Alan Lo: Bridging the Worlds of Art, Dining, and Entrepreneurship in Hong Kong

Alan Lo: Bridging the Worlds of Art, Dining, and Entrepreneurship in Hong Kong

Selena Mattei | Jan 30, 2024 4 minutes read 0 comments

Alan Lo is a multifaceted entrepreneur, restaurateur, property developer, and devoted art collector known for his significant contributions to high-end casual dining and the flourishing art scene in Hong Kong

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Who is Alan Lo?

Alan Lo, a multifaceted entrepreneur, restaurateur, property developer, and avid art collector, has left an indelible mark on Hong Kong's cultural and culinary landscape. His journey, driven by a passion for exceptional design and dining experiences, has shaped both the city's gastronomy and its thriving art scene.

A central figure in the establishment of the Classified Group, Alan Lo's entrepreneurial drive fueled its expansion from a single café to an impressive eleven-location portfolio within a decade. Notably, he played a key role in co-developing Duddell’s, a prestigious Cantonese fine dining restaurant and gallery, exemplifying his dedication to uniting culinary excellence with artistic pursuits. Currently serving as the senior advisor for the JIA Group, Alan oversees the company's investments in food technology and actively engages in property investment ventures. His innovative approach, evident in projects like Duddell's and the transformation of The Pawn, aims to provide an alternative platform for unique experimental projects that may not be feasible in commercial galleries or museums. For instance, the ongoing project at Duddell's, "Geomantic Intervention No.3," curated by artist Adrian Wong, is a collector's group show exploring the intersection of Duddell's space, art, and Feng Shui.

Beyond the realm of business, Alan Lo is a devoted art collector and a staunch supporter of the arts. His dedication is manifest in his leadership roles on various art and culture nonprofits and museum committees. As chairman of both Design Trust and Ambassadors of Design Hong Kong, a board member of Para Site, and a member of Art Basel’s Global Patrons Council and the Tate Asia Pacific Acquisition Committee, Alan actively contributes to shaping Hong Kong as a global destination for arts and culture.

Alan Lo's art collection and his impact on Hong Kong's art scene

Alan's involvement in the art world extends to his personal collection, which he began curating upon his return to Hong Kong in 2003 after completing his architecture degree at Princeton University. His initiation into the realm of contemporary Chinese art occurred in 2008 with the purchase of a sculpture by Wang Guangyi at Christie’s. Alan's collection is a diverse amalgamation, spanning works from China, Japan, the Philippines, and Korea, indicative of his global perspective.

Growing up in an environment where his father collected 20th-century ink on paper works from the late 1970s, Alan was exposed to auction previews from a young age. Upon returning to Hong Kong after spending nine years in the United States and the UK, he observed the flourishing scene of contemporary Chinese art and began his own collection. Initially centered on contemporary Chinese art, Alan broadened his collection to include Asian and international artists, particularly after the advent of Art HK and Art Basel Hong Kong.

While consistently acquiring experimental art, Alan maintains an appreciation for painterly works by Chinese contemporary artists such as Liu Xiaodong and Zhang Enli, showcasing a multifaceted approach to his art collection. In his eclectically decorated home, Eastern and Western artworks harmoniously coexist. Notable pieces include Liu Wei's "Beyond the Sky Limits" alongside Harold Ancart's large black drawing. Alan's collection spans renowned artists such as Jean-Michel Basquiat, Andy Warhol, Yayoi Kusama, Wang Keping, and Paul Chan. The priciest piece in his collection is a collage-on-canvas work from Sterling Ruby's "BC" series in 2012, valued at around a quarter of a million US dollars.

His commitment to the local art scene is further evident in his support for emerging artists. In 2012, Alan began supporting local talent with an acquisition from Lee Kit, marking the commencement of his foray into supporting artists within the community.

In 2013, Alan established Duddell’s, a unique art-focused restaurant, providing an alternative platform within the city for artistic expression, distinct from commercial galleries and non-profit spaces. This venture marked a significant contribution to Hong Kong's evolving art and design scene.

The transformative impact of Art Basel in 2013 has played a pivotal role in Hong Kong's ascent as a global art hub, with international galleries establishing a presence and local collectors expanding significantly. Alan Lo, a dedicated supporter of local institutions and artists, actively incorporates an art-centric focus into all his projects, believing in Hong Kong's growing status as a major global cultural hub.

Over the last 15 years, Alan has witnessed Hong Kong's evolution into a major global art destination, comparable to London and New York. With influential events like Art Basel and M+, along with local non-profits such as Asia Art Archive, Para Site, and Design Trust, Hong Kong has solidified its position as a premier destination for experiencing and acquiring art.

As an active participant in the arts community, Alan Lo holds key roles such as chairman of the grant-making Design Trust, a member of Art Basel’s Global Patrons Council, and the Tate Asia Pacific Acquisition Committee. Additionally, he serves as a board member of the non-profit art space Para Site, further showcasing his commitment to fostering the growth and maturity of the local artistic community.

In the next decade, with the continued presence of Art Basel Hong Kong and the upcoming M+, Hong Kong's cultural journey is poised for further fascinating developments. Alan Lo's unwavering dedication to the arts ensures that he will continue to play a crucial role in shaping the city's cultural identity and global standing.

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