Inna Mosina, I have been doing conceptual photography for about 10 years

Inna Mosina, I have been doing conceptual photography for about 10 years

Olimpia Gaia Martinelli | Aug 9, 2023 4 minutes read 0 comments

I am a lawyer by education. However, after entering the legal profession in Russia, I realized that things were not as I had imagined them to be...

What inspired you to create art and become an artist? (events, feelings, experiences...).

I am a lawyer by education. However, after entering the legal profession in Russia, I realized that things were not as I had imagined them to be. So I decided to take up photography as a hobby, and after a couple of years this hobby absorbed me and turned into my life's work. I found a way to communicate with the world through my art.

What is your artistic background, techniques and themes have you experimented with so far?

I have been doing conceptual photography for about 10 years. During this time the topics that are relevant to me have changed, from equal rights to the current political situation in the world and in my country.

What 3 aspects set you apart from other artists, making your work unique?

1. I visualize my thoughts, feelings and experiences, so there is hardly a second person identical to me, with the same set of feelings and thoughts. 2. I am an activist, expressing myself through art, continuing the life of my visuals in the physical world. For example, if I sell works on the subject of violence against women, I donate a portion of the proceeds to a human rights center dedicated to helping women survivors of violence. 3. I have already been persecuted for my art by the state authorities

Where does your inspiration come from?

feelings and events

What is your artistic approach? What visions, sensations or feelings do you want to evoke in the viewer?

I look at any conflict, whether internal or external, and try to visually answer the questions that arise and offer a solution.

What is the process of creating your works? Spontaneous or with a long preparatory process (technical, inspiration from art classics or others)?

Most often the preparation for a shoot takes quite a long time, from a week to months. It almost always takes a lot of time to create props

Do you use a specific working technique? If yes, can you explain?

Clear preparation, storyboarding and a minimum of improvisation in the realization process

Are there any innovative aspects of your work? Can you tell us which ones?

I don't think so.

Do you have a most comfortable format or medium? if so, why?

The most comfortable shooting format is shooting in nature and without sunny weather.

Where do you produce your work? At home, in a shared workshop or in your own studio? And in this space, how do you organize your creative work?

More often in nature, and the preparatory process takes place at home.

Does your work force you to travel to meet new collectors, to fairs or exhibitions? If so, what does this bring you?

I travel around the twitter environment, mostly in the nft community

How do you envision the evolution of your work and your career as an artist in the future?

I imagine that projects will become bigger and there will be more collaborations with other countries.

What is the theme, style, or technique of your most recent work of fiction?

A retrospective of the CPSU - as one of the sources of the cause of the events of the current time. The phenomenon of regression, the passing off of the old outmoded for the new and beautiful

Tell us about your most important exhibition experience?

A charity auction where my works were sold and the money went to a children's artists' circle, which is located in an area where parents cannot afford even paints and felt-tip pens for their children.

If you could create a famous work in the history of art, which one would you choose? And why ?

I would like to create a bible cover because it is probably the most massive thing that could be created.

If you could invite one famous artist (dead or alive) to dinner, who would it be? How would you suggest he or she spend the evening?

I could think of one, but the honest answer is no one.

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