoughtful sculpture, handmade art

Karen Axikyan


Escultura - Metais | 15,8x5,1 in

A pedido
Pintura intitulada "Masquerade of Emoti…" por Aram Sevoyan, Obras de arte originais, Óleo Montado em Armação em madeira
Masquerade of Emotions - Pintura, 35,4x31,5 in ©2022 por Aram Sevoyan - Abstract, abstract-570, Humor, colorful abstract, contemporary portrait, dark abstract painting, enigmatic figure, creative abstract, Armenian art, interior design, abstract portrait, abstract figurative, abstract mask, unique, abstract painting, psychological art, psychological painting, red background, modern art, chaotic abstract, human psyche, mask painting, masks

Aram Sevoyan

"Masquerade of Emotions"

Óleo em Tela | 35,4x31,5 in

A pedido
Escultura intitulada "Babyfoot XS Aubergi…" por Idan Zareski, Obras de arte originais, Resina
Babyfoot XS Aubergine - Escultura, 10,2x7,1 in ©2024 por Idan Zareski - Pop Art, pop-art-615, retratos de criança, idan zareski, babyfoot xs, contemporary sculpture, bigfoot series, limited edition sculpture, high-quality resin, buy art online, artmajeur, modern art, childhood memories, whimsical sculpture, art collection, lifelike expressions, detailed sculpture, unique design, art collectors, decorative art, fine art, home decor, office art

Idan Zareski

"Babyfoot XS Aubergine"

Escultura - Resina | 10,2x7,1 in

US$ 3.599,38
Pintura intitulada "Musical Dialogue" por Gegham Hunanyan, Obras de arte originais, Óleo Montado em Armação em madeira
Musical Dialogue - Pintura, 19,7x15,8 in ©2023 por Gegham Hunanyan - Cubism, cubism-582, Músicos, guitar players, music painting, music theme, home decor, warm palette, abstract figurative, structured background, elongated forms, colorful painting, checkerboard pattern, music lovers, modern art, geometric abstraction, wall art, musical synergy, rhythmic flow, musical connection, shared passion, gift idea, Armenian painting

Gegham Hunanyan

"Musical Dialogue"

Óleo em Tela | 19,7x15,8 in

A pedido
Pintura intitulada "Red regatta" por Vladimir Bauer, Obras de arte originais, Óleo
Red regatta - Pintura, 19,7x25,6 in ©1998 por Vladimir Bauer - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Abstrata, oil painting, seascape, regatta, vintage, rare, fine art painting, boat painting, red painting, red abstract, abstract painting, oil artwork, red artwork, unique art, one of a kind, trendy wall art, wall art decor, Avant-gardism, Avant-garde painting, modern art, contemporary art

Vladimir Bauer

"Red regatta"

Óleo em Tela | 19,7x25,6 in

US$ 1.498,31
Reproduções disponíveis
Pintura intitulada "Elegance in Twilight" por Ruzanna Melqumyan, Obras de arte originais, Óleo Montado em Armação em madeira
Elegance in Twilight - Pintura, 31,5x23,6 in ©2024 por Ruzanna Melqumyan - Abstract, abstract-570, retratos de mulheres, elegant woman, elegant lady, oil painting, vibrant colors, red wine, golden glow, purple dress, expressive colors, evening scene, modern art, sophisticated style, wall art, textured art, mysterious elegance, contemporary painting, serene portrait, vivid portrait, inner peace, home decor, office art

Ruzanna Melqumyan

"Elegance in Twilight"

Óleo em Tela | 31,5x23,6 in

US$ 650
Pintura intitulada "Lonely Tree of the…" por Aram Sevoyan, Obras de arte originais, Óleo Montado em Armação em madeira
Lonely Tree of the City - Pintura, 15,8x11,8 in ©2024 por Aram Sevoyan - Abstract, abstract-570, Paisagem, abstract cityscape, framed cityscape, abstract nature, lonely tree, nature painting, urban oasis, vibrant city, village scape, vivid colors, modern art, landscape painting, home decor, wall art, interior design, decorative art, Armenian art, dynamic, texture, coexistence, harmony

Aram Sevoyan

"Lonely Tree of the City"

Óleo em Tela | 15,8x11,8 in

A pedido
Pintura intitulada "Ascent of Colors" por Artyom Basenci, Obras de arte originais, Óleo Montado em Armação em madeira
Ascent of Colors - Pintura, 23,6x17,7 in ©2023 por Artyom Basenci - Abstract, abstract-570, Colorida, abstract painting, blue yellow red abstract, colorful abstract, Armenian painting, contemporary art, decorative abstract, intuitive painting, modern art, textured abstract, wall art, vivid colors, abstraction, abstract colors, home decor, beautiful abstract, creative abstract, abstract impressions, unique decor, interior design, abstract lovers

