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Dace Lapina

Back to list Added May 25, 2019

Looking forward to the future of Europe in anticipation of the elections and the new European Parliament.

Throughtout  the huge world ,only small European civilizations  has formed throught  the long  development  of  thousands  of  years such as culture of  Ancient  Rome  and Greece ,the Medieval  with  Gothic ,Reneaissance  and  Baroque, Clasicism  and Art Noveau and other  European- specific styles. Nowhere in the  huge  world has  there  been  anything like this. These  ages and constantly evolving  education, science ,economy ,cultural  enviroment ,philophy ,that  are thriving  and constantly  rooted in them  ,have  created  moden Europe  and its unique  civilization.  Today it is constantly  declared  that  we live  in a united  world  that  needs  to be  thought  globally. Therefore it is the last time  for us  to start  thinking  truly globally  and  finally  to start protecting  the most vulnerable  minority  in  the huge  world  -the unique Europe=specific culture  and civilization   and indigenous  pieple  living  in it.  Take the  globe .Only  your thumb  will be enough  to cover  Europe, but both hands  would  barely   be enough  to cover  the vast areas  of  Asia  and Āfrica  - a foreign and often even  hostile  civilizations to Europe.  This scale  is depressing! I am concerned  by rapid  degradation  of  cultural evionment and lifestyle  tipical of Europe. A smart man   lerns from the mistakes .I very much  hope that  Europe  will  finally  lern  from its recent mistakes.I watched  with greet  pleasure that  it was  alredy happening. We live  in an era of  "props" and  "stents" where people rights  are first placed and not a sence of obligation and reponsibility  for   their live, capacity for work and self-respect.  It is incomprehensible at wich  point  the European fundamental value  was declarated an obligation  for Europeans  to take care of irresponsible, unwalting and lazy people  from all over the world.This is how exaggerated care of all the "non attachments" has divides the masses of people who ar incapable of thinking deeper and more thoroughly. A dependent person can not be free internally. But the lack of internal freedom requires rewarding it with increasing external freedom. Therefore addictive and neurotic  tended  people demand  that their lack of internal  fredom be compensed by increasing  externial freedom .It is why the ability  of a person to choose and think independent is so important .   I have a terrible experiance ,wich means living in a half-totalitarian  state (in the USSR) where no one could object to greatest evil that was in it - the migration and cofusion of all countless nations of Europe and Asia in that huge  state. Migration have been promoted and imposed in every way. I see the  enormous evil that this migration of strangers has don for my homeland. I do not want such evil to be done to my dear Europe. The axe will always win at the dialogue between the axe and the flower. Remember this whenever you are called  to be tolerant and understanding of this unpleasant ,alien and otherwise-minded entry into Europe.


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