Anna Grazi Interview

Anna Grazi Interview

Nicolas Sarazin | Jun 6, 2018 4 minutes read 0 comments

These are even four works that went to the United States to an art lover

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After several months of presence on Artmajeur, I have just landed an international sale. In fact, four works even left for the United States with an art lover. Needless to say that after reading the email from Artmajeur with the order form, I wondered about the authenticity of the contact, its reliability. But the fact that the linking occurs through the site reassured me. I obviously checked the current alerts, read the reports of scams or attempted scams on the site but also elsewhere… After completing the section related to the cost of transport, I sent the order form to the customer. The ease of operations amazed me even. For safety and in order not to make any mistakes in the process, I had previously contacted Artmajeur. The clear and precise explanations definitely swept away my hesitations. I also sent an email to the buyer mentioning some details about the method of payment, delivery. A way also to establish a link, to reassure him. The transaction was made through Paypal. I must say that Artmajeur's services offering the establishment of the purchase order and the invoice greatly facilitate operations. I felt accompanied, guided, supported. Personally, the management and administration side is a facet - however essential - of the profession that puts me off a little, so this precious help avoided any hassle, thus sparing me from getting into the paperwork! I much prefer to concentrate on the essential, creation. Once informed of the payment on my Paypal account, I went to "my sales" thus validating the receipt of payment. Finally, I shipped the order, recorded the mode of transport, tracked the package and then informed the buyer.

The time I spend on the site managing my account varies; I can indeed spend more than an hour a day or barely a few minutes during the week. Moreover, I read with great interest the data monitoring, read the messages and comments, respond to them, add works. Artmajeur is, it should be underlined, a gallery where I like to stroll in order to discover new creations, new artists, and thus enrich my collections. In addition, the advice of the site to sell better is essential to the artists that we are. I was thus able to correct certain information, complete data as to the method of delivery for example, or payment or even the year of production... By refining the information, telling a story relating to the web, specifying the key words, this speeds up visibility, making work even more professional. But it takes time, which I often miss… In addition, the works management system is practical and easy to use. Naturally, I recommend Artmajeur to my painter friends because the site offers extraordinary visibility and security, which is far from negligible!

Artmajeur's system is a resolutely international platform, that's obvious! With its 5 million page views each month, the visibility of the works is real. Art is entering many homes in 193 countries. It's amazing ! I am really delighted that my creations born at home, in Corsica, can go around the world via Artmajeur. International access is fundamental. I have exhibited internationally, so this daily openness to the world is a plus. Being seen abroad is encouraging, positive, even exhilarating. And as no one is a prophet in his country, it is also necessary to consider the presence on the site as an essential professional opening.

Thanks to the connection between artists and art lovers, the artist obviously has the possibility of selling at the best price - without selling off his production, which is essential in my opinion - or even negotiating directly if he wishes. He thus becomes the master of the game again, an allusion made to certain gallerists who are too greedy putting their own interests at the expense of those of the artist. But selling on the net is increasingly equivalent to taking a risk in the face of the proliferation of scammers of all kinds...

Selling on the net requires method, prudence and rigour. The first piece of advice is therefore to be wary of overly attractive purchase offers. You also have to keep a cool head and not rush by going too fast. The artist must imperatively check if the buyer exists and if he is not already known for scams. You must also always use Artmajeur's messaging service, send the work once payment has been received on your account. The use of Paypal seems obvious. Concerning the payment, it is necessary to check that this one is effective with the reception of the money on his Paypal account and not just to be satisfied with a notification of payment by email from the buyer. Finally, selling on the net requires professionalism with a detailed biography, and especially photos of quality works. All this takes time... But above all, the artist must keep in mind the essential: to remain himself in front of his artistic approach and to refuse to be seduced by the intoxication of sales with its traps. and its excesses. To resist diktats or fads, to forbid myself from perverting my creative work in favor of selling at all costs, such is my motto...

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