Living in Forest Light (2024) Malerei von Amanda Horvath

Acryl auf Leinwand, 35,4x70,9 in
7.487,1 $
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Verkäufer Amanda Horvath
Kundenrezensionen (4)
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14-tägiges Rückgaberecht
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Rückgabe akzeptiert 14 Tage Artmajeur setzt sich zu 100% für die Zufriedenheit der Sammler ein. Sie haben 14 Tage Zeit, um ein Originalwerk zurückzugeben. Das Werk muss in einwandfreiem Zustand in der Originalverpackung an den Künstler zurückgesandt werden. Alle berechtigten Artikel können zurückgegeben werden (sofern nicht anders angegeben).
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Auf Keilrahmen aus Holz montiert
  • Original-Kunstwerk (One Of A Kind) Malerei, Acryl auf Leinwand
  • Masse Höhe 35,4in, Breite 70,9in
  • Zustand des Kunstwerks Das Kunstwerk ist in einwandfreiem Zustand
  • Rahmen Dieses Kunstwerk ist nicht gerahmt
  • Kategorien Gemälde unter 20.000 $ Impressionismus Landschaft
In creating this piece, I wanted to capture a gentle arch of trees with the play of bright sunlight and dramatic dark tones. The delicate fusion of hues expresses both the serenity of the forest and the vibrant energy of nature. Its impressionistic style invites the viewer to contemplate the serene dance of light and shadow, while the semi-abstract[...]
In creating this piece, I wanted to capture a gentle arch of trees with the play of bright sunlight and dramatic dark tones. The delicate fusion of hues expresses both the serenity of the forest and the vibrant energy of nature. Its impressionistic style invites the viewer to contemplate the serene dance of light and shadow, while the semi-abstract elements expresses the forest's deep textures. The carefully laden strokes with the palette knife create an effect which has been described as similar to a stained glass window or mosaic. This artwork is a window to a world where peace and vitality coexist. You'll feel the freshness of the lush canopy and the coolness in the shade of blossoms infusing your home with a calming, reflective energy that whispers of untold stories and an unexplored tranquil woodland journey.
The painting is a diptych created on two canvases that fit together to form one large panoramic forest scene. An original artwork, one of a kind, this painting has been created with high quality acrylic paints on deep edged canvas. I begin with observation of the place making notes and taking photographs to work from in the studio. From these beginnings I work intuitively, painting some base layers with a brush and then impasto techniques layer on layer applied with a palette knife. Harnessing optical mixing techniques employed by the impressionists and some of the methods of the old masters such as scumbling and glazing. I continue working until the painting reaches a natural conclusion. The result is a contemporary painting, which lies somewhere between abstraction and realism. The painting continues round the sides, a frame is not needed and it is ready to hang.

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Automatisch übersetzt
 Amanda Horvath is a contemporary artist producing vibrant colourful and highly textured original paintings. After studying fine art painting and printmaking at Sheffield Hallam University, where she achieved[...]

 Amanda Horvath is a contemporary artist producing vibrant colourful and highly textured original paintings. After studying fine art painting and printmaking at Sheffield Hallam University, where she achieved a B A Hons (1st class) Amanda subsequently lectured in colleges. She now practices full time as an artist from her studio in Derbyshire.

“Painting is a response to the beautiful landscape around me, I attempt to capture the spirit of the forest and the quiet tranquillity that exists in these peaceful places. Moved by the ethereal light filtering through leaves in woodlands and dramatic contrasting shadows, I have a passion for expressing nature in beautiful colours, whilst imparting a meditative calm. This affinity with nature has grown from early childhood and my past experiences."

Working from observation of nature Amanda gathers visual information with a sketchbook or camera and often begins a canvas en plein air, finishing these preliminary pieces in her studio. Working expressively in acrylics or oils, often with a palette knife or other mark making techniques she applies layer upon layer until the painting reaches a natural conclusion, forming contemporary paintings that lie somewhere between abstraction and realism. Her paintings have found homes with private collectors worldwide.

Mehr von Amanda Horvath

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