원본 삽화, 한정판 및 판화

가장 관련성이 높은 | 최신

제목이 "Hot Marble (Amor vi…"인 디지털 아트 Jean Pierre Rizzo로, 원작, 디지털 페인팅
Hot Marble (Amor vincit Omnia) - 디지털 아트 ©2023 Jean Pierre Rizzo로 - Figurative, figurative-594, 사랑 / 로맨스, musée du Louvre, antiquité gréco-romaine, Médusa, Le Caravage, Amor vincit Omnia, Pompéi, Satyre et Bacchante

Jean Pierre Rizzo

"Hot Marble (Amor vincit Omnia)"

디지털 아트 | 여러 크기

제목이 "The Revelation of t…"인 조형물 Zhao Yongchang로, 원작, 청동
The Revelation of the Loong - 조형물, 17.7x7.9 in ©2024 Zhao Yongchang로 - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, 세계 문화, sculpture, loong

Zhao Yongchang

"The Revelation of the Loong"

조형물 - 청동 | 17.7x7.9 in

제목이 "portrait"인 조형물 Robert Winslow로, 원작, 돌
portrait - 조형물, 29.9x9.5 in ©1979 Robert Winslow로 - Abstract, abstract-570, artwork_cat.Feminine, stone carving

Robert Winslow


조형물 - 돌 | 29.9x9.5 in

제목이 "Feeling With Song"인 조형물 Gor Avetisyan로, 원작, 청동
Feeling With Song - 조형물, 16.9x11.8 in ©2019 Gor Avetisyan로 - Abstract, abstract-570, 음악, marble, music, love, luxuryhome, abstract, sculpturein bronze, musical onstruments, antic

Gor Avetisyan

"Feeling With Song"

조형물 - 청동 | 16.9x11.8 in

제목이 "Egg Snake Alien 2"인 디지털 아트 Xavier Crepin로, 원작, 다른
Egg Snake Alien 2 - 디지털 아트 ©2007 Xavier Crepin로 -

Xavier Crepin

"Egg Snake Alien 2"

디지털 아트 | 여러 크기

제목이 "INTROVERTED"인 조형물 Marie-Pierre Philippe-Lohézic (MPPL-ART)로, 원작, 청동
INTROVERTED - 조형물, 12x9 in ©2009 Marie-Pierre Philippe-Lohézic (MPPL-ART)로 - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, 추상 미술, figure, introversion, reflexion

Marie-Pierre Philippe-Lohézic (MPPL-ART)


조형물 - 청동 | 12x9 in

제목이 "Black Birdie"인 조형물 Юрій Гуцуляк (Yura Ghutzuliak)로, 원작, 주조
Black Birdie - 조형물, 12.4x7.1 in ©2023 Юрій Гуцуляк (Yura Ghutzuliak)로 - Figurative, figurative-594, 여성 누드, skulpture, copper, marble, female figure, black, white, stone, epoxy resin, galvanization, realism, surrealism, wings, bones, skull, birdie, shell, nude, interior skulpture

Юрій Гуцуляк (Yura Ghutzuliak)

"Black Birdie"

조형물 - 주조 | 12.4x7.1 in

제목이 "Camilla "Marble""인 조형물 Achille Chiarello로, 원작, 돌
Camilla "Marble" - 조형물, 8.7x19.7 in ©2022 Achille Chiarello로 - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, 동물, ippopotamo, hippopotamus, animali, Marble, Marble Carrara, animal Marble

Achille Chiarello

"Camilla "Marble""

조형물 - 돌 | 8.7x19.7 in

제목이 "l'éveil"인 조형물 Brigitte Dravet로, 원작, 점토
l'éveil - 조형물, 17.7x9.1 in ©2024 Brigitte Dravet로 - Expressionism, expressionism-591, 누드, Buste de femme, dorure à la feuille, poudre de marbre, ailes, envolée, liberté, lévitation

