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Schilderij getiteld "Hands tied" door Elvira Venko, Origineel Kunstwerk, Olie Gemonteerd op Frame voor houten brancard
Hands tied - Schilderij, 31,5x27,6 in ©2022 door Elvira Venko - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Vrouwen portretten, Stylized portrait, Black and white painting, Red accents, Contemporary art, Window scene, Perception and reality, News consumption, Critical thinking, Visual storytelling, Cultural commentary, Emotional impact, Contemporary portrait, Female figure painting, Monochromatic artwork, Abstract realism, Emotional expression, Inner struggles, Social commentary, Human experience

Elvira Venko

"Hands tied"

Olie op Canvas | 31,5x27,6 in

US$ 1.804
US$ 1.494
Bedrukkingen beschikbaar
Schilderij getiteld "Imaginary Echo Cham…" door Ryota Matsumoto, Origineel Kunstwerk, Acryl
Imaginary Echo Chamber - Schilderij, 27x32 in ©2019 door Ryota Matsumoto - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Meetkundig

Ryota Matsumoto

"Imaginary Echo Chamber"

Acryl | 27x32 in

Niet Te Koop
Schilderij getiteld "Luminescence 5.2461…" door Satori No Michi, Origineel Kunstwerk, Acryl
Luminescence 5.2461 No. 2 - Schilderij, 26,5x30 in ©2020 door Satori No Michi - Figurative, figurative-594, Kleurrijk, Modern Art, Contemporary Art, Abstract Art, Abstract Expressionism, Colorfield, Figurative Art, Still Life

Satori No Michi

"Luminescence 5.2461 No. 2"

Acryl op Canvas | 26,5x30 in

Niet Te Koop Prints van US$ 73,93


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