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Glenn Michael Morley

Back to list Added Oct 4, 2019


for those of you whom have participated in academic research and writing in mathematics you might well appreciate the challenges you face when you have completed your research and have confidence in your results - to then be faced with the task of writing - how do you best explain your results clearly to others so they will understand - it seems at first to be a minor problem - after all the research and results should be the most difficult undertaking - if you had the opportunity to express your results to others in an open discussion that would come easily enough - writing about it however - so that it is precise concise and clear to others is not so foregone a conclusion as you might think - that has been the challenge - thanksfully the paper is now nearing completion after more than four years of effort - of course with mathematics you are essentially building a structured argument to prove a hypothesis - as such you are continually faced with nervous moments when your entire structure is perilously close to collapsing - hinging on an otherwise minor result - having weathered countless logical shocks there is then that moment when you finally stand back - releasing your long-held grip over it - and observe the structure - standing free-from - alone - on its own merit - this is the moment when you realise your victory over the previously "unknown" - having conquered that which others have also attempted to conquer and failed - it is akin I think to the mathematical equivalent of a Mount Everest moment - standing on top of the mathematical world and looking around and observing the mathematical universe in its sheer elegance and grace - awe-struck by its magnificence - the countless endless hours of hard effort of "the climb" having blissfully faded from memory - that is the moment I am now experiencing - hoping to soon publish my results ...       


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