Size, format and definition of our art prints

Only upload the best quality photos of true works of art
Image files will be printed exactly how you send them: Photos must be perfectly shot, perfectly centered, with perfect lighting, and perfect cropping.

You can upload images up to 25 MB in JPG, JPEG or PNG.
Download images in the best possible resolution, with perfect cropping and centering (note that your images are always displayed to the public in low definition)

  • Minimum size accepted: 640 pixels
  • Minimum size advised: 1500 pixels
  • Maximum size accepted: an image of 25 MB (no pixel size limit)

The format does not matter (square, rectangle etc...)
The print will be cut to the exact dimensions of the image, so as to take the largest area on the ordered size.

The size of the original work does not matter
The prints are made according to the size chosen by the customer. The maximum size depends on the quality of the picture provided. We can print an original work of 10x10cm on the support of 100x100cm this poses no difficulty if the picture provided is of good quality!

Sizes recommended if you wish to sell reproductions of works of art:

  • For A4 size (210x297mm) image size should be at least 827x1169 pixels
  • For A3 size (297x420mm) image size should be at least 1169x1654 pixels
  • For an A2 size (420x594mm) image size should be at least 1654x2339 pixels
  • For an A1 format (594x841mm) the image size must be at least 2339x3311 pixels
  • For a size A0 (841x1189mm) the image size should be at least 3311x4681 pixels

Some customers make special requests for very large prints, so make sure you keep a very high definition, very high quality photos of all your artworks (even if you do not upload them on Artmajeur). If the definition of your image is not acceptable for printing, we will contact you.

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