Become a Partner of Artmajeur

Artmajeur: Where Art and Opportunity Meet

Artmajeur, an online contemporary art platform, invites partners and service providers to join our dynamic ecosystem. With over 1 million unique visitors each month, collaboration with over 1000 art galleries and a network of over 250,000 artists , Artmajeur is the crossroads where art, innovation and business opportunities meet!

Why partner with Artmajeur?

  • Extensive visibility: Your brand will benefit from exceptional exposure to an international audience, engaged and passionate about art.

  • A massive and diverse network: Access our vast network of talented artists and prestigious art galleries, opening doors to fruitful collaborations.

  • Innovation and creativity: Partnering with Artmajeur means aligning yourself with the avant-garde of contemporary art and digital technology.

What type of products or services are accepted?

You can offer any type of product or service that is really useful to art galleries, artists or collectors. For example: Contemporary Art Exhibitions and Fairs, Artist Associations, Consulting and Management Services for Galleries and Artists, Supply of Artistic Materials, Printing and Reproduction Services, Logistics and Shipping Solutions, Innovative Technologies and digital solutions, from augmented reality to art visualization tools etc...

Join the Artmajeur adventure

We are excited to form partnerships that will enrich the experience of our artistic community while providing our partners with a platform to thrive and innovate.

If you are passionate about art and motivated by innovation, let's talk and explore how we can work together to serve art!

Contact us

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Yardım Merkezi Mesaj +33 (0)95 095 9966