Create a certificate of authenticity or sale certificate

Each sales of an original artwork on Artmajeur is provided with a certificate of authenticity with online tracking. The certificate of authenticity is created when the sale is made, and downloadable from your Artmajeur account. 

Trackable Certificates of authenticity

If you want to create your own certificate of authenticity for sales outside Artmajeur, you can use the instructions bellow.

Create a certificate of authenticity that includes the following: 
  • The date and place of completion of the certificate
  • The name of the artist
  • The picture of the art sold
  • Title and dimensions of the work
  • The main technique
  • The main medium/support and materials used
  • The date of completion of the work
  • The location of the signature (on the back, on the front, etc.)
  • If the work is part of a series, indicate the issue number of the work, and the total number of copies of the series (for example No. 5 out of 8, or 5/8)
  • The signature or stamp/watermark stamp of the artist
Free certificate sample of authenticity template
The document shall be provided to the customer with the work at the time of the sale, it constitutes the right of ownership of the work. The sales invoice can also be provided with the sales certificate.

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