Artmajeur's Commitment to Eco-Responsibility

The founders of Artmajeur have always been passionate about nature, outdoor activities and ecological resilience, as evidenced by their professional and personal experiences, particularly in local non-profit associations. They invest through concrete actions such as the development of solar energy, the recycling of glass, urban chicken coops, communal vegetable gardens and the recycling of clothes, among others.

Choosing responsible providers

Artmajeur's commitment to environmental responsibility extends beyond the exhibition of world-class art. Additionally, we are deeply committed to reducing our carbon footprint and ensuring that our operations are as environmentally friendly as possible. We are pleased to share with you our efforts to collaborate with companies that align with our environmental values.


1. Web Hosting Impact: Energy Consumption

  • Web hosting requires a substantial amount of energy to power and cool servers, which contributes to an increase in CO2 emissions and energy consumption.

  • To prevent servers from overheating, conventional data centers rely on energy-intensive air conditioning systems, which increases our overall carbon footprint.


  • By partnering with OVH, we have significantly reduced our environmental impact through their innovative water-cooling technology, which reduces energy consumption by as much as 70 percent compared to conventional air-cooling methods.

  • We want this decision to demonstrate our commitment to sustainability by allowing us to maintain a high-performance, low-carbon online gallery.

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2. Delivery Impact: Transportation-Related Emissions:

  • Transporting artwork to customers around the globe generates carbon emissions, primarily due to the use of fossil fuels.

  • As a business that heavily relies on shipping services, we must consider the environmental consequences of our logistics operations.


  • To ensure that our shipping operations are as eco-friendly as possible, we have partnered with DHL, a leader in sustainable logistics.

  • DHL's dedication to sustainable business practices, including their ambitious goal of achieving zero emissions by 2050, aligns with our values and enables us to reduce the environmental impact of our delivery operations.

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Artmajeur recognizes the significance of making environmentally responsible decisions. By forming strategic alliances with companies like OVH and DHL, we actively contribute to a more sustainable future. We are pleased to provide you with a premium online art gallery experience that is both enjoyable and environmentally conscious.

Thank you for your support and for selecting Artmajeur as your platform of choice for discovering and purchasing exceptional art from around the globe. Together, we can make a difference for future generations and our planet.

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