Artyom Basenci

"Ascent of Colors"

Óleo em Tela | 23,6x17,7 in

Pintura intitulada "Melody of Love" por Armen Vahramyan, Obras de arte originais, Óleo Montado em Armação em madeira
Melody of Love - Pintura, 23,6x23,6 in ©2024 por Armen Vahramyan - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Amor, couple in love, expressive eyes, intimate couple, lovers portrait, picture for bedroom, love melody, young lovers, i love you, love, modern art, oil painting, couple portrait, love and beauty, picture for interior, decorative art, home decor, wall art, Armenian painting, beautiful art, lovers

Armen Vahramyan

"Melody of Love"

Óleo em Tela | 23,6x23,6 in

A pedido
Pintura intitulada "Abstrakte Leinwandb…" por Irina Erhardt, Obras de arte originais, Acrílico
Abstrakte Leinwandbild Acryl Blau Rot abstract painting blue - Pintura, 39,4x63 in ©2021 por Irina Erhardt - Abstract, abstract-570, Abstrata, abstract painting, abstract artwork, textured painting, textured artwork, blue red colors, blue red artwork, living room, large painting, contenporary art, modern art

Irina Erhardt

"Abstrakte Leinwandbild Acryl Blau Rot abstract painting blue"

Acrílico em Tela | 39,4x63 in

US$ 1.763,57
Pintura intitulada "Division" por Gegham Hunanyan, Obras de arte originais, Óleo Montado em Armação em madeira
Division - Pintura, 19,7x15,8 in ©2024 por Gegham Hunanyan - Figurative, figurative-594, Retrato, abstract forms, angular forms, wall art, dreamy abstract, abstract figurative, dream interpretation, elongated forms, emotional expression, enigmatic beauty, human relationships, figurative art, narrative canvas, surrealist art, home decor, whimsical composition, modern art, Armenian art, interior design, muted tones, complex emotions

Gegham Hunanyan


Óleo em Tela | 19,7x15,8 in

A pedido
Pintura intitulada "Meeting" por Arthur Avalyan, Obras de arte originais, Óleo Montado em Armação em madeira
Meeting - Pintura, 23,6x35,4 in ©2021 por Arthur Avalyan - Abstract, abstract-570, Abstrata, abstraction, nude colors, black and white, modernart, vivid colors, large abstract, large interior artwork, creative artwork, modern art, fine art, art deco

Arthur Avalyan


Óleo em Tela | 23,6x35,4 in

Não está à venda
Escultura intitulada "Babyfoot XS" por Idan Zareski, Obras de arte originais, Resina
Babyfoot XS - Escultura, 10,2x7,1 in ©2024 por Idan Zareski - Figurative, figurative-594, retratos de criança, idan zareski, babyfoot xs, contemporary sculpture, childhood joy, Bigfoot series, oversized feet, limited edition sculpture, art collection, high-quality resin, buy art online, Artmajeur, modern art, emotional art, childhood memories, whimsical sculpture, lifelike expressions, detailed sculpture, unique design, art collectors, contemporary artist

Idan Zareski

"Babyfoot XS"

Escultura - Resina | 10,2x7,1 in

US$ 3.599,38
Pintura intitulada "Warmly(Oil painting…" por Kamsar Ohanyan, Obras de arte originais, Óleo
Warmly(Oil painting, 55x55, modernart) - Pintura, 21,7x21,7 in ©2018 por Kamsar Ohanyan - Impressionism, impressionism-603, oil painting, people, impressionistic, modern art, warmly

Kamsar Ohanyan

"Warmly(Oil painting, 55x55, modernart)"

Óleo em Tela | 21,7x21,7 in

A pedido
Pintura intitulada "Guardian of Love" por Liana Asatryan, Obras de arte originais, Óleo Montado em Armação em madeira
Guardian of Love - Pintura, 19,7x15,8 in ©2024 por Liana Asatryan - Naive Art, naive-art-948, Amor, emotional painting, expressionism style, i love you, i miss you, naive figurative, warm tones, abstract figure, abstract painting, figurative art, mixed media, modern art, human connection, emotional art, introspective art, Armenian art, quiet moment, lovers embracing, red background, romantic painting, bedroom decor

Liana Asatryan

"Guardian of Love"

