Nhf project (201) Disegno da Gregory Borin

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Venditore Gregory Borin

  • Opera d'arte originale Disegno, Modellazione 3D
  • Dimensioni Le dimensioni sono disponibili su richiesta
A proposito di quest'opera: Classificazione, tecniche & Stili Modellazione 3D Tecnica che consiste nel creare, nel software di modellazione 3D, un oggetto[...]
Gregory Borin was born on 13.06.1957 in Odessa (Ukraine) and since October 1990 has been living in Israel. He is an architect and a member of The Israel Painters and Sculptors Association. His perception[...]

Gregory Borin was born on 13.06.1957 in Odessa (Ukraine) and since October 1990 has been living in Israel.
He is an architect and a member of The Israel Painters and Sculptors Association.
His perception combines architectural design with art, an approach which results from his engagement in painting and sculpture.
Since 1985 he has been a constant participant of numerous art exhibitions, among them:
- group shows in Auditorium (Haifa),the Exhibition Hall of Painters and Sculptors Assosiation – Beit- Shagal (Haifa), Municipal Hall (Akko), in Community Cultural Centre (Nahariya) and personal exhibitions in art galleries of Haifa and suburbs, Tel-Aviv, Netania, Akko.
His paintings and graphic works are made using various techniques and materials - oil and canvas, pastel, paper and water- colour, cardboard and tempera, wood panels and acrilic, ink drawings and mixed media.
The works are kept in private art collections throughout the world - in Russia, Ukraine, USA, Germany, Israel, Canada and Poland.

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2.700 USD Spedizione non inclusa
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