Rosemary Michel Profile Picture

Rosemary Michel

Back to list Added Feb 13, 2024

Small and Tall Charity Partnership

Breakfast Club of Canada - Club des petits déjeuners, Boulevard de Mortagne, Boucherville, Quebec, Canada

Sunday 10 October 2021
Tuesday 10 October 2023

This work was created for the Tall and Small Club, a collab between Gallea and The Breakfast Club, pairing artists and children. I was delighted to be selected and even more to receive the drawing, chosen for me, to inspire my work. Jada’s drawing is filled with red and blue. I was so happy to see so much color. I love color and truly believe it has an effect on us. Following the themes of the project, I wanted to show how these two primary colors, although different, can share the same space in a harmonious way. Each brings its own attributes. Blue, a cool color with a calming effect. Red, a warm color, the color of urgency. Also, under each color is the other. A reminder that behind our different exteriors lie a lot of similarities. When we take the time to learn about each other, friendship is possible.


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