Óleo em Tela | 19,7x15,8 in

A pedido
Pintura intitulada "Composition with St…" por Sergey Miqayelya, Obras de arte originais, Óleo Montado em Armação em madeira
Composition with Still life - Pintura, 19,7x15,8 in ©2024 por Sergey Miqayelya - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Natureza morta, oil painting, timeless beauty, elegant arrangement, book, candle, hourglass, wine bottle, tranquil composition, light and shadow, classic still life, still life composition, nostalgic scene, dining room decor, elegant decor, kitchen decor, beautiful still life, Armenian coloring, natural beauty, realistic art, picture for kitchen

Sergey Miqayelya

"Composition with Still life"

Óleo em Tela | 19,7x15,8 in

A pedido
Pintura intitulada "Abu Dhabi" por Serkhach, Obras de arte originais, Óleo Montado em Armação em madeira
Abu Dhabi - Pintura, 21,7x35,4 in ©2024 por Serkhach - Abstract, abstract-570, Cidade, abstract landscape, abstract painting, Armenian painting, Armenian tradition, beautiful abstract, colorful background, colorful landscape, cultural heritage, interior design, modern art, non figurative, warm tones, abstract, Abu Dhabi, colorful abstract, abstract beauty, vivid colors, creative abstracts, delicate colors, dynamic composition


"Abu Dhabi"

Óleo em Tela | 21,7x35,4 in

A pedido
Pintura intitulada "Vibrant Expressions" por Seyran, Obras de arte originais, Óleo Montado em Armação em madeira
Vibrant Expressions - Pintura, 13,8x15,4 in ©2024 por Seyran - Abstract, abstract-570, Colorida, oil painting, abstract vivid life, colorful abstract, wall art, colorful painting, contemporary decor, decorative painting, expressive style, framed art, home decor, modern art, kaleidoscope abstract, kaleidoscope of colors, vivid colors, vibrant hues, small abstract painting, bold brushstrokes, abstract beauty, interior design, Armenian art


"Vibrant Expressions"

Óleo em Tela | 13,8x15,4 in

US$ 450
Pintura intitulada "Tradition Heritage" por Hayk Miqayelyan, Obras de arte originais, Óleo Montado em Armação em madeira
Tradition Heritage - Pintura, 27,6x31,5 in ©2024 por Hayk Miqayelyan - Abstract, abstract-570, Retrato, Armenian beauty, Armenian church, cultural heritage, ethnic motives, modern art, national clothes, symbolism art, traditional dress, national traditions, national pride, home decor, interior design, Ararat mountain, traditional attire, vibrant colors, intricate patterns, Armenian painting, oil painting, abstract portrait, elegante decor

Hayk Miqayelyan

"Tradition Heritage"

Óleo em Tela | 27,6x31,5 in

Escultura intitulada "Philosopher bronze…" por Dmitriy Shevchuk, Obras de arte originais, Bronze
Philosopher bronze sculpture - Escultura, 7,1x3,2 in ©2024 por Dmitriy Shevchuk - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, nus masculinos, bronze, statuette, male figurine, figurative art, Satire, satirical, present, mothers day gift, fathers day gift, nude figurine, modern art, table decor, bronze anniversary, wedding gift, housewarming gift, office decor, bookshelf decor, deep meaning, Modernism, abstract sculpture

Dmitriy Shevchuk

"Philosopher bronze sculpture"

Escultura - Bronze | 7,1x3,2 in

US$ 1.387,33
Pintura intitulada "Lovers in a Dream" por Armen Vahramyan, Obras de arte originais, Óleo Montado em Armação em madeira
Lovers in a Dream - Pintura, 23,6x23,6 in ©2024 por Armen Vahramyan - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Amor, couple in love, lovers portrait, picture for bedroom, young lovers, i love you, lovers, modern art, oil painting, couple portrait, love and beauty, affection, intimate couple, decorative art, picture for interior, home decor, romantic, whimsical, dreamlike, emotional, wall art

Armen Vahramyan

"Lovers in a Dream"

Óleo em Tela | 23,6x23,6 in

US$ 1.850
US$ 1.572
Pintura intitulada "Vortex of Creation" por Kamo Atoyan, Obras de arte originais, Óleo Montado em Armação em madeira
Vortex of Creation - Pintura, 15,8x15,8 in ©2024 por Kamo Atoyan - Abstract, abstract-570, Colorida, abstract, colors, colorful, vivid colors, texture, abstract colors, colorful abstract, abstract painting, cosmos, abstract cosmos, beautiful colorful painting, abstract beauty, delicate colors, galactic art, modern art, non figurative abstract, picture for interior, red and black abstract, red and green abstract, textured abstract art

Kamo Atoyan

"Vortex of Creation"