Brigitte Dravet


조형물 - 점토 | 17.7x9.1 in

제목이 "Queen of Sheba II"인 조형물 Sapir Gelman로, 원작, 금속
Queen of Sheba II - 조형물, 13.8x3.9 in ©2015 Sapir Gelman로 - 금속, 아프리카, copper, sculpture, handmade, metal art, Sapir Gelman, brass

Sapir Gelman

"Queen of Sheba II"

조형물 - 금속 | 13.8x3.9 in

요청 시
제목이 "oriental love"인 조형물 Cesar Valerio로, 원작, 돌
oriental love - 조형물, 39.4x9.8 in ©2013 Cesar Valerio로 - marble stone sculpture, cesar valerio, oriental love, love, oriental, marble stone, hand-carved marble sculpture abstrat hand-carved marble sculpture, hand-carved marble sculpture of a samurai, samurai, cesar

Cesar Valerio

"oriental love"

조형물 - 돌 | 39.4x9.8 in

제목이 "Vanitas: a Portraya…"인 조형물 Reza Sedghi로, 원작, 돌
Vanitas: a Portrayal of Human Degeneration - 조형물, 24.8x15.8 in ©2023 Reza Sedghi로 - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, 고전 신화, Humanity, Apollo, Reza Sedghi, Morality, Mythology, Fungus, Mold, Tradition, Conceptual, Marble, Bust, Stone Sculpture, Marble Sculpture

Reza Sedghi

"Vanitas: a Portrayal of Human Degeneration"

조형물 - 돌 | 24.8x15.8 in

제목이 "Wind along the shore"인 조형물 Николай Шаталов로, 원작, 청동
Wind along the shore - 조형물, 16.9x10.6 in ©2019 Николай Шаталов로 - Figurative, figurative-594, 해변, sea, wind, along, the, bronze, interior, gust, hat, girl, beach, sand, vacation, holyday, море, ветер, берег, вдоль, порыв, отпуск, buy

Николай Шаталов

"Wind along the shore"

조형물 - 청동 | 16.9x10.6 in

제목이 "Realistic Largemout…"인 조형물 Asan Kurtmalaiev로, 원작, 주조 기타 단단한 패널에 장착됨
Realistic Largemouth Bass Sculpture - 조형물, 8.3x19.7 in ©2024 Asan Kurtmalaiev로 - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, 물고기, bass fish, largemouth bass, gamefish, realisctic sculpture, bas-relief sculpture, animalistic decor, fishermen gift, country home decor, gift or him, hand carved sculpture, fish sculpture, wall art

Asan Kurtmalaiev

"Realistic Largemouth Bass Sculpture"

조형물 - 주조 | 8.3x19.7 in

제목이 "Carrara Marble Anim…"인 조형물 Jean-Michel Garino로, 원작, 돌
Carrara Marble Animal - Horse 2 - 조형물, 8.7x12.6 in ©2020 Jean-Michel Garino로 - Figurative, figurative-594, 말, carrara, carrare, marble, marbre, horse, cheval

Jean-Michel Garino

"Carrara Marble Animal - Horse 2"

조형물 - 돌 | 8.7x12.6 in

제목이 "Statue"인 조형물 Mirjam De Nijs로, 원작, 돌
Statue - 조형물, 40.6x9.8 in ©1991 Mirjam De Nijs로 - Abstract, abstract-570, 여성 누드, female, female statue, abstracted female, marble statue, marble female sculpture

Mirjam De Nijs


조형물 - 돌 | 40.6x9.8 in

요청 시
제목이 "Dance"인 조형물 Milko Dobrev로, 원작, 청동
Dance - 조형물, 9.8x5.9 in ©2022 Milko Dobrev로 - Figurative, figurative-594, escultura, minimalismo, mujer, danza, bronce

Milko Dobrev


조형물 - 청동 | 9.8x5.9 in

제목이 "Root Beer Float"인 조형물 Jan And Jo Moore로, 원작, 돌
Root Beer Float - 조형물, 26x12 in ©2016 Jan And Jo Moore로 - Abstract, abstract-570, 돌, alabaster, stone sculpture, mobius

