Why do my works appear on other websites or search engines on the internet?

Artmajeur is investing massively in the promotion of your artworks
When you add artworks to Artmajeur, we do our best to ensure that it receives maximum exposure and is found by customers in search engines all over the world. For this purpose, we are implementing many strategies combining the best available promotion techniques today.

What promotion strategies is Artmajeur implementing to promote your artworks?

  • Buying targeted advertising
  • Press campaigns for specialized journalists Print media, TV, radio
  • Maintaining stands at art fairs
  • Targeted partnerships during the organization of prestigious artistic events
  • The dissemination of an art magazine
  • Technical aspects (programmatic description of works, sitemaps)
  • SEO techniques (Optimization of positioning)
  • etc ...
Creating a vast network of websites indexing your artworks, and linking to your profile
Search engines around the world index pages of Artmajeur. You know the most famous engines, like Google or Bing, but there are many engines and sites that index content for their specialized audience, like "animal art", "American abstract art", "flowers paintings" and so on. Artmajeur pages are likely to be indexed and appear on Google, but also all these search engines and other specialized sites. 

The massive promotion investment brings in customers 
This vast network of websites, search engines and blogs linking your artworks is what makes it possible to raise the authority of your pages and bring in customers from all over the world who can discover, browse and buy your artworks!
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