Óleo em Tela | 15,8x15,8 in

A pedido
Pintura intitulada "Harmony in Light" por Vlas Ayvazyan, Obras de arte originais, Óleo Montado em Armação em madeira
Harmony in Light - Pintura, 27,6x19,7 in ©2024 por Vlas Ayvazyan - Abstract, abstract-570, Natureza morta, still life, contemporary art, oil on canvas, abstract art, textured brushwork, dynamic composition, light and shadow, candleholder, modern art, impressionistic painting, warm tones, cool tones, luminous art, beautiful still life, kitchen art, modern still life, Armenian symbol, home decor, Armenian fruits, natural beauty

Vlas Ayvazyan

"Harmony in Light"

Óleo em Tela | 27,6x19,7 in

US$ 750
Pintura intitulada "Expressive Hands" por Artyom Basenci, Obras de arte originais, Óleo Montado em Armação em madeira
Expressive Hands - Pintura, 23,6x17,7 in ©2023 por Artyom Basenci - Abstract, abstract-570, Colorida, abstract painting, abstract colors, blue yellow red abstract, bold colors abstract, colorful abstract, contemporary art, decorative abstract, intuitive painting, textured abstract art, modern art, vivid colors, abstraction, beautiful abstract, creative abstract, abstract lovers, abstract impressions, gallery art, interior design, unique decor, home decor

Artyom Basenci

"Expressive Hands"

Óleo em Tela | 23,6x17,7 in

US$ 1.200
Pintura intitulada "Silent loneliness" por Mateos Sargsyan, Obras de arte originais, Óleo Montado em Armação em madeira
Silent loneliness - Pintura, 27,6x21,7 in ©2024 por Mateos Sargsyan - Abstract, abstract-570, retratos de mulheres, Figurative Art, Oil Painting, Abstract Realism, Contemporary Art, Reflective Mood, Emotional Art, Modern Portrait, Inner Peace, Abstract portrait, Figurative painting, Expressive face, Textured canvas, Art collector piece, Palette knife painting, Muted palette, portraiture, female portrait, portrait art, gift for her, beautiful abstract

Mateos Sargsyan

"Silent loneliness"

Óleo em Tela | 27,6x21,7 in

A pedido
Pintura intitulada "Fragmented Look" por Artyom Basenci, Obras de arte originais, Óleo Montado em Armação em madeira
Fragmented Look - Pintura, 31,5x23,6 in ©2024 por Artyom Basenci - Abstract, abstract-570, Colorida, modern composition, abstract painting, decorative design, contemporary art, decorative abstract, echoes of the ancient, intuitive painting, modern art, vivid colors, abstraction, abstract colors, beautiful abstract, creative abstract, bold colors, interior design, unique decor, dynamic composition, wall art, colorful abstract, abstract lovers

Artyom Basenci

"Fragmented Look"

Óleo em Tela | 31,5x23,6 in

US$ 1.850
US$ 1.572
Pintura intitulada "Graceful Ladies" por Aleqsandr Hovhannisyan, Obras de arte originais, Óleo Montado em Armação em madeira
Graceful Ladies - Pintura, 31,5x23,6 in ©2024 por Aleqsandr Hovhannisyan - Impressionism, impressionism-603, retratos de mulheres, elegant women, feminine beauty, flowing dresses, graceful woman, human figures, interior design, modern art, oil painting, women portrait, beautiful woman, elegant portrait, fashion artwork, figurative art, lady in hat, abstract figure, ortraiture of a woman, home decor, wall art, gift idea, colorful painting

Aleqsandr Hovhannisyan

"Graceful Ladies"

Óleo em Tela | 31,5x23,6 in

A pedido
Pintura intitulada "In the Land of Smil…" por Gegham Hunanyan, Obras de arte originais, Óleo Montado em Armação em madeira
In the Land of Smiling Trees - Pintura, 19,7x15,8 in ©2024 por Gegham Hunanyan - Figurative, figurative-594, Paisagem, abstract figurative, abstract figures, beautiful picture, elongated forms, interior decor, music modern, music painting, music theme, surreal atmosphere, music lovers, modern art, music, surrealism, whimsical landscape, whimsical trees, playful interaction, wall art, interior design, Armenian art, gift idea

Gegham Hunanyan

"In the Land of Smiling Trees"

Óleo em Tela | 19,7x15,8 in

Pintura intitulada "Melody of the Night…" por Armen Vahramyan, Obras de arte originais, Óleo Montado em Armação em madeira
Melody of the Night Sky - Pintura, 27,6x27,6 in ©2024 por Armen Vahramyan - Naive Art, naive-art-948, Músicos, happy girl, modern art, celestial music, charming village, children art, colorful painting, expressive eyes, wall art, happy painting, musical theme, night melody, nice day, night sky, violinist portrait, music painting, home decor, child room decor, decorative art, musician with violin, Armen Vahramyan