Jan And Jo Moore

"Root Beer Float"

조형물 - 돌 | 26x12 in

제목이 "naked female torso…"인 조형물 Leonid Shatsylo (Leo Adam)로, 원작, 청동
naked female torso "Spring" - 조형물, 6.7x3.2 in ©2020 Leonid Shatsylo (Leo Adam)로 - Figurative, figurative-594

Leonid Shatsylo (Leo Adam)

"naked female torso "Spring""

조형물 - 청동 | 6.7x3.2 in

제목이 "ASYN IV"인 조형물 Konrad Ziolkowski로, 원작, 청동
ASYN IV - 조형물, 16.9x6.3 in ©2022 Konrad Ziolkowski로 - Expressionism, expressionism-591, 추상 미술, konrad ziolkowski sculpture, art for sale, contemporary art, sculpture art, bust, art work, fineart, sculptor, exclusive art, modern art, interior sculptures, art collector, bronze sculpture, art exhibitions, unique art, gallery exhibition, art collecting, art dealer, luxury lifestyle

Konrad Ziolkowski


조형물 - 청동 | 16.9x6.3 in

제목이 "MARBLE MOUSE LV"인 조형물 Stéphane Jocardes (Léla (1991))로, 원작, 돌
MARBLE MOUSE LV - 조형물, 4.5x2.3 in ©2021 Stéphane Jocardes (Léla (1991))로 - Pop Art, pop-art-615, 기술, marbre, sculpture

Stéphane Jocardes (Léla (1991))


조형물 - 돌 | 4.5x2.3 in

제목이 "Calipso"인 조형물 Julia Gorbunova로, 원작, 돌
Calipso - 조형물, 16.9x9.8 in ©2024 Julia Gorbunova로 - Figurative, figurative-594, 바다 풍경, oyster, sculpture, coastal, marble, tabletop

Julia Gorbunova


조형물 - 돌 | 16.9x9.8 in

제목이 "Portrait of a Weaver"인 조형물 Margarita Simonova로, 원작, 플라스틱
Portrait of a Weaver - 조형물, 27.6x19.7 in ©2023 Margarita Simonova로 - Impressionism, impressionism-603, 여성 초상화, female portrait, sculpture, portrait

Margarita Simonova

"Portrait of a Weaver"

조형물 - 플라스틱 | 27.6x19.7 in

제목이 "Torso II--Alabaster…"인 조형물 Jo Moore로, 원작, 돌
Torso II--Alabaster Stone Sculpture - 조형물, 11x4 in ©2015 Jo Moore로 - Abstract, abstract-570, 돌, torso, stone sculpture, alabaster, marble, female, nude

Jo Moore

"Torso II--Alabaster Stone Sculpture"

조형물 - 돌 | 11x4 in

제목이 "Aquamarine Dream"인 조형물 Jan And Jo Moore로, 원작, 돌
Aquamarine Dream - 조형물, 18x16 in ©2016 Jan And Jo Moore로 - Abstract, abstract-570, 돌, aquamarine, stone sculpture, abstract sculpture, mobius

Jan And Jo Moore

"Aquamarine Dream"

조형물 - 돌 | 18x16 in

제목이 "Madonna"인 조형물 Aramis Justiz Perera로, 원작, 청동
Madonna - 조형물, 7.5x5.5 in ©2024 Aramis Justiz Perera로 - Figurative, figurative-594, 사랑 / 로맨스, motherhood, love, family

Aramis Justiz Perera


조형물 - 청동 | 7.5x5.5 in

제목이 "MASQUARADE"인 조형물 Marie-Pierre Philippe-Lohézic (MPPL-ART)로, 원작, 청동
MASQUARADE - 조형물, 30x14 in ©2007 Marie-Pierre Philippe-Lohézic (MPPL-ART)로 - Expressionism, expressionism-591, 춤, expressionism, abstraction, figurative, daner, flamenco

Marie-Pierre Philippe-Lohézic (MPPL-ART)


