Shipping Policy

Artworks purchased on Artmajeur can be shipped by the sellers themselves, using their own carriers, or by Artmajeur using Express carriers. The method of shipping is appearing next to each artworks. For maximum speed and security, always select artworks shipped by Artmajeur!

Artworks shipped by Artmajeur (7 days delivery on average)
Artmajeur uses only Express and premium carriers like DHL Express. Artmajeur manages pickup at the artist's studio, follow up in real time, and delivery to the customer's address. Most parcels shipped by Artmajeur are delivered worldwide within 7 days or less.

Artworks shipped by the sellers themselves (1 to 4 weeks delivery on average)
In this case, sellers choose their own carriers and handle all aspects of the delivery. They are responsible for selecting a carrier with international tracking. Most parcels shipped by sellers are delivered worldwide in 1 to 4 weeks.

Can I request that my purchases always be shipped in Express by Artmajeur?
Yes, if you prefer your artwork to be shipped by Artmajeur, please use the button next to artworks to change the shipping mode. Additional costs may apply, a quote will be provided on request.

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