Abstract existentialist (2020) Grafika cyfrowa / sztuka generowana cyfrowo autorstwa Ahmed Alozade

Papier artystyczny, 8x8 in

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89,13 USD
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  1500 px  

1500 px
Wymiary pliku (px) 1500x1500
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Bank dzieł sztuki
  • Ta praca jest „edycją otwartą” Grafika cyfrowa / sztuka generowana cyfrowo, Drukuj Giclée / Cyfrowy wydruk
  • Wymiary Dostępne w kilku rozmiarach
  • Dostępnych jest kilka rodzajów wsparcia (Papier artystyczny, Drukowanie na metalu, Druk na płótnie)
  • Oprawianie w ramy Dostępne kadrowanie (Pływająca rama + pod szkłem, Rama + Pod szkłem akrylowym)
  • Kategorie Abstrakcyjna
"Abstract existentialist" is an artistic creation of the free imagination (born in the psychic conditions of sanitary isolation, which I live, like most of the peoples of the earth). I imagined a complicated abstract space, with real or semi_real elements. The image gives a "natural" feeling, despite its basic, purely abstract[...]
"Abstract existentialist" is an artistic creation of the free imagination (born in the psychic conditions of sanitary isolation, which I live, like most of the peoples of the earth).
I imagined a complicated abstract space, with real or semi_real elements. The image gives a "natural" feeling, despite its basic, purely abstract materials.
In this space, where loneliness dominates, fear, hope, charm, gentleness, strangeness, and surrealism also reign.

I send with this work, my warm greetings and my encouragement to all my friends: Be patient, keep your spirits, hoping that the world will quickly overcome this danger and this too stressful situation.
The style of this work is Semi-abstract.
Creation date: 13 May 2020
# Artistsupportpledge

Powiązane tematy

Imagination FreeNature SubjectEmotion Of AnguishFear And HopeHomogenis Colors

Przetłumaczone automatycznie
At the age of 7*, Ahmed ALOZADE began to draw things that surprised his parents and his teachers. His notebooks and diaries were his places of exhibition. His curiosity for painting goes back to his adolescence[...]

At the age of 7*, Ahmed ALOZADE began to draw things that surprised his parents and his teachers. His notebooks and diaries were his places of exhibition. His curiosity for painting goes back to his adolescence (particularly after having stopped studying music because of asthma); but cultural and social conditions did not favor its practice.Throughout his professional life (teacher in college, high school and professor-researcher at university); Ahmed has never ceased his research on Art, painting, beauty, creativity and the history of Art. In close connection with his research in the human sciences, and also in philosophy, landscapes, systems, aesthetics, psychology, and futurism.Now retired, Ahmed devotes himself entirely to painting in its most contemporary form (DIGITAL). NOW. it is on the highway of the web that he presents his works and makes discover his creations.Ahmed, who lived most of his life in the great city of Casablanca, had benefited from his geographical studies, his travels through Morocco and Europe, and the web with its enormous cultural, technical and visual treasures.Since June 2016, in his website, his thousands visitors, fans and friends, from 140 countries, have added a strong energy to his talent.Now his 200 creations also circulate in several social sites, art sites, image sharing sites, and in search engines.Since April 2022, the artist Ahmed ALOZADE, begins physical painting with acrylic and oil paints. To succeed in this radical change, he took training in Paris and online with French and Canadian art teachers.The first 30 physical productions of ALOZADE, in 2022, were created with different styles (Realism, Abstract, Impressionism..).In 2023 he devotes himself to creation with contemporary styles and mixed techniques (Semi-realism, neo-expressionism, lyrical abstract,... with knives, with tachisme, with pouring...). He seeks his artistic personality.


In 2018, ALOZADE Ahmed deserved the certificate of: Artmajeur Awards (category: Gold)

*[NB: my official date of birth: 01/1/1945, REAL : July 07, 1948]

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Akryl na Płótno | 31,5x23,6 in
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Grafika cyfrowa / sztuka generowana cyfrowo | Kilka rozmiarów
z 80,22 USD


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