Sonnenskulptur 18 (2024) Escultura por Peter Stemmler

Escultura - Cerámica, 10,2x10,2 in
606,78 US$
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  • Certificado de autenticidad online rastreable Los certificados de autenticidad se pueden verificar en línea en cualquier momento escaneando el código de la obra de arte.
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Devoluciones gratis: Satisfecho o reembolsado dentro de 14 días.
Se aceptan devoluciones 14 días Artmajeur está 100% comprometido con la satisfacción de los coleccionistas: tiene 14 días para devolver un trabajo original. El trabajo debe ser devuelto al artista en perfecto estado, en su embalaje original. Todos los artículos elegibles pueden ser devueltos (a menos que se indique lo contrario).
Trabajo único
Obra de arte firmada por el artista
Certificado de autenticidad incluido
Listo para colgar
apto para exteriores
  • Obra de arte original (One Of A Kind) Escultura, Cerámica
  • Dimensiones Altura 10,2in, Anchura 10,2in / 2.00 kg
  • Estado de la obra de arte La obra de arte está en perfectas condiciones
  • Enmarcado Esta obra de arte no está enmarcada.
  • apto para exteriores? Sí, Esta obra de arte se puede mostrar al aire libre.
  • Categorías Esculturas menos de 1.000 US$ Cubismo Amor
This is a unique abstract modernist sun sculpture that can be used indoor or outdoor to have more sunny day's. Acerca de esta obra de arte: Clasificación, Técnicas & Estilos Cerámica [...]
This is a unique abstract modernist sun sculpture that can be used indoor or outdoor to have more sunny day's.

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Peter was born in the vibrant yet turbulent era of East Berlin, he, grew up with a curious eye for beauty amidst the stark realities of the city. His artistic journey began early, sketching scenes of the Berlin[...]

Peter was born in the vibrant yet turbulent era of East Berlin, he, grew up with a curious eye for beauty amidst the stark realities of the city. His artistic journey began early, sketching scenes of the Berlin Wall and the bustling life around it. As the Iron Curtain lifted, he seized the opportunity to explore the world. His travels took him through the kaleidoscopic landscapes of Asia, where he absorbed the rich tapestry of cultures and colors, capturing them through the lens of his camera. He delved into the intricate patterns of ancient temples, the chaotic yet harmonious street life, and the serene natural beauty that contrasted with the urban sprawl. His photography and design work flourished, reflecting the diverse palette of experiences he gathered. Next, he ventured to the energetic heart of America, where he honed his skills in illustration, drawing inspiration from the pulsing rhythms of New York and the vast, untouched spaces of the west. His art grew bolder, his vision clearer, as he documented the American Dream in its many forms. Years later, his wanderlust sated and his portfolio brimming with the essence of distant lands, he felt the inexplicable pull to return to Berlin. The city had transformed, but his artistic spirit remained steadfast. Seeking a new medium to express his evolving vision, he discovered the timeless craft of ceramics. In his Berlin studio, he fuses the vibrancy of Asia and the dynamism of America with the stoic charm of his homeland. His ceramic art, born from a life of adventure and reflection, resonates with the textures of his travels, transcending borders and bridging continents. Each piece tells a story of a journey, a moment frozen in time, forever shaping the narrative of a world citizen who found his artistic home in the very place his odyssey began.

Ver más de Peter Stemmler

Ver todas las obras
Escultura - Cerámica | 10,6x10,6 in
619,3 US$
Escultura - Cerámica | 10,2x10,2 in
606,78 US$
Escultura - Cerámica | 10,2x10,2 in
606,78 US$
Escultura - Cerámica | 9,5x9,5 in
595,39 US$


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