Armen Vahramyan

"Melody of the Night Sky"

Óleo em Tela | 27,6x27,6 in

A pedido
Pintura intitulada "Nighttime Life Glow" por Vahe Bagumyan, Obras de arte originais, Óleo Montado em Armação em madeira
Nighttime Life Glow - Pintura, 15,8x19,7 in ©2024 por Vahe Bagumyan - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Cidade, night city, city architecture, urban nightscape, city lights, city life, evening glow, light and shadow, night cityscape, wet streets, Paris lovers, Paris street, Paris architecture, French capital, architectural beauty, Europe cityscape, romantic city, home decor, beautiful gift, picture for office, modern elegance

Vahe Bagumyan

"Nighttime Life Glow"

Óleo em Tela | 15,8x19,7 in

A pedido
Pintura intitulada "Dream" por Stanislava Kudriashova, Obras de arte originais, Acrílico Montado em Armação em madeira
Dream - Pintura, 27,6x27,6 in ©2023 por Stanislava Kudriashova - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, Dark-Fantasy, symbolism, modernArt

Stanislava Kudriashova


Acrílico em Tela de linho | 27,6x27,6 in

US$ 2.226,38
Pintura intitulada "Abstract Burst of C…" por Vlas Ayvazyan, Obras de arte originais, Óleo Montado em Armação em madeira
Abstract Burst of Colors - Pintura, 9,5x11,8 in ©2024 por Vlas Ayvazyan - Abstract, abstract-570, Colorida, abstract art, oil on canvas, expressionism, modern art, colorful abstract, dynamic brushwork, contemporary painting, small canvas, impasto technique, vibrant colors, artistic expression, gallery art, home decor, fine art, creative, decorative, gallery, wall art, interior design, unique

Vlas Ayvazyan

"Abstract Burst of Colors"

Óleo em Tela | 9,5x11,8 in

A pedido
Pintura intitulada "Harmony in Flight" por Armen Vahramyan, Obras de arte originais, Óleo Montado em Armação em madeira
Harmony in Flight - Pintura, 23,6x23,6 in ©2024 por Armen Vahramyan - Naive Art, naive-art-948, Retrato, colorful painting, expressive eyes, floral crown, wall art, floral harmony, flute music, flute player, music theme, nice day, rider woman, Armen Vahramyan, home decor, modern art, creative art, fairy tale painting, happy girl, musician with flute, child room decor, fantasy art, Armenian art

Armen Vahramyan

"Harmony in Flight"

Óleo em Tela | 23,6x23,6 in

Pintura intitulada "Attack" por Aram Sevoyan, Obras de arte originais, Óleo Montado em Armação em madeira
Attack - Pintura, 27,6x39,4 in ©2020 por Aram Sevoyan - Abstract, abstract-570, Guerra, abstract composition, abstract painting, art inspiration, artistic expression, colorful background, green background, green paintings, modern art, non figurative, textured abstract, vivid colors, abstract, attack, abstract war, large abstract, contemporary art, wall decor, energetic painting, lively composition, unique decor

Aram Sevoyan


Óleo em Tela | 27,6x39,4 in

A pedido
Pintura intitulada "Golden Serenity" por Andranik Harutyunyan, Obras de arte originais, Óleo Montado em Armação em madeira
Golden Serenity - Pintura, 39,4x23,6 in ©2024 por Andranik Harutyunyan - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Praia, oil panting, beach day, carefree days, interior design, shore beach, stroll painting, summer beach, summer vacation, sunlit beach, textured landscape, the shore, beach scene, impressionism, landscape, seascape, chic art, picture for office, picture for bedroom, beautiful girl, beautiful gift

Andranik Harutyunyan

"Golden Serenity"

Óleo em Tela | 39,4x23,6 in

A pedido
Pintura intitulada "Melodies of the Sky" por Armen Vahramyan, Obras de arte originais, Óleo Montado em Armação em madeira
Melodies of the Sky - Pintura, 15,8x15,8 in ©2024 por Armen Vahramyan - Naive Art, naive-art-948, Música, creative art, happy girl, naive painting, Armenian art, naive art, floral harmony, flute player, Armen Vahramyan, modern art, fairy tale painting, music painting, wall art, musician girl, musical theme, floral patterns, nice day, decorative art, child room decor, expressive eyes, serene smile

Armen Vahramyan

"Melodies of the Sky"

Óleo em Tela | 15,8x15,8 in



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