조형물 - 청동 | 30x14 in

제목이 "Overture--Rose Onyx…"인 조형물 Jan And Jo Moore로, 원작, 돌
Overture--Rose Onyx (Sold) - 조형물, 17x11 in ©2015 Jan And Jo Moore로 - Abstract, abstract-570, 돌, stone sculpture, contemporary sculpture, onyx, abstract, mobius

Jan And Jo Moore

"Overture--Rose Onyx (Sold)"

조형물 - 돌 | 17x11 in

제목이 ""Thorns""인 조형물 Юрій Гуцуляк (Yura Ghutzuliak)로, 원작, 주조
"Thorns" - 조형물, 10.8x3.4 in ©2023 Юрій Гуцуляк (Yura Ghutzuliak)로 - Surrealism, surrealism-627, 고딕, skulpture, copper, marble, female figure, black, green, thorns, stone, interior skulpture, epoxy resin, galvanization, realism, red, ghotic, surrealism, femal legs

Юрій Гуцуляк (Yura Ghutzuliak)


조형물 - 주조 | 10.8x3.4 in

제목이 "Marble Mouse CHANEL"인 조형물 Stéphane Jocardes (Léla (1991))로, 원작, 돌
Marble Mouse CHANEL - 조형물, 4.5x2.3 in ©2021 Stéphane Jocardes (Léla (1991))로 - Pop Art, pop-art-615, 기술, sculpture, marbre

Stéphane Jocardes (Léla (1991))

"Marble Mouse CHANEL"

조형물 - 돌 | 4.5x2.3 in

제목이 "MARBLE MOUSE YSL"인 조형물 Stéphane Jocardes (Léla (1991))로, 원작, 돌
MARBLE MOUSE YSL - 조형물, 4.5x2.3 in ©2021 Stéphane Jocardes (Léla (1991))로 - Pop Art, pop-art-615, 기술, sculpture, marbre

Stéphane Jocardes (Léla (1991))


조형물 - 돌 | 4.5x2.3 in

제목이 "Target"인 조형물 Karen Axikyan로, 원작, 철사 artwork_cat.에 장착됨
Target - 조형물, 15.8x10.2 in ©2019 Karen Axikyan로 - Figurative, figurative-594, 일상 생활, wire sculpture, iron sculpture, creative sculpture, original sculpture, gift for him, figurative sculpture, metal sculpture

Karen Axikyan


조형물 - 철사 | 15.8x10.2 in

요청 시
제목이 "Interrelated"인 조형물 Robert Winslow로, 원작, 돌
Interrelated - 조형물, 59.8x59.8 in ©2010 Robert Winslow로 - Abstract, abstract-570, 밀교, stone carving

Robert Winslow


조형물 - 돌 | 59.8x59.8 in

제목이 ""Etude girl", "Scul…"인 조형물 Miraga Shahbazov로, 원작, 회 반죽
"Etude girl", "Sculpture girl" - 조형물, 16.5x5.1 in ©2014 Miraga Shahbazov로 - Classicism, classicism-933, 여성 누드, etude girl, sculpture girl, sculpture nude girl, sculpture etude girl, sculpture figure girl, plaster sculpture

Miraga Shahbazov

""Etude girl", "Sculpture girl""

조형물 - 회 반죽 | 16.5x5.1 in

제목이 "Girl with blue hoop"인 조형물 Miguel Guía로, 원작, 청동
Girl with blue hoop - 조형물, 8.3x3.7 in ©2022 Miguel Guía로 - Pop Art, pop-art-615, 일상 생활

Miguel Guía

"Girl with blue hoop"

조형물 - 청동 | 8.3x3.7 in

제목이 "Impressionist horse…"인 조형물 Martín Duque로, 원작, 청동
Impressionist horsehead - 조형물, 20.9x8.3 in ©2017 Martín Duque로 - Impressionism, impressionism-603, 말

Martín Duque

"Impressionist horsehead"

조형물 - 청동 | 20.9x8.3 in



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