Oleksyi Zagumnyi Изображение профиля

Oleksyi Zagumnyi

Художник (Картина)
Родился в 1984
Everyone can be a tree!

The artist was born in Kyiv. It was a good childhood. Even today, he deliberately falls into childhood. The artist liked to draw as a child, but something like the main activity has been going on since 2014.
It can be seen from his works that he is still in a certain search and this search takes place at the level of intuitive painting, something special - his personal, although he knows that he is prone to generalization and simplification both in drawing and color. His palette is not yet so stable and defined. You can see an attempt to be somewhat limited to two or three main colors with a combination of gray, which greatly enlivens the neighboring color. He has a penchant for monochrome and linear drawing where only the main points are outlined.
The current classical theme occupies a certain place in his work, but the artist does not insist on anything and does not transfer his deep feelings or, more precisely, state into painting. The artist believes that work should be approached only after a walk is an extremely important element of memory and a walk in the parks near the lake is important for a person. After a walk, he plays the guitar or sings songs, sometimes dances and only then starts painting. Of course, at first there is a certain detachment from unnecessary thoughts and emotions, and then in the process of searching or intuitively work occurs.In addition, we can say about the noticeable progress in his work and that he is reaching a high level.

Откройте для себя современные произведения искусства от Oleksyi Zagumnyi, посмотрите последние работы и купите онлайн. Категории: украинские современные художники. Художественные домены: Картина. Тип учётной записи: Художник , зарегистрирован 2020 (Страна происхождения Украина). Купить последние работы Oleksyi Zagumnyi на Artmajeur: Откройте для себя потрясающие произведения современного художника Oleksyi Zagumnyi: . Просматривайте его художественные произведения, покупайте оригинальные работы или высококачественные репродукции.

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Рейтинг артиста, Биография, Мастерская художника:

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